Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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   I'm just a neighbor who basically wants the same thing you do, to see our tax money spent well, improve what we can, see justice done,(probably the hardest to get).

   One reason I like you is that you do not try to offend, denegrate, or belittle. Others do.

   Actually I agree with you on many points, I think what has turned some people off is your repetition. I'd have voted for you, believe it or not. Same as I intend to vote for Ron Paul, labeled by the media as a loon. This world needs a great big shake up, new blood, those who want to help, not help themselves.


QuoteBTW, Mad magazine had nothing to do with the Rocky and Bullwinkle show

You are correct!   I mistook for Spy vs. spy.
Since you are now having a 'discussion'....  welcome!  and agree to disagree.



I do not live in Elk County.  I will make that clear.  However, Public Squares is trying to insert themselves into Wilson County.
I first started questioning this thread as I was concerned Big Business was in bed with Big Commisioners  and re-directing monies in the coffer (your monies) to personal issues.  For that I was concerned as it "just ain't right" as well as unethical.

So, my following this thread is to question:  1.  Are the Commissioners bought with invested interest in Public Squares AKA Konnected?  2.  Would this be a different thread if 2 Commisioners weren't on the board? (that would be hypothetical), and 3. If 1 & 2 are correct, are the taxpayers aware and whant staus quo, or prefer a change?
It trickles down from a great idea to a flat out disaster for all.

just 'xplaining my loonies.


Well, my friend, I'm right there with you on Ron Paul.
Who knows, maybe, people will wake up and see we need real change a whole lot less of "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" monies and a whole lot less or even no free money to other countries.

The repitition is because, people say Elk Konnected, LLC is doing so much good for Elk County and I just don't see it. The repitition is because there are no answers. Yes, I too am tiring of the repitition. But as you pointed out in a much nicer way, I'm hard headed, even bull headed.

Every time someone does something, it appears to me that Elk Konnected, LLC claims to sponsor it, ie:  Elk County Summer Day Camp put thieir logo on a County Event put together by a paid county Employee. Perhaps, that is because the young lady works for Kounty Kommissioner the self proclaimed founder of Elk Konnected, LLC perhaps this same employee is on the Elk Konnected, LLC steering committy because, she also works for the same Kounty Kommissioner. But who actually pays her wages. The Konnected Kounty Kommissioners or the taxpayers? I have absolutely nothing against the young lady, I have compassion for her and what I think of as her precarious position. I had found myself in a similar situation as an employee and simply transferred out to a better position with better pay.

Also, it was like the big Kommunity Konversation about daycare in Elk County when in fact another organization had already been working on the problem well before Elk Konnected, LLC thought to do anythng, IMHO! But what have they done, since that meeting? Nothing? Anything? No answers. They have asked for more "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money since then, haven't they? Aren't they gonna use some of that money to purchase Elk Konnected, LLC T-shirts to try to sell to us? I bet they don't include the LLC  which indicates a privately owned company on the T-shirt, and I bet they won't say purchased with tax dollar money on them, what do you think?

Repetition is what Elk Konnected, LLC uses to bombard the county citizens with and I don't hear any complaints about that, why?

Every week in the newspaper there is something about Elk Konnected, LLC . Repetitious, correct!

I would like to know why they keep begging for money (reptitous) when not to many months back we had a conversation with Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks about something like $85,000, what happened to all that money? And what happened to all those generous donors to Elk Konnected, LLC Why should Elk County continue to give them money that should rightly go to the vaious communities? Why should a privately owned company beg for money and receive it, especially when it is used for advertisement for their company? And also, when there is no accountability for the money?

Oh, yes sir, I have plenty of questions? Questions for the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners. Like, why do they get so upset about citizens asking questions about their privately owned organization? Why do they consider honest questions vile, and state so at the County Commissioners meeting? Is it because of being part of what Elk Konnected, LLC refered to as "The Old Guard" , is it possible that Elk Konnected, LLC is just that, with a new name?     

I have no idea who, "The Old Guard"  is or/ was but I bet Elk Konnected, LLC does and that they could share that with  everyone, Don't you think?

Let's get every one out to vote in the primaries in August and see what shake loose?

If someone in my area needs a ride in to vote I volunteer to drive them in.
Only one condition.
We do not discuss politics driving to the voting station.


Quote from: Ross on June 21, 2012, 05:44:36 PM
Let's get every one out to vote in the primaries in August and see what shake loose?

If someone in my area needs a ride in to vote I volunteer to drive them in.
Only one condition.
We do not discuss politics driving to the voting station.

Say it ain't so?  That sounds like a volunteering of your time, fuel & labor, Ross!  But I remember one of the Followers recently saying you were against volunteerism!  Perhaps that person should re-evaluate.  And maybe apologize.  How about it, Oldtimer? Man or mouse?

