Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Got a couple more buzzwords for you to be on the lookout for.  Sustainable development.  Green anything is the new red.   If its green its true agenda is redistribution of wealth,   Remember the USSR you couldn't own property without govt permission.  Same stuff different decade.   Sustainable development is tied in with the un's Agenda 21 of which it is their goal to work on the local levels, local governments to ensure housing for all, healthcare for all, money for all through redistribution of wealth.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Ross on April 05, 2012, 07:35:21 AM
Do you really need a community Conversation to address daycare, or do they need a community meeting to assert control?

Think about that, just give it a little thought.

Think about their list starting on page one of this thread and I quote only one of their idea's from the list:
Was that idea really to save money or to control the county and the various communities?

Just give it a little thought, please.

But more importantly watch this short 15 minute video, I never realized a lot of this until moments ago, when I watched the video. It's a real eye opener.

People want to change everyones lifestyles for what purpose?
Control? Simple?
Do you need a community conversation by a couple of county commissioners disguised as Elk Konnected, LLC or Elk Konnected,LLC disguised as a couple of County Commissioners? Which ever way it is?

Watch for a lot more changes from our local government other then the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs, watch for more regulation and control in the form of zoning laws. etc.

Isn't it time to wake up?

You are really a negative twisted thinking individual. You seem to be against everything. The people oif Elk County have always been big on help thy neighbor you  are trying to change that to Beggar thy neighbor. I can tell you that you and Patriot do not know the people of Elk County at all.


Quote from: srkruzich on April 05, 2012, 07:48:09 AM
Got a couple more buzzwords for you to be on the lookout for.  Sustainable development.  Green anything is the new red.   If its green its true agenda is redistribution of wealth,   Remember the USSR you couldn't own property without govt permission.  Same stuff different decade.   Sustainable development is tied in with the un's Agenda 21 of which it is their goal to work on the local levels, local governments to ensure housing for all, healthcare for all, money for all through redistribution of wealth.

Funny you should bring that up........

We now have the UN/Obama socialist social engineers working in Sedgwick County and SE Kansas to really modify the way people live.  I have notice the leftist, Soros supported, organization Americans for Prosperity is deeply involved in this.

Perhaps our local Democrat commissioner/EK community organizer, Ms. E. Hendricks, or our Democrat turned Republican/EK cheerleader, Mr. KR Liebau, will enlighten us as to how all this will play out in SE Kansas & how it may end up affecting Elk County.  

'Sustainable planning' not so sustainable

By Randal O'Toole, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. A version of this appeared in the Wichita Eagle.

The vast majority of Americans, surveys say, aspire to live in a single-family home with a yard. The vast majority of American travel — around 85 percent — is by automobile. Yet the Obama administration thinks more Americans should live in apartments and travel on foot, bicycle, or mass transit.

To promote this idea, the administration wants to give the south central Regional Economic Area Partnership (REAP) the opportunity to apply for a $1.5 million grant to participate in "sustainable communities." Also sometimes called "smart growth," the ideas promoted by these programs are anything but sustainable or smart. (As members of REAP, the governing bodies for both Wichita and Sedgwick County endorsed this grant.)

The urban plans that come out of these kinds of programs typically call for:

   Redesigning streets to increase traffic congestion in order to discourage people from driving;
   Increasing subsidies to transit, bike paths, and other "alternative" forms of travel even though these alternatives are used by few people;
   Denying owners of land on the urban fringes the right to develop their property in order to make single-family housing more expensive;
   Subsidizing high-density, developments that combine housing with retail shops in the hope that people will walk to shopping rather than drive;
   Rezoning neighborhoods of single-family homes for apartments with zoning so strict that, if someone's house burns down, they will have to replace it with an apartment.

Story: http://wichitaliberty.org/regulation/sustainable-planning-not-so-sustainable/  

For more info (including involvement of the Flint Hills Regional Council): http://sedgwickcounty.org/commissioners/Ranzau Readings/Sustainable Planning Grants and UN Agenda 21.pdf

How much of this 'free money' does Elk Konnected have their eyes on. I wonder.  And they call Elk County conservative....  hmmmm.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: ELK@KC on April 05, 2012, 07:56:06 AM
You are really a negative twisted thinking individual. You seem to be against everything. The people oif Elk County have always been big on help thy neighbor you  are trying to change that to Beggar thy neighbor. I can tell you that you and Patriot do not know the people of Elk County at all.

