Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

So you would cut those functions entirely? What would a good county administrator out there be paid? I know our County Executive and our county council members fuss and fume at each other too. Same deal just bigger numbers.


Ask the comissioners to relieve the Youth Develpment person, and pay her 1/2 salary to do what she did?
A janitor as we knew it, is now an "enviroinmental services employee"  the cook was a 'nutritional services employee'...it's all about symantics to the politcally correct......OH, let's not offend anyone.
Well, hell.....an equine extraction distributor is a Horse manuer pitchforker to me, or a stableboy!

Take that money and put towards the infrastructure.   1.  roads    2 bridges.   3  ????
(Without those, you can't get into town to build a town.)

The community will have to offer more, and that is not necessarily Howard.  Howard is not Elk County.
Think back to the Gold Rush Days...Warph, need help.  Towns thived with what? 
Need for jobs...money that would pay for those jobs....something for the kids to see other than a computer and an IPod...real life?????? anyone have a clue what that is without electronics?

Where does the money come from????   the same place it always has come from.
We/Us/Me/You    by interesting fundraisers, well planned, well timed and to the interest.
Lots of money thrown from the county, the state, the feds to a specific business is not always a good thing, unless vetted by all.

We have gutted it all our lives to take care of our own.   
Why have we become so "sacrificial' in the name of correctnes? 

I question wether the shade of the Elm tree called Elk Konnected has just not killed all of the grass that is supporting it???

(No facts, just questions)    Oh, Lord!   do I sound like Ross???    :o ;:)


I find your ideas a bit Northeastern and well within your limits.
I do not always agree with your perspective to our area, however...You are correct that I disagree and agree to respect that.

Our personCounty Coordinator is paid over 20K.   (SE Kansas)


Off to bed, y'all play nice now.



Nighty night Ready.
I'm done for the night too!


So, Let me try to figure this out.
We don't have a certified daycare center in Elk County, right?
Be we do have state approved daycare and supposedly sufficient to meet the needs of a few people, do I understand that correctly?

So, if we put in a certified daycare, I figure that would take business away from the people in buisness for who knows how long and remove their needed income.

And that would show good economic development practices in what way?

Is it good economic development to put small business out of buisness, because someone else wants to take advantage of County Programs to support their own buisness?         

Would these other people do it without County Programs and taxpayers money?

Is it perhaps required to support tourism from the east side of the county to the west side of the county?

And therefore, put the little people out of buisness?

I don't really understand that?


You know I wonder?
How many people might buy into a cut throat program
that might be subsidised by taxpayer programs
and would possibly force small business out of business?

I just wonder?

Would that be a positive thing?

Would that be a christian thing?

I don't expect any answers!

I just wonder what's right and what's wrong
with society today?

When's a positive a negative
When's a negative a positive?

Do people matter?
Or do business' matter more?

Do organizations matter
or do people matter more?

Where are the morales?
Where is the decency?

Diane Amberg

Good old American Capitalism supports competition among businesses to win clients. The Walmart syndrome comes to mind. Unfortunately, to do otherwise is called protectionism and is frowned on. The "capture theory" means that the older business is in danger of losing clients to the new business nearby, who sets out to capture the old businesses' clients by offering something that is somehow better.
Day cares closing during tough economic times isn't unusual. If one parent loses their job, they can't afford day care, but then again they don't need it, because they aren't working.


Diane, I wasn't talking of daycares shutting down here in Elk County because of tough economic times.
I was talking about a new daycare possibly supported by government taxpayers dollars that may cause people that have been providing the service through their little business' to be forced out and lose the income their families need to survive.

Is that waht government is about?
Hurting the little people?

Yea, let's force those little people on welfare?

Wouldn't that be a positive thing to do?

Wouldn't that be a christian thing to do?

That would be the moral, ethical, principled, christian and economic development thing to do, I suppose?

Diane Amberg

I had already asked if EK was planning to start a day care and got no answer. Is it a premature question or something that is coming up for discussion or what? I know sometimes how one feels about this kind of thing depends on one's perspective.
  This isn't the same of course but we've had a problem here with our prison. Folks want the inmates to raise their own food to save tax payer money, but the people who have contracts to sell to the prison don't want to lose the income...who wins? How does one decide? Yes, I know it's none of my business, but these kinds of things happen in many small communities.

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