Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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And when one or more in their official capacities as commissioners deny that the company in question takes or has taken any public funds when, in fact, public records reflect otherwise.... there's a name for that too.

When such things persist over one or more elections I guess one must assume the voting public a) doesn't know, or b) doesn't care and enjoys being taxed for the privilege.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


But..but...but Patriot:  "I have known them for YEARS and we grew up together!  They wouldn't do that!"

okay, um....okay.


Quotedoesn't care and enjoys being taxed for the privilege.taxed to help their buddy




Quote from: Oldtimer on July 13, 2012, 06:03:35 PM
Dee, I think there are more people that agree with you than agree with Toss. Toss thinks if he says the same things over and over enough times people will believe him.

Oldtimer you are so wrong!

I don't ask anyone to agree with me!
I don't even suggest people believe anything I say.
I suggest each and every person think for themselves.
And it would not hurt my feelings one little bit, if you straight out called me a liar!

But it is simply a fact that you are either incapable of answering any questions put forth in this thread or refuse too based on some weird reason. Why?

Why are all the Elk Konnected, LLC followers, what few there are, so evasive?

Why can't they explain what they have done beside leach on to every Elk County Goveernment program that they can leach on?

Why can't they explain how Elk Konnected, LLC  will provide a Superior Quality of Life, they talk about on their web page?

How is it Elk Konnected, LLC plans to Strenghten Family Life in Elk County, they talk about on their web page ?

What business does Elk Konnected, LLC  have in messing in various family lives ?

What has Elk Konnected, LLC done besides ask Konnected Kounty Kommissioner for "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, which I feel they used to advertise their company by giving out lollipops?

And Oldtimer, I'd like to respectfully ask you, if you recognize the relationship between Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau ?

And finally Oldtimer, I'd like to ask you, do you ever question or wonder or downright feel that our Federal Government ever does anything wrong?

Do you ever question or wonder or downright feel that any of our President's of our great country has ever done anything wrong?

Do you trust all Federal Agencies to do the right thing, always?

Aren't all those Federal Officials upstanding citizens that can be trusted all the time?

If so, why do they keep getting called on the carpet?

What's the difference between questioning them and local politicians?

Oh, that's right you grew up with them?

How about the ones running against them, didn't you grow up with them?

Can't they be trusted to do a better job?

What gives?

Just wondering!


I just watched a show about a cult and it posed the following questions:

Are you Centered ?

Are you Judgemental ?

Have you the Strength of a Group ?

Are you Enlightened ?

Do you possess Serinity ?

Do you have Visionaries doing your thinking for you and know what is best for your happiness and well being ?

And I wonder how people could really think like that,
I find it mind boggling that people actually fell for that stuff,
back in the sixties and seventies,
don't you?

Should we just survive in a void?
Or, should we ask questions and expect honest answers?

Why, is it we can't get an honest answer?

Doesn't it make you wonder?

Just some honest thoughts and questions from me , that's all, nothing more !

Just a reality check!

No answers to the thoughts are requested, thank you.

Happy Loss SciFi Saturday. LOL


(A Poem of Protest by a 74-Year-Old Great-Grandmother)

Divide and Conquer in America – 2012!


By: Alice Connally Fisk ( AFisk10302@aol.com )

The generic word "oppressor" is rarely heard today

their game's the same but the label itself is very much passé.

Oppressors all have brand names now to conceal their old-time aim

to confuse, outfox and at last destroy the rank and file, their game.

Oppressors laugh at us everyday as they turn up their old-time heat

sporting names quite bland to disguise their Plan, these conniving old elite.

So for common folk who can't even imagine what it's all about we show -

the mobs listed below are Oppressors-in-Fact – they simply don't want you to know.

First, Google the New World Order perched at the peak of the global tree.

They're the olden golden aristocrats with outstanding pedigree.

Ever dividing the common folk in their quest to enslave our earth,

they're the original bluebloods-of-power, privileged since elegant birth.

To learn even more 'bout this tiny percent read through all the websites listed -

they're evil and dangerous, cagey and cruel, and every last one of them, twisted.

