Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Hm, I wonder what kind of people Ross would like to see come there. Deep pockets?
I'd hardly call people who take advantage of tax benefits and business stimulus packages rif - raf. If that's the case he must hate Mitt. That's how he got lots of his money and that's how he keeps control over it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2012, 07:35:09 PM
Hm, I wonder what kind of people Ross would like to see come there. Deep pockets?
I'd hardly call people who take advantage of tax benefits and business stimulus packages rif - raf. If that's the case he must hate Mitt. That's how he got lots of his money and that's how he keeps control over it.

You apparently did not read my post Diane,
Either that you did not comprehend what I said!
Here try again!

Quote from: upoladeb on August 05, 2012, 01:55:07 PM
people that will only move here if they get a rebate

Quote from: Ross on November 05, 2012, 03:49:14 PM
Is that the kind of people that you want moving here?
People that want to hold the county hostage?
What kind of rif-raf is that?

The program is not designed to bring any people to Elk County.
The program is designed for the benefit of those already living here.
And there are already applications accepted from a few of those people.
Accepted applications for a program that does not exist amazing isn't it.
I feel it is designed only for cronies, relatives and friends perhaps of the Konnected few.
If it was designed for newcomers perhaps it would state so, wouldn't it ?

No, in my opinion it is a scam by the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

As I said before if people want welfare based on such a scam of a program, I will definitly boycott any businees that is associated with the welfare reciepient, be it friend, relative or neighbor. I will also ask friends and acquaintances' to do the same.

Both are just great economic development plans don't you think?
Very Golden!

In my opinion everyone should pay their fair share with out kickbacks/welfare based on what is termed a rebate.

Our school district just lowered their mill levy and the state just raised our property values so our property tax remains the same for the the school district. Have you heard that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have lowered our mill levy? I haven't, so doesn't that effectively raise our property tax to the county?

If they can't afford to give everyone in the county a tax break, it is not fair to give anyone in the county a tax break.
Sweet and simple, isn't it?

We need to give Elk County Government a real break and vote out the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners !

Write in Wunderlich

Did you read that with any amount of this for comprehension, Diane!

What do you have in Delaware going on that you don't comprehend, maybe we people in Elk County, Kansas can help you with your problems.

Or perhaps Elk Konnected, LLC can fly a couple of their volunteers up there to help you figure it  out! How would that be? Hell, maybe Elk Konnected, LLC coould move up there, wouldn't that be nice for you and Elk County?

That's the last nice offer I can make for you Diane, sorry!

Diane Amberg

Whew,what a smart mouth!
  There are people who would disagree with you that the programs are just for those who are already there.
  They would hardly be holding Elk County hostage. A little dramatic don't ya think? Secondly, you contradicted yourself by asking if that is the kind of people you want moving there. I know what you said...what did you MEAN to say? The programs are for those who are already there, or are to entice new people to come, or both.
Once again I say, if you have proof of a scam, or illegal activity, then it should be handled legally.
  In some cases it could just be good economics.  Please define your version of Rif -raf. Is everybody a crook but you and Pat? >:(
Again you contradicted yourself. Recently you said you were a supporter of all things Elk County because it's a great place to live and very pretty..not a quote. Now you are back ,for the second time, threatening to boycott certain businesses and will influence people to do the same. Doesn't sound very supportive to me, sounds more like a direct threat!.  Please define your version of Rif-raf.
  Do you know anything about how bank loans and mortgages are made? There are many facets and considerations that can influence the finally debt amount and the % to be paid on the loan...''welfare" or just good business? Hold backs ,points, interest vs principle, payments per month, early repayments etc. All can affect the outcome.
   By the way, any of you would be welcome here. You might indeed have some good ideas. New, fresh thought is always encouraged here....Oops, does that make Newark progressive? EEEEK!
   I'll introduce you to the the mayor and city council, the police chief, the fire chief and the local bank president,among others, myself.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on November 05, 2012, 06:40:01 PM

Ha, ha, ho, ho that's a good one. Thanks for the chuckle.

Oh, that's okay! I think it is clear enough for most people and to change what I said would only lack the meaning that is very clear.

I'm sorry, I can't re-write it.

I hope this post is coherent enough for you Fire Elk, have a goood evening.

Ross, were you drinking when you wrote that? The meaning is not clear. Take a look for yourself. Re read it for yourself.  As best as I can see the Coca  Cola you were drinking got to your head in the heat and made you make a dizzy comment. Vote Hebb and keep Micky Wunderlich out of office.


Quote from: Fire Elk on November 05, 2012, 11:37:27 PM

Ross, were you drinking when you wrote that? The meaning is not clear. Take a look for yourself. Re read it for yourself.  As best as I can see the Coca  Cola you were drinking got to your head in the heat and made you make a dizzy comment. Vote Hebb and keep Micky Wunderlich out of office.

Is that the best you can do?

Why keep Micky Wunderlich out of office? You give no single reason for such a statement, why? He is more qualified to represent my district then the other two candidates. He knows more about what is happening at the court house than the encumbent and the other write in. He has attended County commissioner meetings for the last year and a half plus and he has studied the financial ins and out of the county financial situation. And he is not Konnected. Did you take the time to read his web site?

It makes a whole lot more sense then Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk Konnected, LLC IMHO! Where does that leave us.

Perhaps this will help:
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC from Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks and Liebau reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about Elk Konnected, LLC actual goals. It would be nice to have some clarification.

Write in Wunderlich and vote for Hebb


Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-R-Done!"



Elk County Unofficial Election Results

It looks like my district, district 3 wants to keep Konnected Kounty Kommissioners in office.

CountyCommissioner 3rd District
K.R. (Ken) Liebau – 211
Micky Wunderlich – 45
Randy Julian - 44

But what is happening in District 2

County Commissioner 2nd District
Elizabeth M. Hendricks –
Gary D. Hebb –

Maybe there is still hope for Elk County?


It must be a close count in District 2 or having trouble counting the votes or something.

So I am gonna wait until morning for those results.

I have had a very long day, very long and I am very tired.
So off to bed I go.

Good night folks.



CountyCommissioner 2nd District
Elizabeth M. Hendricks – 183
Gary D. Hebb – 270

Good job Howard?

Congratulations Mr. Hebb
amd Mr. Liebau!

We are counting on you Mr. Hebb!

  Now what is going to happen? Could be very interesting, don't you think?

Are the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners gonna rush and try to get their proposed " Neighborhood Revitalization Program" in place before one of them lose their controlling vote. After  all. they have been setting on their hands with that proposal haven't they? No,w would be the time to move quickly right? Especially when everyone is getting busy for the holidays, right?

You know the proposed program offering welfare known as rebates to people that don't need
welfare ?

With one of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners not being relected that means after the first of the year they won't have the two controlling votes any longer will they?

Since Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks will be relieved of her duties as County Commissioner, will loyalties of some  other people shift back to Elk County?

After the first of the year will Elk Konnected, LLCstill have access to the County Recreational fund?
After the first of the year will Elk Konnected, LLC still be able to take credit for the work our County Youth Development Employee does for the citizens and taxpayers of Elk County?

I don't think so, at least I hope not.

What other things may possibly change?

Perhaps no more attempts at commandeering county resources. or attempting to bill the county for milage for Elk Konnected, LLC !

Don't you think the rest of 2012 will be interesting to watch and that 2013 will be interesting to see what positive changes may come about?

I think it may be very interesting!

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