I happen to like and respect the majority of the people of Elk County.
And I was not refering to the people of Elk County, I was refering to Elk Konnected, LLC which is not a people but a privately owned company/organization of a very few people.

Please refrain from twisting what is said.

You can't seem to recognize manipulation and control of people. And perhaps that is because you are one of the controling on the local front.

And I suppose you don't see the fact that the suggestion by Elk Konnected, LLC of a centrally located government and doing away with city councils is very controlling.

Helpiing they neighbor is what I do, and I don't ask for money to do it.

What Elk Konnected. LLC does is "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" by holding their hand out for money from the County Tax coffers and even saying that some of the money is something different?

Elk Konnected, LLC is not a neighbor, it is a privately owned business that has not been able to run a business, isn't that right?
They speak of having a community but they fail to produce one. I live near a real community called Moline, do you know that community?

It appears they only want to hold meetings as a comtrolling factor, by saying politely don't wit with your spouse, don't sit with you friend, don't sit with your neighbor no matter what contrived excuse they use, that definitely is not neighborly, but it sure is controlling. And by saying keep everything positive is just another controlling activity. In other words only speak the way we tell you to speak.

It is time to wake up, that's my opinion.

And sir, I am not a negative twisted thinking individual, I am a common sense thinking individual and the key word is individual. Meaning I think for myself and don't allow a privately owned company or a very small group of people dictate to me on how to think or what to think.

And no matter how hard you Elk Konnected followers try to degrade me or how many names you call me, I will remain and individual and able to think for myself.

Quote from: ELK@KC on April 05, 2012, 07:56:06 AM
You seem to be against everything.

No I'm not against everything, but I am for getting corporations and privately owned business's with their own agenda's out of government. I am for ending the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs.

What are you for?
Thank you for responding.


Quote from: ELK@KC on April 05, 2012, 07:56:06 AM
You are really a negative twisted thinking individual. You seem to be against everything. The people oif Elk County have always been big on help thy neighbor you  are trying to change that to Beggar thy neighbor. I can tell you that you and Patriot do not know the people of Elk County at all.

Or perhaps we are more attuned to socialist trends in America and how those manifest at the local level.  Read Post # 3725 above.  Would amoral socialists deceive & mislead you?  Count on it.  And so would misguided 'moderate conservatives'.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So everyone there is too dumb to see whats  "really" going on except you few?  Oh my!


ELK@KC do you believe in the individual?
Do you believe in individualism even a littel bit?
Or is your belief in the controlling factor of a group or crowd or mob, which takes control?
It sounds to me as if that is what counts for you, is that right?
Shun the individual,
put down the individual,
call the individual names,
but support the mob, the group, the privately owned organization/company/organization, right?

So you don't approve of people thinking for themselves do you?

Please let me know.

And Diane, I have never asked anyone to believe a thing I post on here.
In fact I'd rather they did not believe anything I post.
I suggest they think for themselves, I even provide links, but they are capable of doing their own research.
Just think for themselves and not let company's think for them.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 05, 2012, 10:01:04 AM
So everyone there is too dumb to see whats  "really" going on except you few?  Oh my!

No.  There are a few in Delaware that are to dumb to see as well.  Actually many average citizens here, when presented with the facts and numbers, do get it.  There will always be a segment that will hold to failed ideologies.  Not unlike those who continue to support Communism in spite of all the history.  Which segment do you fall into?

Perhaps Warph best illustrated...

Quote from: Warph on April 03, 2012, 05:19:30 PM

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


So, what is really behind a privately owned company holding a so called Community Conversation about baby sitting?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 05, 2012, 10:01:04 AM
So everyone there is too dumb to see whats  "really" going on except you few?  Oh my!

Absolutely not but if you watch who squawks the most and gets the most offended when you post about the communist connections, the reason is  that the agenda is being exposed. They worked long and hard to slip it under peoples noses by using their trust.  There are those of us who trust no one so its not going to happen that we will allow it to get past us. Sometimes they can if they hide it deep enough in some cause.  For example, Communist russia fell in the 80's....the communist had no where to go then.  So what did they do?  They came to America and infiltrated the eco groups. So now days the new communist red is the the progressive green.  IF your progressive your ideals are straight from the USSR.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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