Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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It's apparent to me that Penn State leadership failed in taking morally correct steps to protect children at The Second Mile. All those extremely educated and extremely paid leaders, right?
Does anyone have any idea why?
Was it perhaps because of millions of dollars in donations may have been lost?
They needed their rich donors, right? Is that they way those people volunteered by donating?

And next I point out in the financial world what appears to be more morally deficient decisions, IMHO.

LONDON—More than a year before J.P. Morgan Chase Co. Racked up billions of dollars in losses from bad trades in its London investment office, Bank of England officials raised concerns internally about potential risks arising from some of the office's activities, but didn't formally alert other regulators, according to people involved in the central bank's talks.

And right here at home we are having old economic development ideas pushed on us? Why?
Whose idea is it really, for the present proposed Neighborhood Revitalization Program?
Is it the idea of the visionaries at Elk konnected, LLC like the big idea of theirs to hire a County Youth Development who is also an Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee? And it appears to me she does more work for Elk Konnected, LLC then for the county in that regard. Just MHO.

Where is Elk County, why is it still in the 20th century?
I'll repeat this question down a couple of paragraphs.
The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) was created to broaden and accelerate the development of new economic thinking that can lead to solutions for the great challenges of the 21st century.

The havoc wrought by our recent global financial crisis has vividly demonstrated the deficiencies in our outdated current economic theories, and shown the need for new economic thinking – right now.

INET is supporting this fundamental shift in economic thinking through research funding, community building, and spreading the word about the need for change. We already are a global community of thousands of new economic thinkers, ranging from Nobel Prize winning economists to teachers and students who have emerged out from the shadows of prevailing economic thought, attracted by the promise of a free and open economic discourse. http://ineteconomics.org/About

Really, what is Economic Development? Commissioner Liebau could not define it for me at a Commissioners meeting, he said he just didn't know? My question is why are you doing something you don't understand?

To me Economic Development would be bring new business that provide decent paying jobs to the county. This in turn would attract more people to the county. These people woulf then be spending this new money in the stores and the business's in the county. But, I don't believe for one minute that is their goal. I think they just want to give taxbreaks, to themselves, their friends and cronies. Because building a new barn 5 or 10 miles in the country is in no way going to entice anyone to move to Elk County, now is it?

The proposed program, "Community Revitalization Program" is designed to be used in Communities not rural, farming, cattle, hence the name. I believe even the state advices against using it in county applications. In this case I strongly believe it is being used simply fo some to avoid paying their fair share of property taxes. If the county wasn't getting money from the wind farm do you suppose this would be happening? I don't think so?

Even CEO's say we have a Moral Obligation to ask questions. This man and I  have at least three things in common. We are both men, we both put our pants on one leg at a time, we both ask questions.  Now I ask you, why don't supposed leaders answer simple questions?

A prominent figure in the business. Alfresco CEO: 'There's A Moral Obligation To Question Some Of These Things Going On' He was referring to Internet business and the way it is run. But isn't County Government a  business and shouldn't the people that pay property taxes have a moral obligation to ask questions of their elected officials?


Where is Elk County, why is it still in the 20th century?

At the Meet and Greet the Candidates, County Commissioner Liebau spoke about our expensive computer system and our new Internet web site.

He said something to the effect that all of the county's information is now on the computers. He also said if a person wanted public information all they had to do was call the court house and ask for it. They would then either send you a PDF or a link. Why? Is that a control factor?

What is the expensive web site for?

If all the public information is on the computer, it's just a little effort to make it accessible via our expensive web site. You can check out most cities and county web sites and find tons of information, however, to access their property tax information you may have to log in with a password, but not always. It is public information. Heck, read the newspaper when they publish who is late paying their property taxes all the information is right there. If you want you can go down to the court house and ask to see the property taxes on any piece of property ---- even mine.

Is the existing trajectory of Elk County spending, taxation and administrative practices sustainable?

          Perhaps the basic problem is not cyclical, perhaps it is structural?
How about adding a moral change?

                                        Perhaps the time to act is now.

Don't you think?

Let's get out the vote.

Diane Amberg

Ross, I happen to share your thoughts on Penn State. I have a lot of friends who went there, since I grew up in PA and went to High School in PA. They as alumni are shocked and very sad. Penn State will never be the same.  They loved Joe Pa like a father and he back stabbed them all.
Which brings me back to your not so innocent asking about when you were rude to me.Taking my comments about liking forward thinking get 'er done people out of context...you had been talking about EK.... and attaching it to Penn State is not only rude, it's dishonest. Several of you do that a lot and it shows very bad character. I've done it to you myself trying to get you to understand, but for some reason you just don't get it. I'm not the only one who suffers from seeing their posts torn apart and reattached to things that had nothing to do with the conversation. Your high school English teacher would be shocked! Now it's getting really bad in the politics sector too. Pres.Obama got swatted for saying that businesses didn't do it all alone when they started up..I do know what he meant and I'm sure you do to. That's been ripped out by it's roots and completely spun around.
 Now it's Mitt's turn. In talking about the Olympic athletes when he was in charge. He stated to them that they hadn't gotten there by themselves. I know what he meant, but standing alone...what a put down to those kids who worked their hearts out to be good enough to compete. It's disgusting that people feel they need to treat each other like that.


