Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Ross, you're making too much American sense and the liberals are not likeing it.

If I disagreed with what you've been saying, I'd tell you.  But I do agree so stay right in there.


I Brought this over from http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,13278.80.html
to share with all of you following this thread in case you are not following that thread.

I'll proudly call this post:

My Personal Opinion.

Quote from: Vitriol on April 03, 2012, 02:04:41 AM
Why are you against it if it is such paltry sums?  How does it cost you anything?

Quote from: Ross on March 07, 2012, 08:41:54 PM
So why do you want Beggar-Thy-Neighbor for such paltry sums?

Quote from: Ross on April 03, 2012, 05:02:28 AM

Are you kidding?
Freeloaders always cost society?
I suppose you think everyone should be on welfare?
Have you taken a look at the state of our country's financial situation lately?
The country's financial situation is in dire straights, fact!
Why?   "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs, fact.
That's why!
Wealthy even Super Rich "FREELOADERS" that's why?
Commonly called Welfare for the Rich!

If it is such a paltry sum
Why do you want to be such a cheap

I have seen enough freeloaders in my life time to know they never contribute.
They are strictly takers.

Does Elk County really need the following:

"Beggar-Thy-neighbor" Programs.
Welfare For The Wealthy.

If so, let's have a public list of NAMES of Recipeints.


So talk about the truth of these programs that  refer to "FREELOADERS"  "Beggar-Thy-neighbor" and  Welfare For The Wealthy seems to have stopped any open and honest dialog with our Elk Konnected County Commissioners and Elk Konnected Followers. I wonder why?

Is honesty that difficult to deal with?

Quote from: Mom70x7 on April 01, 2012, 08:48:46 AM
Having Trouble Finding Daycare?

Please come to this community conversation to discuss this issue within our community.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
6:30 pm
The Hornet's Nest (old Moline Gym)
Free Childcare Provided (night of conversation)
Elk Konnected

What is there really to discuss about daycare in Elk County?
Except perhaps putting daycare that is already in place out of business?
How, would that work?
Perhaps, with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money?

Just how would that be good Economic Development?

We have been told we have sufficient daycare in Elk County, so why would Elk Konnected, LLC a privately owned company with visionaries want to hold Kommunity Konversation, even if they don't have an acyual community. If they do have an actual community I'd like to know the name of the town and the population and where it is located? Or is that just words to sucker people iin?

Quote from: Catwoman on March 28, 2012, 04:27:59 AM
Elk County has some great daycare providers already...That's why a standard, stand-alone daycare hasn't been started up to now in Elk County.  

But, as you can clearly see Mr. Durbin seems to agree with me in the following quote, even to the point of showing my bias to the losing effects of Elk Konnected, LLC. I certain he is refering to the failure of Elk Konnected, LLC to run their wellness center, right Mr. Durbin?

Quote from: ddurbin on April 01, 2012, 03:04:20 PM
No need to focus on Ross.  I wouldn't expect an answer from him to be anything other than "it most definitely must be for the sole purpose of Elk Konnected trying to beggar thy neighbor and misuse taxpayer money to start an endeavor that they are certain to fail at."  I was hoping to hear from someone with a more unbiased opinion and interpretation.

But actually, I thinks he wants to hear from someone that might be able to show some sort of accomplishment of Elk Konnected, LLC.  So would I? But I would like to hear about something beyond taxpayer dollars buying lollipops. So lets hear it, someone, anyone?

In the mean time back to the the daycare issue dreamed up by Elk Konnected, LLC! Isn't it really a non-issue? Isn't the so called Kommunity Konversation which is really an Elk Konnected, LLC private business meeting open to the public really, being stagged to meet the requirements set forth by Public Squares Communities, LLC? Isn't that the real purpose to maintain your membership in the little canoe club? Oh, and doesn't Public Squares Communities, LLC still require you to pay thousands of dollars of taxpayers money to maintain that membership?

But back to daycare, and I quote again:

Quote from: Catwoman on March 28, 2012, 04:27:59 AM
Elk County has some great daycare providers already...That's why a standard, stand-alone daycare hasn't been started up to now in Elk County.  

So, what is the real purpose of the so called Kommunity Konversation? Some honest answers please?

