Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Varmit on April 16, 2012, 06:27:51 PM
Maybe its just me and this is off thread (oh sigh, oh fuey) but that tax rebate wouldn't have anything to do with that new shop in howard would it?? I mean seriously, the timing sure is questionable.

The tax 'incentive' program you're talking about hasn't yet been approved or implemented.  The only vote taken on the matter was to allow Jennifer and the county appraiser to continue to study the program and put a plan together for the commission.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


ooooh! Well then thats what paranoia gets ya I guess. :) My bad.

Not for sure jarhead. Guess I was just connecting to many dots.  But thats what acid laced weed gets ya! :P
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Heck Varmit it's them little booboo's that remind us we are human, nothin to do with paranoid.
I think is best described as bouncing around if ya know what I mean.

But anyhow, perhaps some of them Elk Konnected, LLC Followers might like to come on back over here with some praise for their beloved organization and tell us about all the good thing it has done with our taxpayers dollars that were provided by "Konnected Kounty Kommissioners".

I'd especially like to hear more about them taxpayer dollars in the county coffers that are something different as they were called by one of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, that might be edumactional. Don't ya think?

Perhaps some of the Followers might find out some real information to share with us and be able to answer some of the questions that have been asked through out this thread, that they can't answer so far to date.

I went fishing this evening and durn I did do any better than trying to get answers fro them Elk Konnected Followers. But, I had just as much fun trying.


I just recieved this message via e-mail and thought, yea why not post it. So here it is.

The next Governmental Ethics Commission Meeting will be held

Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.

109 SW 9th, Suite 504, Topeka, Kansas 66612

Perhaps that's what we need here in Elk County made up of a few redneck hcks with ethics, principles etc.
Maybe then we could have a County Commissioners panel that had better ethics. With the exception of the one that appears to have very good values and ethics.

Just a thought.


Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
So, are you saying that maybe EK Konnected, LLC may not have had anything to do with scheduling this meeting?

No! I have no idea one way or another.
Do you have an idea?

Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
If so, in my opinion, you owe some apologies, especially to Mom70x7.  It would, after all, be the ethical and honorable thing to do.

You are entitled to your opinion!
However, all I did was ask questions!
Asking questions require no apologies!

Unless Elk Konnected, LLC and their followers have came up with a new rule of course, have they by chance?

Quote from: ddurbin on April 17, 2012, 01:48:40 PM
But of course, don't believe a word I'm saying here.  Do your own thinking.

But I do, I believe everything you have attempted to do here has been in the sincerest of intentions. 
And thank you, I do, do my Own thinking.

I have responded to each of your statements to the best of my abilities.

Have a nice evening, I'm going fishing.


Mr. Durbin, I respectfully answered your questions and responded very politely and precisely line by line so as to avoid any confusion.

I would respectfully request the same in return.
That is to answer my questions and responded very politely and precisely line by line so as to avoid any confusion, if that is possible. If not line by line that would be okay as well.

Here are a couple of more questions for you.

But please consider the fact that Elk Konnected, LLC held one of their famous Kommunity Konversations concerning a day care center wiith an article in the local newspaper. And apparently only the two Konnected Kommissioners showed up for it. And then with in a week or less their fliyers/announcements that there is yet another meeting. At the Kommunity Konversations meeting there was someone from some other organization and I would suspect they were from Child Care Aware of SE Kansas, which I believe is yet another organization similar in many ways as  Elk Konnected, LLC. However, I was not there please understand that. And as well from the street it has been said the  Elk Konnected, LLC stated they were going to start a Daycare. Street talk only, because again, I repeat I was not there.  However, with your Konnection and vast knowledge of  Elk Konnected, LLC you might shed some light on this information. It would be greatly appreciated.

Quote from: Mom70x7 on April 10, 2012, 10:07:10 PM
Hosted by Rolling Prairie Extension Office:

If you would Mr. Perkins can you please tell us who initiated bring in the outside organization?

If  Elk Konnected, LLC actually is planning to start a Daycare why hide from the real communities they purport to be there to help? Why keep, to their imaginary Elk Konnected Kommunity .

