Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I believe that Shilo Crupper is currently the only licensed day care provider in Elk county and she will soon be moving.  After Angie closed her daycare, there was much talk around the county about what they were going to do for childcare.  Isn't it possible that great minds think alike?  (I know you don't believe EK has "great minds.")  Isn't it possible that both the KDHE and EK both saw a problem in this community that they both felt was important?  Wasn't there 2 separate meetings?


Quote from: jprxmkt on April 18, 2012, 09:40:11 PM
Isn't it possible that both the KDHE and EK both saw a problem in this community that they both felt was important?  Wasn't there 2 separate meetings?

Possible?  Sure.  Likely?  Personally, I doubt it.  As for daycare services here.... great idea as long as taxpayers don't have to subsidize it. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I believe it was said that Elk Konnected, LLC was talking about a centrally located daycare center and the second group was talking dacare in individual homes. Go figure.

It doesn't take great minds to figure out if you don't have daycare and there is aneed for it, that there might be people out there interested in doing it.

I believe the second group has the superior idea. Individual homes in each of the communities so people wouldn't have to drive half way across the county and back again to go to work. And then each daycare operator can choose for them selves if a flower garden  in their daycare is a necissity or niceity.  Wasn't a flower garden at the Kommunity Konversation concerning daycare the idea of a great mind?  Yea, for individualism.
But I believe my main question about the meetings was one about who is a person to believe. And I wasn't refering to just the question of how many daycares there are in Elk County but to all the questions and statements in the post.
Let me quote myself:
Quote from: Ross on April 18, 2012, 08:05:44 PM
Who is a person to believe, KDHE Child Care Licensing, Child Care Aware of Kansas or Elk Konnected, LLC?

One is a Kansas Gov't agency, one is (priavately owned) local organization and the third is apparently a non-profit organization from Pitsburg, Kansas.

How many more organizations does Elk County need to really confuse matters to the point of total coonfusion?

One of my question's was if they have two of them that claim they have no connection with Elk Konnected, LLC as they stated, why were they at the Elk Konnected, LLC Kommunity Konversation? Isn't there usually some kind of connection, doesn't someone usually ask, someone else to participate in their Kommunity Konversation?

Quote from: Ross on April 18, 2012, 08:05:44 PM
How is one to determine the truth?
Seriously, what is a person to believe?

This is copied and pasted from an e-mail I received from Jeanne Fiscus of Child Care Aware® of Southeast Kansas from Pittsburg:

Elk County has only one licensed child care provider and I spoke about the need for more licensed child care providers for both counties at the Elk/CQ ICC meeting in Howard in January. Kandace Metcalf was at the meeting. So I guess I started the talk, sent an email later to Kandace Metcalf about the idea of having a parenting fair or some event that I could draw some interest about starting a child care program. She called me back in early March and we started to plan together this event. She also told me that her provider( only licensed program in Elk) was moving. She was eager to help me set this up. I guess I would have been the one that started this recruitment effort.
I hope this answers your question.
End of E-mail.

Quote from: Ross on April 18, 2012, 08:05:44 PM
Who is a person to believe, KDHE Child Care Licensing, Child Care Aware of Kansas or Elk Konnected, LLC?

Really, perhaps I should have asked who or what is a person actually to believe?
Is it just anything anybody choose's to say?


I think that the number one question that anyone should ask is, are there enough kids that would support a childcare business.  Most child care business's i've ever seen are set up outside of new development.   The logistics are you do not set one up centrally, you go where the parents are.  Folks don't have time to go 30 min to a hour drive to drop kids off so a central one would not work.   For example why would anyone who lived north of howard go back to howard to drop their kid off, when they have to work in wichita.  adds a hour to their daily commute.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Not my problem if someone can't find a babysitter for their little one.  Heck, my momma never left me with a babysitter. 


Quote from: YSoSerious! on April 19, 2012, 06:00:46 AM
Not my problem if someone can't find a babysitter for their little one.  Heck, my momma never left me with a babysitter. 

It is sad to say but it is a different world than what we grew up in.
With single parent families and having to work for a living. And I mustsay I am proud of those single parents that do hold down a job to support their children, sometimde it is a pretty tuff thing to do. They have gumption.
Even with two parents households frequently need two incomes, such is todays world.

I have always been fortunate to have had jobs that paid well enough that my first wife did not have to work and could stay home for and with the kids.  And my present wife did not have to work, And I thank the Lord for that.

But even i had to use daycare one time for a couple of months, while my wife was in intensive care for 30 days and through her recovery time, so I could continue working.

Yes, I count my blessings and I also understand the need and necessity for daycare.

It would be nice to go back to the fifties life style, but not hardly possible.

And we pray not to go back to the depression days, right?


Really the world is different nowadays?!?  They way I read it on here, I wouldn't have guessed that.


Quote from: YSoSerious! on April 19, 2012, 09:18:03 AM
Really the world is different nowadays?!?  They way I read it on here, I wouldn't have guessed that.

Yea, back in the fifties most people and a lot of politicians could be trusted at least a little bit. Not so today.
And a lot of other people play games as well.

Today, it is sometimes very difficult to come by the truth.

You seem to have an attidue for someone just coming onbooard this forum with all of 5 posts.
So what is your game?
What is your interest in Elk Konnected, LLC?
Are you Konnected?

How about letting us know why you sound so vindictive, do you have a grudge?

Howw many alias's have you used on this forum?

What's going on for you here?

