Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 12:50:45 PM
I already told you, now 7 people have asked me not to leave because they like hearing another perspective and some have said they have even learned a few things.

Does that mean if eight... never mind LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 12:50:45 PM
I had indeed planned to leave for good, as I said already. Why do you care anyway?

It's not about my 'caring', I don't.  It is, however about clear recognition that your words don't seem to be trustworthy.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 12:50:45 PM
Yes, it's a free country and a woman always has the right to change her mind.

God bless America!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 12:50:45 PM
Besides socialism is an active thing, on it's way to becoming communism... There are still socialist countries but they are different now...

Whose primary focus was to eliminate capitalism... and still is.  But at least you're beginning to show a modicum of continuity in your analysis & thinking processes.  Other than that 'America's too big to fail' & 'socialism isn't a bad thing' mentality.

Moreover, in his own way, Ross has been showing us how socialism (intended or otherwise) creeps into our systems of government even at the lowest local levels.  And often the first step is to loudly deny the obvious collectivism in local activities & agendas.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Ah yes, you are trying to do my thinking, twist my words for me again and lead me off subject. The English composition teacher would give you a poor grade.
   Ross..It's wasn't me ;)
  Of course America is not too big to fail, especially when there are people out to prove it by any means possible. Then they can say "well see, I told ya so!"
   At least so far you all don't seem to be trying to prevent anyone from voting...speaking of socialism and unconstitutional behavior.  But then again, you don't have any minorities do you? How can some states justify that action? I'm afraid the Feds will step in and things may blow up..or perhaps they will just withhold federal money, as has happened before.   
  I thought Severy had been included in EK because of the school district. Am I wrong? If so, I do apologize.
  No Pat, so far only 7, not 8 as of yet. It did start out with 5. Now back to Ross's own personal thread, that he seems to own and control. poke,poke  HA!  8)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 03:19:40 PM
The English composition teacher would give you a poor grade.

Just because my mood sucks today (and pretty much every other day lately) isn't "NICKLE" spell NICKEL?

nick·el (nkl)
1. Symbol Ni A silvery, hard, ductile, ferromagnetic metallic element used in alloys, in corrosion-resistant surfaces and batteries, and for electroplating. Atomic number 28; atomic weight 58.69; melting point 1,453°C; boiling point 2,732°C; specific gravity 8.902; valence 0, 1, 2, 3. See Table at element.
2. A U.S. coin worth five cents, made of a nickel and copper alloy.
3. Slang A nickel bag.
tr.v. nick·eled or nick·elled, nick·el·ing or nick·el·ling, nick·els
To coat with nickel.

;D ;D ;D   ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)




I Tried real hard but I just couldn't fight it, sorry about that!
Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 12:50:45 PM
I already told you, now 7 people have asked me not to leave because they like hearing another perspective and some have said they have even learned a few things.

Where are they if they live here are they afraid of a conversation?
Would number one be Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks,
Who ran and hid from this thread?
I came back and squeezed this in at the top, I did try to resist.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 03:19:40 PM
 Of course America is not too big to fail, especially when there are people out to prove it by any means possible. Then they can say "well see, I told ya so!"

That would be very unpatriotic in my personal opinion. But why did all this come about?
Greed, take, take and no give.
I would like to see that attitude change right here at home in Elk County before it blooms out of control by the beggars, the welfare seeker that don't need it? If they can afford to build a house they can afford to pay their fair share of taxes, and take their write off from the IRS and don't need it from the highest taxed county taxpayers in Elk County. If they can afford to start a business in order to make a profit they can afford to pay their fair share of taxes, and take their write off from the IRS and don't need it from the highest taxed county taxpayers in Elk County. Or they  don't want my business.

Pretty simple! Does the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners want to treat their friends, relatives and cronies special. Well so do I. Boycott!
Reverse Engineering or Reverse Economic Development they can call it what they want.
After all those business depend on the residents and taxpayers of this county, don't they?

JFK said Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.

