Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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 ...sounds like someone wants  to put things into perspective to the here and now with facts to the forward years, not what happend 'back in the day'.

There was new election.  There will be a final election.  There will be a year until those newly elected constituents get to actually work.  Then, my friends...we can call it a day, or overtime.

As to your question,  Wima   probably not.
  look at the writing...no bold, no colors.. 
Daisy asked good questions...Some of the boundaries were drawn a long time ago, before the time of dawn/before Elk Konnected.  It takes a lot of work to annex the existing area.

Ross:  I like you and your questioning, albeit don't care for the display of bandwidth. IMHO
I Am sure that you have an issue against abuse of taxes and government and I agree,  and EK Konnected is just a venue to display your curiosity, however not mine....so for that I will not return to delve into EK Konnected discussions unless I can find reason to rat them out.....carry on. 
I know that I am sure I dont like what is going on inside the meetings of the heads of the county.  And, unfortuneately it is coming from the State with mandates and budgets.



Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
Ross, I have followed this thread off and on for quite some time.  When I have extra time in my life, which is not too often, I check in for a few laughs.  The conversations crack me up!  

Hi Daisy,
Well I am so happy that you have a sense of humor and can get a chuckle out of something. What did you find so funny?

Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
Well anyway, the reason I am just now posting anything has to do with a few questions that I was hoping that you could answer for me.  

I'm not really here to answer questions, but to ask them, in order to gain some knowledge of what things are all about. I do occasionally make a suggestion or voice an opinion. However, I have very few answers.

Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
In your latest post it would seem that you have some anger towards the community of Howard.  The tone of your post comes off to me as anti-Howard.  Why is that?

Quite the contrary! Perhaps you should read what I wrote again for clarity.
I have some friends in Howard and I shop in Howard. And I don't believe, I said anything at all derogatory towards Howard in my suggestion. Perhaps you should read what I wrote again for clarity.

Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
My next question is if you know what year it was that Howard alledgedly wanted to extend its city limits to encompass West Elk Jr./Sr. High School?

It was either earlier this year or late last year as I heard it. I also heard they even went to the school board with a proposal. I'm just not sure about the date. I don't have any particulars on the matter. Sorry!

Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
And it is my understanding that the official name of the school now is West Elk Schools, am I correct?  

Oh, by all means the official name of the school is West Elk School as far as I know.

Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
When was or has it ever been officially named Howard West Elk Campus?  To my knowledge I have never known it to be named that, not even when the high school was located in the city limits of Howard back in the 1970's.  

I don't recollect, anyone ever suggesting that was or has it ever been officially named Howard West Elk Campus.

However, Elk Konnected, LLC on their FaceBook page says they went to Howard West Elk Junior - Senior High.

Check it out for yourself at https://www.facebook.com/#!/elk.konnected

Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
Was Elk Konnected even an organization back when the suggestion was made to encompass the campus on highway 99 within the city limits?

I'm sure you can answer this one!

Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
I have not heard anything about extending the city limits to encompass any of the businesses nor homes east of highway 99, so from where did you get that tid bit of news?

Of course you haven't heard anything about extending the city limits to encompass any of the businesses nor homes east of highway 99. I just made the suggestion to the citizens of Howard to ask Elk Konnected, LLC with all their Visionaries to help with the idea, to help with the Howard City Property Tax Base. Is Elk Konnected, LLC really the Community Organizer they claim to be? Will they help the citizens and taxpayers with alleviating the forth coming property tax increase?

If you studied the pictures the only property east of 99 is the little carwash that is included in the city limits. So why not the rest, those that are enjoying being a part of Howard by being right on the city limits line? Don't they enjoy the cities services?

It might give some relief to the Howard property tax payers, don't you think?

Now what is bad about that suggestion?

Can you answer any of the questions, I and others have asked on this thread?
Or are you in the dark too?

Thanks for the conversation and you have a great evening.

Okay Ready, is this better. I was getting tired of doing it anway. Thank you.


Ross, to answer your question on what I find humorous about this thread my reply is the constant repetition and quarreling.  Plain and simple.

Now the response to the question I asked you regarding the city of Howard requesting to include "West Elk Schools" within the city limits was not what I expected.  I expected a factual answer, seeing how you demand facts.  Instead I got a reply that seemed more hearsay that factual.

Your reply to my other question regarding including the businesses and houses east of highway 99 also surprised me.  You stated that his was your idea, and whether it is a good one or not, I am not to say.  But it seemed to me when I read it that you were trying to stir the pot, and get people all fired up once again.

As far as whether I have answers to things that you feel have left you in the dark, nope ...I don't.  And quite frankly I am pretty certain I won't lose any sleep over it either, and I know I sure as heck won't sit on the computer for hours complaining either.


Quote from: daisy on August 09, 2012, 12:00:40 PM
Ross, I have followed this thread off and on for quite some time.  When I have extra time in my life, which is not too often, I check in for a few laughs.  The conversations crack me up!  Well anyway, the reason I am just now posting anything has to do with a few questions that I was hoping that you could answer for me.  In your latest post it would seem that you have some anger towards the community of Howard.  The tone of your post comes off to me as anti-Howard.  Why is that? My next question is if you know what year it was that Howard alledgedly wanted to extend its city limits to encompass West Elk Jr./Sr. High School?   And it is my understanding that the official name of the school now is West Elk Schools, am I correct?  When was or has it ever been officially named Howard West Elk Campus?  To my knowledge I have never known it to be named that, not even when the high school was located in the city limits of Howard back in the 1970's.  Was Elk Konnected even an organization back when the suggestion was made to encompass the campus on highway 99 within the city limits?  I have not heard anything about extending the city limits to encompass any of the businesses nor homes east of highway 99, so from where did you get that tid bit of news? 
WOW Daisy, you are a real breath of Fresh Air. You have Ross figured out, he is nothing but a POT STIRRER and a Troublemaker.


Quote from: ELK@KC on August 10, 2012, 05:48:49 AM
You have Ross figured out, he is nothing but a POT STIRRER and a Troublemaker.

Personal attacks, name calling, etc.  What pejorative label would you give yourself?  Perhaps bully?  No, your ilk have already assigned that one to us.  Fact is, you can't offer anything to the ideas and concepts that have been brought up on this thread, so you're reduced to lowering yourself to the level at which you accuse others of operating.  Projection?  Perhaps you could start a new thread:  The big, bad names I call others to demonstrate my limited intellect & vocabulary.  

In the mean time, what do you think are the greatest issues that need to be addressed by our county government, and what are your assessments of the ethics involved in a private company's use of public (taxpayer provided) resources (labor, materials & facilities)?

"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."  --  Eleanor Roosevelt

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on August 09, 2012, 12:22:07 PM
Is Ross ranting again?

Wilma Really?

And you love it, because you keep coming back, huh?

And I'm open for some real conversation about what is going on Elk County, unlike some.

Ranting or Raving it's all perspective and opinion!

Is having ideas and asking questions a property of only certain people?

And I believe, I have said many times, nobody needs to believe anything I say on here and that they should think for themselves.

I seriously try to avoid being rude. However, sometimes it is real difficult.

Free speech is constitutional.

We do believe in the constitution don't we?


Constitution ? I think all that salt water pickled your brain buddy. Obama used our constitution to wipe his butt, then flushed it down the sh#tter---no wait, that wasn't until after his brown nose'n buddy, Holder, blew his nose on it.


darnit jarhead, must you always beat around the bush?  For heaven sake Marine, aim that weapon & tell us what you really think!  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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