Good job Ross!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 21, 2012, 09:15:42 AM
    This whole thread is one big cartoon. A bunch of finger pointing and back slapping. It has accomplished absolutely nothing except make certain people feel empowered by slighting others and boasting about what they think they know. It would work well with the three stooges playing the parts. Patriot, Moe since he thinks he's the smartest person in the county. Ross, Larry since he follows Patriots lead all the time. Duck, Curly just because he's relatively clueless.

   BTW, Mad magazine had nothing to do with the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. It's obvious my posts went completely over you stooges heads. Since you are always looking to retaliate against those who don't like you, you missed the point. ::)

    You call this a discussion ? Better google the definition of that word. I expected the response of immature, adolescent, yadda, yadda, you can find it many ,many times on here as a way to belittle anyone who puts forward any view opposed to the stooges.

   Larry er Ross, I HAVE sat and BS'ed with you,  :o I actually like you. You have great staying power ;) I just don't always agree, no problem.

    Patriot, ( now there's a conflict of terms ) you're hopeless , you offer nothing but a broken record. :-* :P

   Curly, Ready for the loony bin. :laugh:

And the above isn't slanderous, adolescent and demeaning on a personal level?  Perhaps you could Google hypocrite. 
Smartest?  I doubt it.  Just well informed.
By way of compliment, however... nice paragraph indention and use of smileys.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 21, 2012, 05:06:11 PM
However, Public Squares is trying to insert themselves into Wilson County.

And, I've been told,  successfully so in at least one town.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


    My problem with your concern and devotion to seeing our local government work as it should, is that you tend to alienate many people that would agree with you, and support your cause, by the way you present it. I know , you will say "Why sugar coat it ". Well, to have people "see" what is happening, you need to put forth the information so that, First: they understand it, Second : It is a matter of fact, and most important, Third: They do not percieve you as just another repeat of what has been happening already.

    You can present the facts in a better way. No need for personal reproach. A bit of comedy could gain you back the listeners. Look at Warph's post's , and his following. You can't shove the truth down someone's throat. Many visit this thread to see the Circus.

    And Moe, not the smartest, and not always well informed. ::) ::) . As said earlier, adolescent , immature , Yadda,
Yadda, is your answer to anyone not in your camp. No one is more immature on this Forum than You. ::) ::) ::)


     Ready, I neglected to acknowledge your welcome!  :-[  And it is exceptional of you to put forth the reason for your interest in this thread.

    Loonies Xplained. Thing is , I just started with a very inert post and got jumped on. No problem. I've watched this thread for a while and know you are level headed. I would like to see people like yourself and Ross convince our neighbors that we need to watch what is going on, just need to treat them as a neighbor. ;)  I have already stated, ambiguously, I am for a new guard on every level. Time for new blood, top to bottom.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 21, 2012, 07:00:54 PM
    My problem with your concern and devotion to seeing our local government work as it should, is that you tend to alienate many people that would agree with you, and support your cause, by the way you present it. I know , you will say "Why sugar coat it ". Well, to have people "see" what is happening, you need to put forth the information so that, First: they understand it, Second : It is a matter of fact, and most important, Third: They do not percieve you as just another repeat of what has been happening already.

My sincere apologies to you and anyone else who has misinterpreted my information or intent based on presentation.  I will examine my part in that.  I would ask, however, that we all accept that understanding in communication is a two way street requiring as much diligent effort on the part of the reader as there on the poster.  I'll gladly apply some sugar, if you'll also be ready to accept that not all pastries are heavily coated in chocolate.  And please remember, it's the message that's important, not the messenger.  Names & personalities are far less important than facts and ideas, IMHO.

Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 21, 2012, 07:00:54 PM
You can present the facts in a better way. No need for personal reproach. A bit of comedy could gain you back the listeners. Look at Warph's post's , and his following. You can't shove the truth down someone's throat.

How a fact can be presented other than factually is beyond me.  Personal reproach?  You'll have to expand on that a bit.  With respect to public officials there's a firm line between them and a private person, practically, legally and ideologically. As for 'truths' being shoved, I would hope anyone would verify the information before accepting anything I post as a truth.  If verified, only then should the information be evaluated as truth.  Now, when it comes to opinion, there may well be dozens of ways to express those, and heaven knows everybody's got one.

With regard to information I present as facts, I invite you and everyone else here to challenge my sources.  Compare that source to the 'common' perception and decide for yourselves.  I will gladly provide those sources for external review.  I usually do as with statutes in support of my arguments, etc.  If I discover something I've presented as fact is in error, I'll admit the fault... and have several times.

One thing I won't apologize for, is being me.  Whether you love or hate me, your choice will be based on who I am, not who I pretend to be.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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