Where is that honest open dialog with our Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

Oh, I know! Would that be considered vile to post open and honest dialog?

Diane Amberg

Wouldn't EK sponsoring a several day area kid's soccer training event be a good thing? You were wanting to hear about the good things they do.


Would you look at that?
Todays newspaper, big headine.
Elk Konnected to hold community conversation next Wednaesday in Moline

It says format to be small round-table discussions.
Now I gotta stop right there and ask where they are getting all those round-tables?
Isn't the truth "circle of chairs"?
I expect it will be like all previous so call community conversations that are really the privatelt owned company Elk Konnected, LLC's meetings that jus happen to be open to the public that want to play musical chairs, right?

I mean you walk in the door and sign their list and get a name tag with a kindergartners colored star on it and walk in to a bunch of circles of chairs, right?

And then the fun begins, you get told you can not sit with your spouse or your friend or your neighbor, or with someone with the same colored kindergarten star, so if you sitting with anyone fitting this discription please move to another circle, right?

And then you are told to keep it positive and what to discuss, right?

This is such a dire situation of daycare that it takes all this and also stating in the paper that it effects parents, grandparents, educators, elected officials, business owners, etc. What is with that?
Who is Elk Konnected to say who it effects?
Why not mention fathers, aunts and uncles and cousins as well? Is there no fathers out there that this might effect?

Why is a privately owned company, Elk Konnected, LLC decisions of such importance to elected officials and educators?
Does everyoe have to turn out because Elk Konnected, LLC says it is a community conversation when in actually it is a company meeting open to the public, where they may be manipulated in where they si, who they sit with and told how to think?

Shoot, even our elected officials don't put what they think is of a serious nature on the front page of the newspaper and hold real community conversations and urge everyone to attend, why?

So why does a privately owned company do such a thing?

Think about that for a minute.

Elk konnected, LLC aren't you required by Public Squares Communities, LLC to hold these community conversations?
Aren't you also required yearly to pay thousands of taxpayers dollars to Public Squares Communities, LLC also?
Aren't those the requirements of maintaining your membership in that little company and maintain your accreditation within the little club, or what ever you call it?

If you miss holding this meeting or go for a year without one, won't Public Squares Communities disbar you or something like that?

Will the sheriff deputies be there in uniform with Sheriff's vehicles and the drug dog?
If so, are you going to reimburse the County for their presence?
Do you think it is right for you to remove the use of the County Sheriff Deputies from their regular duties and rounds without reimbursing the county for the inconvience to the rest of the taxpaying citizens of Elk County?

So what is the real reason for the meeting and saying that elected officials are effected?
Are you saying the County Commissioners need to be there?  
If so is that for the purpose of more "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money in the form of County Taxpayers dollars?
Is Elk Konnected, LLC trying to find out who might use their Daycare irf they chose to start one?
Is Elk Konnected, LLC also looking for suggestions where to start a daycare?

I mean exactly what else is there to discuss?

Why don't you take up BUSINESS and Commerce with the local [/b]Chamber of Commerce?
Isn't that what the Chamber of Commerce is all about, BUSINESS?
Aren't those the experts in Business and isn't daycare a business?

How about some real answers?

Or are you going to do the same old thing, just go back and look at page one of this thread, all a waste of peoples time, in my opinion?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 04, 2012, 06:57:59 PM
Wouldn't EK sponsoring a several day area kid's soccer training event be a good thing? You were wanting to hear about the good things they do.
It would be good if EK is sponsoring it without any tax dollars.  Sponsoring means use of your own money.   IF they are using tax dollars they aren't using their own money
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well to be fair now ross, this is something that falls into their realm.  Day care is not government business nor should it ever be.   The only thing i can think of that would slide them out of their realm and into the taxpayers realm is if they attempt to get funding from taxes or windfarm money or community assets (also known as taxdollars).   
IF they venture into that realm then yeah your right.  But heres a novel idea, what IF they actually came up with funds from donations by people that attend.  OR go out and solicit it from folks in the community, or imagine this, divide the costs between those that would use the facility and get a commitment from them.  Now imagine people being accountable for their responsibilities and funding their own needs.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Would you look at that?
Todays newspaper, big headine.
Elk Konnected to hold community conversation next Wednaesday in Moline

It says format to be small round-table discussions.
Now I gotta stop right there and ask where they are getting all those round-tables?
Isn't the truth "circle of chairs"?
I expect it will be like all previous so call community conversations that are really the privatelt owned company Elk Konnected, LLC's meetings that jus happen to be open to the public that want to play musical chairs, right?