You sound distinctly familiar with each post you make, and not exactly what I would expect.

Endulge me, please?

I do believe most people can figure this out for themselves, just by reading you five post.

Nice try but,  this thread is not in the least about vindictiveness as you might want people to believe.


Nope, I am not Konnected nor do I have any other alias's on this or any other forum. 

Ross, why must I be playing a game to be posting on this thread and what makes you think I have some sort of grudge?  How many posts must I have before I can have an attitude?  Five isn't enough?  Dang! 

And what do you mean by "What's going on for you here?"  I can't have a mere interest in this thread and the freedom to respond how I choose?  And as far as sounding  "familiar", you sir have no familiarity with me what so ever.


Quote from: YSoSerious! on April 19, 2012, 09:36:14 PM
Nope, I am not Konnected nor do I have any other alias's on this or any other forum. 

Ross, why must I be playing a game to be posting on this thread and what makes you think I have some sort of grudge?  How many posts must I have before I can have an attitude?  Five isn't enough?  Dang! 

And what do you mean by "What's going on for you here?"  I can't have a mere interest in this thread and the freedom to respond how I choose?  And as far as sounding  "familiar", you sir have no familiarity with me what so ever.

Well sir (or Madam) you sounded real vindictive and it just hit a cord with me.

You sounded more vindictive then a Follower does, towards the idea of people asking questions about what is happening in this county.

This right here is just plain vindictive in my opinion:
Quote from: YSoSerious! on April 18, 2012, 08:59:22 PM
I say to heck with anything for the kids of this area!  I didn't have soccer when I was a wee youngster and I turned out just fine.  Parks and swimming pools,  now that's some "hogwash".  Kids don't need those either.  They need to be working and paying there own way.  I say we implement internship and our kids go directly from primary school to endentured slavery to pay for their way in life.  Give them a bed and food and they work it off in your fields, gas stations, stores, and use a shovel and fix the county roads.  They learn a skill and become productive :P citizens, and we don't have to worry about our tax money being used frivolously. :P

And vindictiveness is not what this thread is about. So now perhaps you can understand where I was coming from.

Yes, I happened to believe you may be Mr. Durbin because of the following quote:

Quote from: ddurbin on April 18, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
I will respond, but it may be the last time I do.
For the FOURTH time, I will repeat myself and tell you again--I am not a member of, nor a FOLLOWER of Elk Konnected, LLC.  You and a couple of others have tagged me as such, simply because I questioned the basis for some of your attacks on them. 

So, I expected he would possibly come back with a new identity. I sure hope that this makes it clear where I was coming from.

Do you see the vindictiveness, he said, "simply because I questioned the basis for some of your attacks on them."

Questions are hardly attacks,
dissimination of facts is hardly attacks.
Questioning facts that are twisted is hardly attacks.

I believe that being vindictive on either side is wrong.

As pointed out by Farwin I am not terribly well versed in  sarcasm. I do enjoy sarcasm in a fun and simple way, but still I'm not very good at it.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong and it would not be the first time, and most likely won't be the last time.

From what I have learned there is money in the county taxpayers coffers placed there by the state for use as a recreation fund, which has been available to the real and actual communities for their individual use for a long time. And in more recent years it has been given to a privately owned company by their representatives/cheerleaders/Founding member acting as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, for their own use to advertise their presence in the county and possibly to pay their dues to another privately owned company in Wchita county. I do not for one minute believe that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners would allow any company other then Elk Konnected, LLC to use County Recreation funds in such a manner. It in my opinion  the County Commissioners acting as Konnected Kommissioners are allowing a privately owned company to steal money for an imaginary Kommunity from actual and real Communities. Elk Konnected, LLC only does what they do with LOLLIPOPS  to advertise by putting up signs advertising themselves and for the purpose of making headlines in the the newspaper, that also claims affiliation with this small group of people.

This totally lacks any ethics in my opinion.

And the Elk Konnected, LLC Kounty Kommissioner, just had it published again in this weeks newspaper that she is the Founding member. Just by that fact alone, she should by any form of ethics and principles and leadership skills, should do the honorable thing and recuse herself from voting on any and all items brought before the County Commissioners on behalf Elk Konnected, LLC . And that is whether the item is brought by another member of Elk Konnected, LLC or a Konnected Kounty employee that is on Elk Konnected, LLC  steering committee, or ECCEF who Elk Konnected, LLC has said is recieving funds from. Those funds she said are generated as tax deductible donations earmarked for Elk Konnected, LLC  that in my opinion puts them in bed with each other.

You see YSoSerious!, nothing vindictive on my part!

And Y So Serious, I believe, these actions are a breech of public trust. The trust that is necessary to run an honest County government, and not to waste county resources and short cut the farmers that live on gravel roads, so they have to tolerate really bad roads, that's Y So Serious. Why should the majority of citizens have to pay for a small group of peoples half baked ideas just because that small group want's to think with big city ideas that do not work out here in the country. And I say country with pride. I lived in the city far too long, but that was where I made my living, at way above an average income.

What will these people, that desire to operate like a big city,
want next?

Perhaps stop lights in each community and a system on the sheriffs and fire departments trucks to control those stop lights?

And what happened to the idea of the big electronic highway sign for advertising along the highway through Howard, they have those in the big city, right? Really makes since in the country? Oh, perhaps that is why we don't see one.

Where will it end?

I'm not being sarcastic, seriously where will their desires end?

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