Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Fire Elk on September 26, 2012, 07:34:47 PM

Ross, do you know if the two write in candidates that you support can actually be elected? Sure we can write in Snoopy or Pat Paulsen but there are filing requirements. I have been researching Kansas statutes and even write ins need to file a ton of paperwork. Just asking.


Mr Hebb is not a write in. He's filed and will appear on the ballot.  Mr Wunderlich is a valid write in based on Kansas law, and after reviewing his website, http://www.votemicky.org, he's presented a better case for election than any other candidate running for any Elk County office.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Fire Elk on September 26, 2012, 07:49:46 PM
Ross you are wrong on all counts. As you have pointed out on here Elk County can be loose when it comes to following Roberts Rules of Order, and other things. I just asked if you knew if these write ins would actually be able to be get in to office if elected. Snoopy can't be elected no matter how many votes he gets. Your response indicates that you don't know. Maybe you could ask your two candidates to respond here on the forum. Just a reminder, the reason no candidates, no elected officials, no write ins post on this forum, in my opinion, is because of your rants.
You are entitled to your opinion and I to mine.
And mine is ROFLMAO.
I seriously believe they are far better then what is in office now.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Patriot on September 26, 2012, 08:10:14 PM

Mr Hebb is not a write in. He's filed and will appear on the ballot.  Mr Wunderlich is a valid write in based on Kansas law, and after reviewing his website, http://www.votemicky.org, he's presented a better case for election than any other candidate running for any Elk County office.

Thanks for the info Patriot. Ross kept saying that they were both write in candidates which was contrary to my findings.I have been to Mr. Wunderlich's website and read his statements.  Ross don't hurt your candidates by what you say if it is not true.


Quote from: Fire Elk on September 17, 2012, 11:29:11 PM
I like you have not cleared my thoughts with either of them. Since I do support one of the people you have mentioned, I ask you please don't ruin it for my canidate. You are welcome to your opinions but please, refrain from trying to suggest they or their supporters agree with you. I don't think you are doing the canidates any favors..

Yes, I admit, I got a bit frustrated with your recent post, I am human and make errors.
So, I offer my apology.

I have spoke with both candidates and recieved encouragement from both to continue with my posts. I do support both of them as good men with the proper concerns for the direction our county government has been on and will continue on if we do not vote these to gentlemen into office.

Which one do you support?
And how do you support him?
Do you support him by keeping it a secret?
Or would you support him by saying something good about him?
Why can't you support both men?

I support both, even though, I can only vote for one?
I don't believe there are any rules that say, I can not support both for Elk County, is there?

I do believe, I have a very positive attitude about both men?

The negative is about and created by the bias and confusion and lack of attention created for the Elk County Government by the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks and Liebau and nothing else.

So, let's hear something positive from you about;

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich


Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks told us Elk Konnected, LLC came about before the wind farm.
I disagree with that because she knew about the wind farm long before she founded Elk Konnected, LLC because of her relationship with owners of the land, where the windfarm was built. And I believe that is what led to the so called Community Conversation and the results supposedly from it that are posted at the beginning of this thread.

You are sure to ask, why I say this?

We were informed on this subject that testing was performed for about seven years before the wind farm was built, right?

Well here is a report called, "Caney River & Elk County Wind development from a County Commissioner's point of view" 2011 Energy Conference 10.5.11 from http://www.kansascommerce.com/DocumentView.aspx?DID=813 . I wonder which Konnected Kounty Kommissioner view point this is?

It states:
Impact on landowners
Very good relationship from TradeWind through Enel and BWEC (General Contractor)
Recommend a specialize attorney when working on lease agreement.
Lengthy process – 7-8 years from data collection to actual construction
Caney River complicated due to existing oil and gas operations and cattle operations
Landowners paid for moving leadlines, plugging wells, repairing fences.
Very little shutdown time to oil and gas operations or cattle operations – amazing considering the amount of activity going on.
Good customer relations with local ranchers especially during shipping time.

There it is 7-8 years from data collection to actual construction, which means they knew for that period of time about the development of the wind farm. But did the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners tell you about it?
Doesn't that mean the plans started in or about 2004?
When did Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, who claims to be the founder of Elk Konnected, LLC start the organization?
Wasn't that about 2007? So which came first? The windfarm or Elk konnected, LLC?

What is the real purpose of Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk Konnected, LLC?

Why all the secrecy then and why all the secrecy now?

Is this why we have County Commissioners, to keep secrets from us or are they there to keep us informed?

Now, with who does the negativity lay?

I do believe these gentlemen would have kept the county taxpayers and citizens informed,

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich


The Commissioners discussed the proposed (Konnected Kommunity) Neighborhood Revitalization Program and changing the date of implementation to January 1, 2013 and to grandfather in the three entities that have already applied.

First the proposed  (Konnected Kommunity) Neighborhood Revitalization Program Program has not had a single hearing so, why have they been accepting applications. Those applications should technically be voided because technically there is no (Konnected Kommunity) Neighborhood Revitalization Program is there? It is only proposed, right? It does not exist, does it?

How can they morally grandfather something into a program that does not exist?
What kind of scam are they running on you and me?

When do they plan to hold their first hearing on this proposed scam?
What will the next scam be?