If I was a betting woman, well....okay I am, this is my wager:

I bet that come election time ,that there are new faces in the mix, and that Elk Konnected will no longer be a contention, or under the microscope of some townsfolks.
If Ms. Hendricks does win, then there will be more scrutiny as to Elk Konnected's functions by the townfolks.

I think Elk Konnected will never go away!
I say 1 beer, or beverage of choice on this matter!

ready and thirsty


      I'm bettin on your side, but up the ante to a bottle of Far Niente chardonay!


QuoteFar Niente chardonay!]

WTH???   Mulvane Wineriy is the best we can do around here!   however, you're on.  If we win I will have it left at the local coffee shop!   lol



Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 25, 2012, 11:37:23 AM
Which brings me back to your not so innocent asking about when you were rude to me.Taking my comments about liking forward thinking get 'ER done people out of context...you had been talking about EK.... And attaching it to Penn State is not only rude, it's dishonest.

I sorry you don't comprehend the point. There was no disrespect meant in that post. It was used only to make an honest point.
Please remember, I'se an unedumacated hick. No college papers or any of them thar things.

First let's get this straight I did not take your comments out of context and I once again quote from your post:

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2012, 10:51:58 AM
I happen to like forward thinking people who stop talking and start doing. I don't care what group they are or are not in.Tag, you're it!

I repeat your words once again:I don't care what group they are or are not in.

That to me meant you could careless and would not question the activities of such groups.

You accused me of setting you up, well the article I quoted, I had only read moments, before posting it to you. So I could not have known in advance to set you up.     

The point is as responsible citizens we are not suppose to sit back and be sheeple and obey the rich and powerful or groups that claim to be visionaries, or miracle workers or because they claim to have statewide accredation. We should also not sit back and let them exploit our children in any form.

Our County Government has a College Educated Employee that has been hired as Economic Development and Youth Development. Her budget for youth Development according to a County Commissioner is $10,000 a year. Also the County recieves grants for the Elk County Summer Day Camp. The youth development is the sole responsibility of our paid employee. Just what does Elk Konnected, LLC a private company have to do with it? Except exploiting our county employee, and our county children? And even exploiting our County Commissioner positions? IMHO Just what does Elk Konnected, LLC contribute?

Even Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau said he volunteers by donating money and leaves the work up to the younger people. Now I hav never heard of volunteering by sitting on the couch and make a financial donation.  Please Correct me if I am wrong but isn't volunteering getting out there and giving a hand? I do believe I am as old if not older then Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau. And when I volunteered to help at the church that recently, I helped carry a piano and a pulpit, we loaded it on to a trailor and it was driven across town, and I helped with hands on to move them into the new temporary church. No I am not a member of that c hurch, it was strictly out of the kindness of my heart to volunteer for a worthy cause. No, I did not donate any money because I live on a fixed income and I had recently had some extrodinary expenses. But would it be better to donate and call it volunteering. Isn't that just a twisting of words? And this is the man that told everyone at a County Meeting that if only Ross volunteered, really?

But back to your remark it seemed to indicate that concerned and responsible citizen should not question people of this sort ? Why?

The particular instance, I used is still very fresh in the news. But what about all those other organizations that had questions raised about them by responsible people. The Boy Scouts, The Girl Scouts, The Church, I suppose you would never question the Leaders of these forward thinking get 'ER done people. IMHO

I don't suppose you question our forward thinking get'er done federal government either? No, you know what, I bet you do. I bet like almost everyone else you would like to see the corporate world out of our government. Am I right?

Well, it appears to me that is what we have here in Elk County. And neither the forward thinking get'er done or any of the visionaries at Elk Konnected, LLC the privately owned company or our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners will answer any questions? And therefore I think even more questions need to be answered. IMHO

Do I care if Elk Konnected, LLC stays or goes, NO I do not care as long as they are honest about their boasting about such things as listed on their web site. Like, how they plan to strengthen families, how they plan to create a superior lifestyle in Elk County.

I would simply like to see Elk Konnected, LLC out of our county government and no blurred lines. Simple right? I'd also like to see them behave as every other LLC or privately owned business in Elk County and stop leaching off of the County Coffers again very simple, right?

Diane I'll ask you what is so terribly wrong about honesty?

I gone for tonight, I hope you have a good evening.
I hope everyone has a good evening.
And I pray we get some rain from the small storms in our area.

Good Night All.

Is the existing trajectory of Elk County spending, taxation and administrative practices sustainable?

          Perhaps the basic problem is not cyclical, perhaps it is structural?
How about adding a moral change?