Yes, slavery is back on the table and our great middle-class must Go.

Plunged ever deeper into poverty by corporate Masters running the show.

Sinking our mainstream into the poorest of pools as we take our final dive

to slave on worldwide plantations – owned by the wealthiest goons alive.

Now "elitist" is the umbrella term for those at the top of this stack.

If the salt-of-the-earth throw their blinders off, they'll see this deceitful pack.

Then there's Trans Pacific Partnership with its dynastic corporate claws

seeking Americans give up legal sovereignty and jurisdiction of our laws

to great foreign powers to override hard our very own laws and our people -

oppressors convened to sell America out via blueprints drawn high in their steeple.

Then along comes Citizens United, mega-billionaire Pacs-of-prey

united to rile and divide us all as they steal our great country away.

These elitists walk always among us and their list goes ever on

using monikers new and strategies old to advance their gargantuan con.

Calling themselves by reputable names, the jig's up if they're known as "oppressors"

but that's what they were and ever will be, our earth's menacing, wicked, aggressors.

Some cooler more generic names also describe this hell-bent bunch

and should enrage us all to rise up in arms, not forever stay out-to-lunch.

There's plutocrats, multinationals, megalomaniacs galore

systemic power brokers and ever-so-much more.

Corporate-owned Republi-crats and kleptocrats to boot -

the same old vile oppressors in the same old vile cahoot.

Gnomes of Zurich and the Cayman gang, the 21st century lords

set to conquer their hypnotized masses, ever dividing the common hordes.

With corporate-stream "news" to fixate the folks of a "markedly lower station"

to hook them forever on healthcare or race, religion or orientation.

With stockpiles of hot-button issues for us to argue, scream and fight,

to tear us apart, to keep us at odds, in our old internecine plight.

To keep us forever in the dark, their sole mission's to spellbind "the rabble"

via bogus celebrity scandals and smoldering bling-bling babel.

So when "commoners" see all these tactical spins sown by these thugs beware -

they've come to mesmerize Americans as they craft their latest scare.

"The masses all battling each other can't see it's us they must lock their sights on!"

say oppressors of old who were great at their game, 'til arrived the legion, Anon.

Elitist oppressors have one purpose alone, our 'junk genes' by brute force to smother -

to create massive amounts of counterfeit wars, pitting common folk 'gainst one another.

Elitists / oppressors are one and the same, make note of it just for the books -

oppressors of old, now known as "elite" are the same old insatiable crooks.

They're brilliant and subtle, engagingly twisted – folks fall hard for this slippery Clan.

They're set up far and wide to cause our divide – their furtive ancestral Plan.

So just Google the New World Order to find your future Masters names

then picket their sprawling plantations, stunning mansions, and corporate Games.

Their tactics, oblique but malevolent, we must shed light on all roles they play.

They're humanity's oldest oppressors – fiercely dividing our USA.

Don't ever wonder what elitists all crave – they need slaves for their New World estate.

Our forefathers command STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK! before it is ever-too-late!

From final resting places our rebels discern that our plummet from freedom is dire

they demand we kick-ass, ignited at last, by our own revolutionary fire!

Fiendish corporate regimes rule our Congress while our rank and file meekly submits.

From hallowed graves rebels ROAR to our people: "GET UP OFF YOUR KNEES!!"

you twits


In my opinion,We seem to have negative attitudes in Elk County driven by positives that have nothing good about them, which are being used only to manipulate the citizens of Elk County.

So how does Elk County plan to deal with NEGATIVEPOSITIVE (yes make that one word OR EVEN REVERSE THE TWO WORDS a POSITIVENEGATIVE) attitudes that are apparently only for the purpose of manipulation and control.



sneaky not the word I use for 2 of them in 2009 they got rid of people for no reason 2 of us where layed off cause county was out of money ,but 2 days before Lackey hired someone. Then we were told we would be brought back in the spring ,hell Im still waiting ,I bet Iput in 5or6 applications in past 3 years to get back on.Think it was put in file 13 ,thats the trash can. one guy had been tere 20 years ,you get on someone sh-- list bye bye.  MAY sound like sour grapes coming from me ,hell it is they hire people from out of the county pisses I guy off .