Will the hearing be held at the next Konnected Kommunity Konversation?
It's running late for another Konnected Kommunity Konversation isn't it?
How can our Konnected Kounty Kommissioner and the President of Public Squares Communities, LLC require all other communities to meet it's requirements and she not require the same of the organization she founded? That would really look bad for the leader of the whole mess wouldn't it? Yea, I think we can count on a Konnected Kommunity Konversation, don't you?

Would that be a legal hearing for the proposed (Konnected Kommunity) Neighborhood Revitalization Program?

Our leadership in County Government, who I commonly refer to as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners apparently lack the leadership abilities to hold a hearing on their own. They need to use a Konnected Kommunity Konversation controlled and facilitated by other people from outside the county called third party. Third party is suppose to make you think they are a disinterested party, well they definitely are not are they? Because they will be working for a privately owned company, right? Elk Konnected, LLC right?

Why do we have Konnected Kounty Kommissioners that lack leadership qualities and abilities to hold a hearing and to speak publicly with the taxpayers and voters? Is there no respect for you and me, the taxpayers and voters?

Here are couple of guys that you can vote for and won't be hiding behind Elk Konnected, LLC, IMHO!

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich


What has happened to all the Elk Konnected Followers ?
Did they quit following Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk konnected, LLC?
Don't they have anything positive to say about anything?

Remember when there is another of Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Konnected Kommunity Konversations that you dare not think anything but positive for whatever they tell you to think about?

We have discussed the failures of Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk Konnected, LLC, so what do you say we discuss their accomplishments?

Look at all the positive accomplishments by Elk Konnected, LLC from all that positive attitude.
Let's number all those accomplishments shall we?

1.   Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk Konnected, LLC has accomplished confusinf or blurring the line between Elk Konnected, LLC and County Government, don't you think that is an accomplishment?
2.   ?
3.   ?
4.   ?
5.   ?
6.   ?
7.   ?
8.   ?
9.   ?
10. ?

Help me please, I can't find or think of any other accomplishments!
I can't even think of one, can you?
Please fill in the blanks?
We all want to know about actual substantial accomplishments or even insignificant accomplishments, don't we?
Let's here them, please?

Vote for a better ELK  County
Vote for:

Mr. Hebb

Mr. Wunderlich

Diane Amberg

Hey Ross! You'll never guess from whom I just got a nice thank you note.
    I always make good on my promises, even if they come from you shooting off your rude mouth at me. :P ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  HA!  It was very nice note. Some folks out there really are very nice and appreciative.


I was being  sarcastic Ross about brakeing the law with my poker tounaments,,as long as part of monry rised goes to charity  I can have all this .For now.


No responses to my previous post, I wonder why?
Are there no accomplishments by the privately owned company founded by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, Elk Konnected, LLC. after seven years and all those thousands of "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" Dollar$?

Where are all those Followers with the answers?
Don't they have any answers?
Or is it just a waste?
A waste of money?
A waste of time?
A waste of County Resources?

This situation in Elk County is desperate and needs your attention,
Will you be part of the solution or will you be a cause of the continuing problems?

"It is time for all Elk County citizens to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to be able to correct the errors of the last several years."

We the working class, we the voters, we the taxpayers can reclaim or County government from those that have plenty of money, of their own, but don't want to use their own money, yet don't mind wasting our county resources, our County coffers tax dollars.

Yes, they call some of the tax dollars something different, that is just plain foolisheness, they are county tax dollars in the county coffers, no matter where those dollars originate.

Which means they should be used wisely by our County Commissioners, not dollars called something different, to be handed out to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks little company she claims to be founder of, Elk konnected, LLC?

We need serious change or we end up with higher property taxes, it's that simple!
We are number one in Kansas,
we are at the top of the list
as the highest property taxes in Kansas.

Do we need any other write-ins for the County Commissioner seats?
Only if we want to keep the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners in the positions.
Is that a good choice for Elk County?
I don't think so!

People Elk County needs you to be talking up Mr. Hebb for County Commissioner.
Elk County needs you to influence everyone you know to vote him into office.

Elk County needs you to be talking up Mr. Wunderlich for County Commissioner.
Elk County needs you to influence everyone you know to write-in Mr. Wunderlich for County Commissioner.


Because any other write-ins for County Commissioner will ensure that the votes are split and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners will remain in office. One man that has attended the County Commissioners meeting for the last year and a half and actually knows what has been going on, and can help correct the wrongs is Mr. Wunderlich. What more do you need?

Does Elk County need upity wealthy people that have had everything practically given to them in the positions?
Does Elk County need these kind of people that want to provide welfare to those that have money in the form of property tax rebates?
Does Elk County need the kind of people that want you to keep paying your fair share of property tases,
while providing property tax breaks for their friends, relatives and cronies? 
Is this the Kind of County Government we need to continue with?
Is this the kind of County Government that you want?

If you can answer no to any of the above, then you can help get Elk County on the proper road again.

Let's get everyone we can to vote for Mr. Wunderlich.
Any other write-ins will surely guarantee the continuation of a Konnected Kounty Kommissioner that most likely has dealings in the secret activities of  the privately owned company founded by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, Elk Konnected, LLC.

I'm sure they are counting on a split just as it happened during the primaries.
It is in the hand of the voters.
Two write-ins almost guarantes the continuation of a Konnected Kounty Kommissioner.

Is that what we property taxpayers want?  Higher property taxes?

Check out Mr. Wunderlich at http://www.votemicky.org

Please, Everyone needs to get out there and vote for good change.
Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement, Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County

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