I say Ask not what your COUNTY can do for you, but ask what you can do for your COUNTY.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 03:19:40 PM
But then again, you don't have any minorities do you?

That's a bunch of bull. I happen to have black and Spanish friends right here in Elk County. And bi-racial friends as well!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 06, 2012, 03:19:40 PM
 I thought Severy had been included in EK because of the school district. Am I wrong? If so, I do apologize.

I explained that!
I'll try again!
Severy is not in Elk County!
The school district is a different entity!
Elk Konnected, LLC has a fantasy going on.
It's just another to beg for donors or get money from their city government or whatever!
Severy apparently hasn't figured out they are simply being used, that's my opinion anyway. Give em a few lollipops and take their money, nice work if you can get it.

You didn't read anything in Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks disparaging open letter to the public about Elk County Communities, that concerned Severy did you? They apparently were an after thought.


QuoteRed, every time you throw out the words Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Hitler or any of your other favorite words, I'm going to put a nickle in a jar for The Salvation Army's Red Kettle Drive in December. I wonder how must positive I can make out of your negatives?

Well, the Salvation Army should be OK.  Just be sure not to sneak any funds to socialist organizations in Elk County.


  But then again, you don't have any minorities do you?

     Sure we do, they're called white folk.


Pass the word around if you want to save Elk County from itself and save the taxpayers from ever increasing taxes.
Talk it up.

Here are two guys that are self thinkers and have an interest in doing what is best for the whole county.

They don't answer to an organization or small group of people or "The Old Guard".

Placing these guys on the Commissioners panel with Mr. Ritz will surely guarantee a  
Government of the People, For the People and of the People.

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

I suppose I should include a disclaimer right here!

I am in no way related to either man!
I am in no way a close associate or friend with either man.
I have never been to either mans home.

A Great Improvement For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County

Diane Amberg

Mr. or Mrs Billy. You are absolutely correct ,and you are the only one who spelled it correctly! Good for you, really. It was a genuine error on my part and I didn't even catch it until you mentioned it!  See, unlike some, I don't go out of my way to justify things that I do wrong. Ya caught me fair and square. I'll have to add that to my word demons list....or say dime instead! HA! I'd love to know how many other spelling errors you see...as you know I don't poke people for many of them, just a few who are a deliberate burr under my saddle...with no blanket pad.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 07, 2012, 02:42:59 PM
Mr. or Mrs Billy. You are absolutely correct ,and you are the only one who spelled it correctly! Good for you, really. It was a genuine error on my part and I didn't even catch it until you mentioned it!  See, unlike some, I don't go out of my way to justify things that I do wrong. Ya caught me fair and square. I'll have to add that to my word demons list....or say dime instead! HA! I'd love to know how many other spelling errors you see...as you know I don't poke people for many of them, just a few who are a deliberate burr under my saddle...with no blanket pad.

I do believe kshillbillys was making a point. Pardon me kshillbillys if I am wrong!
I believe the point is that all that spell checking is very annoying, therefore makeing you annoying.
Comprehension is just as important as spelling, don't you see.
Please stop it Diane!

There are plenty of professional bloggers and news articleswritten by professionals that have a lot of mis-spelled words go find them.
Do some real good on the internet and correct the professionals.  This is mpt grammer clas, spelling class or english class, I am asking politely, Please stop on this thread.

Thank you Diane.

Now back on subject:

Here are two guys that are self thinkers and have an interest in doing what is best for the whole county.

They don't answer to an organization or small group of people or "The Old Guard".

Placing these guys on the Commissioners panel with Mr. Ritz will surely guarantee a 
Government of the People, For the People and of the People.

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County

Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County


Professional Bloggers mispelling words ross??? Oh heck, just take a look at the MSM out there, CNN ABC NBC FOX all of them, they don't use spell check either. Much less some of them sure as heck can't write a proper sentence.   I've seen the twitter crap work its way into the sentence structure where they write what i call half sentences.   

I figure that they get what they pay for.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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