Let's give some more thought to positive and negative attitudes.

If Elk Konnected, LLC says somthing is a good idea that is positive thing, right?
Even when they disagree with City Councils within Elk County, even going to the extreme of dissing those communities in an open letter. That's another positive thing, right?

But, if you disagree with their tactics you would be considered a negative person. do you get it yet?

In other words you are not suppose to think for your self, let them few   Elk Konnected, LLC  members do your thinking for you, you have no right to question their motives or reasons, think about that?
How does that work?

Well, if you speak out, don't the Followers put you down?      call you names?
                                                                                    say you were not born and raised here?
Don't they do all those positively good things?       All the while they still want to take your tax dollars?

Yes,             in my opinion they want your tax dollars, as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

All these are very positive things and attitudes right?

Giving tax breaks in the form of kickbacks or rebates what ever you wish to call it, to a few people, is suppose to get people to move to Elk County.           Really, how?
Is that really provable?
NO, in my opinion!
Isn't that why, there is no study being performed for Elk County on this subject?
Why not do a study then?
Because this move will not cause a growth in population.
Theyeven use the word stimululate, in the proposal, really?
How might that relate to the Fed's stimulus packages?
Those packages apear to have devalued my dollar, I seem to get a lot less for it these days?
Those were billions and billions of dollars and have they helped the economy?

It will only allow some people to pay less then their fair share of property taxes, just think about that? No matter if they pay the full property tax and then the county writes them a rebate check or gives them a kick back it's the same thing? Less Property Tax for a few! If the county can afford to give reduced taxes for some why not all?

This hair brained idea of giving kick backs on property taxes for a few people and telling you the population is shrinking, another positive attitude, really?  Is This is really new information?  In what way?

They even have some employees inside the courthouse saying people have to get over their negative attitude. I find that attitude to be very negative towards the very taxpayers that pay their salaries, don't you?

You may call me anything you want, even negative.
But I am pretty positive that the word positive is being used by some in a very twisted and negative manner. I simply ask that you consider how easily that can be accomplished.

Is it a positive thing the Elk Konnected, LLC ask it's Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, to give their privately owned company money, from the county coffers and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners give it to them? How is that a positive thing?

Is it a positive thing the   Elk Konnected, LLC  uses county money to purchase t-shirts with that money to put their company name on them?

How does that become a positive, using county money to advertise for a privately owned company?

But, I guess it must be a positive thing, because two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voted for them to do that? Right?

And Is it then a positive thing to USE or exploit the children of Elk County as walking billboards, advertising for Elk Konnec Elk Konnected, LLC ted, LLC?

Is it a positive thing to place on those t-shirts Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp, when in fact it was an Elk County Summer Day Camp?

Are Elk County citizens being duped, used and treated as a bunch of dummies?

That must be another one of those really positive things, because they say so right?

I was informed by a county employee that negative stuff on the forum is not good for Elk County!
Well consider the fact the people that are doing the things questioned, could avoid any negative appearance, by providing an open and honest dialog. And we all know they are reading this, and other threads on this forum, and we also know, they have communicated right here, what could have been construed as fairy tales, Right?

So, who really pereptrates the negative?

So where are the responsible people with the answers, are they actually leaders or not?

Why, is it no one can answer a single solitary question, openly and honestly?

Please refer back to the previous post, the poem by a 75 year old woman.

Isn't it time to vote in someone new.

Voting is important:

On August 7, 2012
November 6, 2012


Is the existing trajectory of Elk County spending, taxation and administrative practices sustainable?

          Perhaps the basic problem is not cyclical, perhaps it is structural?

                                        Perhaps the time to act is now.

Don't you think?

Let's get out the vote.

Diane Amberg

I know you mean well, but ya better learn more about Alice Connally Fisk before you jump on her particular protest wagon." OBAMA 2012." 8)
By the way, what does being a 74 year old great grand mother have to do with anything? This particular lady has been an activist for a very longtime...won't be out on the front porch with her knitting! ;)

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