                                        Perhaps the time to act is now.

Don't you think?

Let's get out the vote.


Quote from Diane:
Jar, again with the Black Panthers? And you got it wrong as usual. Ya must be desperate!
Ever sit on a jury? Hearsay is just that, hearsay. Rumors created for a strong emotional response can be very hurtful if one is fool enough to believe the first cut. On a jury, it's just the facts.
The kid with the camera in Philly was trying to stir things up to create a story and he almost got more than he bargained for. No, I have no reason to fear the Black Panthers of today.

Yes, I have set on a jury, more than once, but have no idea what that has to do with the price of tea in China. You accuse me of being desperate ???
I'm sorry I had it wrong about the Black Panthers trying to intimidate the white voters in Philly. Silly me for thinking that the thugs stood in front of the door, in their Ninja suits, whacking their night sticks in the palm of their hands---to think they were just there for a photo shoot. They sure hood winked me and a few other million people. Some talking heads yet to this day are still pissed at Holder for not prosecuting them but what dumb bastards they are---after all they don't live in the neighboring state so what the hell would they know? I hate to be the one to ask you a question and drag you back into the Politics section which you adamantly swore off of but please enlighten us hicks on why the Panthers were standing in front of the doors with their threatening gestures and night sticks ?

Diane Amberg

See what I mean about the rumor process? How about just the facts, as it would be in court.
  That polling place was in a black neighborhood, most, but not all the voters arriving were black.
     A rumor got started that the BPs were going to bother any white people who showed up to intimidate any black voters to keep them from going in to vote. A rumor had also started that there would be a contingent of whites visiting all the primarily black polling places to help them decide not to vote. Just rumor, not a word of truth in any of it. Just trouble makers having a chance to stand back and watch people react to the trouble they had caused! They were back some distance from the doors, not in anyway blocking them. In fact the camera showed voters easily coming and going. There's those rumors again.
   The one BP thought his presence would stop any mean spirited whites from trying to start anything to keep the black folks from voting. Only the one BP had a night stick and was acting all ugly and tough.The other PB was a legitimate poll watcher and greeter who lived there in the neighborhood. Many people knew him personally from the neighborhood.They were not afraid of him at all. The two PBs had almost nothing to do with each other outside the polls.
    Then the kid showed up with his camera, hoping to get a story, even if he had to create one himself. Somehow he had heard the rumors. You didn't see the other people behind the cameras just standing around doing nothing in particular. Remember this was a landmark election.
  The BP with the stick did say something stupid to one white voter, who then called police., That BP brought it on himself. The other was causing no trouble and was just doing his job as poll watcher and greeter.
  The police came and did take the one BP way for shooting off his mouth and swinging his stick in a threatening way, but he didn't hit anyone. He went to court and I expect you know the outcome. Now if you are genuinely so interested in all this, please tell me all about what happened at the same polling place in 2010. ;)
   I'm back. Had to take phone call from a Wilmington newspaper reporter. He's doing an a little article on Newark's Safety Town Day Camp and wanted my input from the fire company support side and what we teach the kids, and what else we do.
I know. I know...boring to you, but it's my 32nd year doing it, so I do know just a bit about it.  ;D I suppose that's considered "boasting" too. Sorry about that.


Are you trying to be humorous ? You must be because I got a big belly laugh reading that rant. Do you not know that us hicks in Elk county have TV's now. We can watch the news and with our own eyes we watched what was happening. You want to know something else---we get more than two station nowadays. We don't just get our news from MSNBC and CNN. You got two thugs dressed alike in black with their black beenie weenies on their head--one has a night stick so he was acting "ugly & tough" but oh no, not the other one---he was a "legitimate poll watcher and greeter " and although both of them belong to the new Black Panthers, "they had ALMOST nothing to do with each other outside the polls"
Please forgive my latest rude outburst of uncontrolled laughter but you are cracking me up.
Tell you what---we are gonna have an election here shortly---maybe I can talk Patriot into joining me in front of the polling place---we will wear sheets  like them KKK guys do---Patriot can stand out by the curb with a billy club in one hand and a little burning cross in his other hand and I can stand back near the door and be a "legitimate poll watcher and greeter". You wouldn't have a problem with that would you ?

Diane Amberg

I'm sorry you don't get it and I'll not try again to get you to understand. YOU SAW ONLY THE NATIONAL NEWS COVERAGE .We saw the local coverage on the Philly stations.It was the media who tried to stir things up hoping that one BP would fall for it and he almost did. If your memory is so good, think back on how it all turned out in court. Don't you remember  how I said I personally felt about it? Why is it important now anyway?
  As far as your last paragraph, I don't know how the state of Kansas feels about it or the little cross, but if you were obeying the laws and kept your mouth shut, I'd have no particular problem with it. Get up in my face and touch me and you'd be needing new balls. Unless you call me back I'm done here.I hope for good. I got another nice E-mail today.

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