To quote the Prairie Star article: Elk Konnected, a familiar name in Elk County and the surrounding communities, is a community development program designed to promote strong families, solid education, and a superior lifestyle.

How does an organization accomplish these facts by keeping the County Citizen's in the dark. It sounds more like a disfunctional family to me, more then anything else. I know Konnected Kommissioner Liebau will find this statement especially very vile, however, like everyone else on this thread, I am entitled to my opinion.

Please respond Mr. Durbin.


I will respond, but it may be the last time I do.
For the FOURTH time, I will repeat myself and tell you again--I am not a member of, nor a FOLLOWER of Elk Konnected, LLC.  You and a couple of others have tagged me as such, simply because I questioned the basis for some of your attacks on them.  I can not speak on their behalf or answer any of your long list of questions regarding their intentions or actions.  My only intentions in my postings were to question why you find it necessary to associate anything and/or anyone you disagree with to them.  You seem to be rather tunnel-visioned in that regard.  I am fairly confident that you will reply countering all that I am saying here and reiterate that all you do is simply ask questions.  I agree that you do ask a lot of questions and probably most of them go unanswered because of the way you ask them.  They come off being very accusatory and negative in nature.  Simply phrasing everything in the form of a question, does not make it 'innocent in nature'.
One last point before I close.  You stated it isn't necessary to apologize for asking questions.  I disagree with that, and feel that if a question is asked of someone that is unwarranted, based on false information, or is totally accusatory in nature, an apology is warranted and is the proper and ethical thing to do.  But again, that is just my opinion and you are free to disagree. 


Quote from: ddurbin on April 18, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
I will respond, but it may be the last time I do.

Well, I thank you for responding. Even though I disagree with most of what you have to say.
But, I do appreciate the response. Thank You.

Quote from: ddurbin on April 18, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
For the FOURTH time, I will repeat myself and tell you again--I am not a member of, nor a FOLLOWER of Elk Konnected, LLC.  You and a couple of others have tagged me as such, simply because I questioned the basis for some of your attacks on them.

Asking questions is not attacking? That's just plain nonsense in my opinion. But again you are entitled to your opinion as well.

Then there is nothing for you to be so defensive about, is there, if you are not an Elk Konnected, LLC   Follower, right? Really you're not involved or Konnected, your statements about all the good Elk Konnected, LLC has done, seem to say differently. Even though you never mention, what they do that is good.  So all that sort of negate's, all you say about Elk Konnected, LLC   right?  So yes, I will graciously accept that you are not Konnected.

Quote from: ddurbin on April 18, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
I can not speak on their behalf or answer any of your long list of questions regarding their intentions or actions.

I truly am, sorry about that, because good information is what is really wanted here.

Quote from: ddurbin on April 18, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
My only intentions in my postings were to question why you find it necessary to associate anything and/or anyone you disagree with to them. 

Well, why in the world didn't you just come out and ask that in the first place? It sure would have made life a lot easier for everyone, wouldn't it?

They, whoever they are that your are referring to, keep coming back with the same old stuff. Elk Konnected, LLC   does so much good, but never say what. They, that you talk about, associate themselves with Elk Konnected, LLC that way, Not me or anyone else does it for them.

And this thread is about Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kommissioners if you hadn't noticed. I hope that answers this question for you.

Quote from: ddurbin on April 18, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
You seem to be rather tunnel-visioned in that regard.  I am fairly confident that you will reply countering all that I am saying here and reiterate that all you do is simply ask questions.  I agree that you do ask a lot of questions and probably most of them go unanswered because of the way you ask them.  They come off being very accusatory and negative in nature.  Simply phrasing everything in the form of a question, does not make it 'innocent in nature'.

So you don't like the way I ask a question, I'm sorry about that! I only know one way, truthfuly and with a question mark.
If you find the accusatory then they ust be hittiong some kind of sore spot. Some times the truth hurts.
No more tunnel vision then Elk Konnected, LLC asking Konnected Kounty Kommissioners for taxpayers dollars. In effect asking themselves to approve money for their privately owned company that they admit to being Konnected to?