I mean you walk in the door and sign their list and get a name tag with a kindergartners colored star on it and walk in to a bunch of circles of chairs, right?

And then the fun begins, you get told you can not sit with your spouse or your friend or your neighbor, or with someone with the same colored kindergarten star, so if you sitting with anyone fitting this discription please move to another circle, right?

And then you are told to keep it positive and what to discuss, right?

This is such a dire situation of daycare that it takes all this and also stating in the paper that it effects parents, grandparents, educators, elected officials, business owners, etc. What is with that?
Who is Elk Konnected to say who it effects?
Why not mention fathers, aunts and uncles and cousins as well? Is there no fathers out there that this might effect?

Why is a privately owned company, Elk Konnected, LLC decisions of such importance to elected officials and educators?
Does everyoe have to turn out because Elk Konnected, LLC says it is a community conversation when in actually it is a company meeting open to the public, where they may be manipulated in where they si, who they sit with and told how to think?

Shoot, even our elected officials don't put what they think is of a serious nature on the front page of the newspaper and hold real community conversations and urge everyone to attend, why?

So why does a privately owned company do such a thing?

Think about that for a minute.

Elk konnected, LLC aren't you required by Public Squares Communities, LLC to hold these community conversations?
Aren't you also required yearly to pay thousands of taxpayers dollars to Public Squares Communities, LLC also?
Aren't those the requirements of maintaining your membership in that little company and maintain your accreditation within the little club, or what ever you call it?

If you miss holding this meeting or go for a year without one, won't Public Squares Communities disbar you or something like that?

Will the sheriff deputies be there in uniform with Sheriff's vehicles and the drug dog?
If so, are you going to reimburse the County for their presence?
Do you think it is right for you to remove the use of the County Sheriff Deputies from their regular duties and rounds without reimbursing the county for the inconvience to the rest of the taxpaying citizens of Elk County?

So what is the real reason for the meeting and saying that elected officials are effected?
Are you saying the County Commissioners need to be there?  
If so is that for the purpose of more "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money in the form of County Taxpayers dollars?
Is Elk Konnected, LLC trying to find out who might use their Daycare irf they chose to start one?
Is Elk Konnected, LLC also looking for suggestions where to start a daycare?

I mean exactly what else is there to discuss?

Why don't you take up BUSINESS and Commerce with the local [/b]Chamber of Commerce?
Isn't that what the Chamber of Commerce is all about, BUSINESS?
Aren't those the experts in Business and isn't daycare a business?

How about some real answers?

Or are you going to do the same old thing, just go back and look at page one of this thread, all a waste of peoples time, in my opinion?


Quote from: srkruzich on April 04, 2012, 07:28:04 PM
But heres a novel idea, what IF they actually came up with funds from donations by people that attend.  OR go out and solicit it from folks in the community, or imagine this, divide the costs between those that would use the facility and get a commitment from them.  Now imagine people being accountable for their responsibilities and funding their own needs.

You are so right.
That would really be something.


Do you really need a community Conversation to address daycare, or do they need a community meeting to assert control?

Think about that, just give it a little thought.

Think about their list starting on page one of this thread and I quote only one of their idea's from the list:
Quote from: Ross on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM
Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

Was that idea really to save money or to control the county and the various communities?

Just give it a little thought, please.

But more importantly watch this short 15 minute video, I never realized a lot of this until moments ago, when I watched the video. It's a real eye opener.

People want to change everyones lifestyles for what purpose?
Control? Simple?
Do you need a community conversation by a couple of county commissioners disguised as Elk Konnected, LLC or Elk Konnected,LLC disguised as a couple of County Commissioners? Which ever way it is?

Watch for a lot more changes from our local government other then the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs, watch for more regulation and control in the form of zoning laws. etc.

Isn't it time to wake up?

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