This thread is like all other threads, designed as tunnel vision. You don't see every thread discussing the man in the moon, do you? Most of them have tunnel vision as well.
Quote from: ddurbin on April 18, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
One last point before I close.  You stated it isn't necessary to apologize for asking questions.  I disagree with that, and feel that if a question is asked of someone that is unwarranted, based on false information, or is totally accusatory in nature, an apology is warranted and is the proper and ethical thing to do.  But again, that is just my opinion and you are free to disagree. 

Thanks for permitting me to disagree.
Well, I disagree with you and your analogy, isn't that what make America GREAT?   We can do that here!?

False information, really? Can you provide proof of that?

And please, don't go away. But if you do please, come back with some information that might be helpful.

Have a good evening.


So I have got to ask, what is really going on?

I was on my way to attend the meeting at the Extension office when something of more concern to me came up. However, since I was already in Howard I stopped in briefly.

I was invited by to attend by Jeanne Fiscus, Provider Outreach Specialist, Child Care Aware® of Southeast Kansas via e-mail. Just so you know, I did not just barge in.

I apologized that I could not stay long and the meeting had not yet started. Of the 6 or 8 ladies that were there, some were checking out the refreshments.

In the mean time the ladies that were conducting the meeting spoke with me and very pleasantly might I add.

I was informed by e-mail, copied and pasted right here:
It is a informational meeting to help anyone looking to open a child care program in Elk or CQ County. End of e-mail quote.

They informed this meeting was for opening  child care in individual homes.
I was informed that at the Elk Konnected, LLC Kommunity Konversation they were talking about a centrally located Day Care Center. So really, what is going on?

I asked if Elk Konnected, LLC  had asked them to hold this meeting. They were very definitely sure that Elk Konnected, LLC  had nothing to do with them at all.

When I asked who's idea it was to have a Day Care meeting, I believe it was the lady  Jeanne Fiscus, Provider Outreach Specialist, from Child Care Aware® of Southeast Kansas of Pittsburg, Ks 66762 said she instigated this meeting. So how does someone from Pittsburg  and an non-governmental organization know what is going on in Elk County if someone didn't invite them? I'm confused, how did they know if they were not contacted by someone?  And really did we only have one daycare in Elk County back in January or even in March?

I asked, if there was no connection between Elk Konnected, LLC  and this meeting why they were at the Elk Konnected, LLC Kommunity Konversation? They said something to the effect that they wanted to provide information. Now, I wasn't rude and passed up the opportunity to suggest that I thought that was the purpose of this meeting. I was also informed that this meeting had been planned since January or March
long before Elk Konnected, LLC  planned their Kommunity Konversation.

I find this all very confusing, was Elk Konnected, LLC just taking advantage of someone else's plans, in order to be important? Or was their Kommunity Konversation only held because Public Squares Communities, LLC that receives our tax dollars, perhaps requires a meeting for Elk Konnected, LLC   to continue Elk Konnected, LLC  membership with them?  

How is one to determine the truth?

If you show up at an Elk Konnected, LLC Kommunity Konversation to discuss daycare and you give a talk isn't there some kind of a connection? Doesn't someone usually invite you to give a talk?

Seriously, what is a person to believe?

This is copied and pasted from an e-mail I received from Jeanne Fiscus of Child Care Aware® of Southeast Kansas from Pittsburg:

Elk County has only one licensed child care provider and I spoke about the need for more licensed child care providers for both counties at the Elk/CQ ICC meeting in Howard in January. Kandace Metcalf was at the meeting. So I guess I started the talk, sent an email later to Kandace Metcalf about the idea of having a parenting fair or some event that I could draw some interest about starting a child care program. She called me back in early March and we started to plan together this event. She also told me that her provider( only licensed program in Elk) was moving. She was eager to help me set this up. I guess I would have been the one that started this recruitment effort.
I hope this answers your question.
End of E-mail.

I thought we had two daycares and one was closing? So what is the truth?

Who is a person to believe, KDHE Child Care Licensing, Child Care Aware of Kansas or Elk Konnected, LLC?

Perhaps Elk Konnected, LLC can provide some answers, PLEASE.
Or perhaps some of the Konnected Followers can provide some answers.


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