Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

 Red, I want specifics! You are avoiding the question again. What liberties have you personally lost?
 I guarantee I know more about American history than you ever could ever know. I'm married to an expert, have grown up where it all took place, have visited most every historical site on the east coast, and have read many books and biographies and autobiographies. Al has just about overdosed on it all.
 We can't have less of what the colonials had because most of it hadn't been invented yet. ;) You want us to have the British over us once again ?  :o  Only the wealthy families' kids get a formal education? Why would you want that?
 Go read about the education of the bloggers you enjoy so much....they have education out the wahoo!
  Look at John Taylor Gatto and all the schools and degrees he collected on his way to becoming well known. (You'd be surprised how many well known people I've heard speak at conferences over the years.) These folks are not anti education! Education is never perfect and every generation of parents wants changes. Some change is good. It keeps thing fresh. Some is not when it creates dependent kids who can think, but fight to not have to and their parents back them. I mean really...kids who come to school who can't tie shoelaces? That is a parent's job.
  Then there are the folks who have chosen an alternative life style. They have chosen to do as their leader/s tell them, in all things. No personal choice in dress, living arrangements, life style, work, worship, and so on.  Yet they seem perfectly content.They have the freedom to give up their freedom as you would know it.
   Liberty is much more than being able to have a gun! The early settlers had a different attitude because they almost all hunted food and those who could afford it owned weapons. Some hunted game to sell to the shops and inns in towns and along travel routes. That isn't the case any more .Even hunters see it more as recreation than having to put food on the table or starve.
  You can pretty much do whatever you can afford to do as long as it doesn't affect the safety and welfare of others.
If you want to see what is was like long ago, visit Williamsburg. It's a good depiction of a lot, not all of course. You'll find none of the old common fatal diseases there.


You simply don't get it and that's what freedom loving Americans are up against today.  Your historical expertise doesn't
go very far in defense in of true American liberty.



Quote from Diane:
.Even hunters see it more as recreation than having to put food on the table or starve.

Wrong again. That might apply to hunters in the East and city people that come here to hunt---and maybe just a few of the locals---but most Elk county hunters hunt for the food. Take deer for example. We have to buy the either sex tag before we can buy the antlerless only tags but a heck of a lot of them either sex tags are put on does so don't think it's done just  for recreation.
And I "guarantee "you I have dealt with way more deer hunters over the years than you ever will-----And I am the expert in that field----or was !!!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 16, 2012, 11:05:28 AM
Red, I want specifics! You are avoiding the question again. What liberties have you personally lost?
 I guarantee I know more about American history than you ever could ever know....

Damn, that was arrogant!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 16, 2012, 11:05:28 AMGo read about the education of the bloggers you enjoy so much....they have education out the wahoo!

Note to arrogant east coast elitist know it all:  Your so good at handing out assignments, here's one for you...

Amberg, please go carefully read the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and the Communist Manifesto.  Then provide we unwashed and unenlightened masses with your comparative analysis of the current state of American governance compared to the plans & philosophies espoused in each of those documents.  Be sure to cite specific examples.  Further, also explain how your analysis applies to the unholy alliances between private company interests and the Elk County government addressed in this thread.

We'll all be waiting for your eminence to enlighten us.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

What is true can't be arrogant. Ha!
   I'm talking about the country as a whole, not just your part or my part. I was comparing then and now, not here and there.
   I'm still waiting for a specific answer to my question. What liberties did you have that you have lost. If it's so obvious, list them out.
  Then there is Red's question that took us off track. Do you think Democracy should be used to steal the liberty of other folks?  Again I ask, what liberty?
As to whether you are unwashed, only you would know that.  Pretending to be unenlightened is beneath you and just plain silly.     As for Red's education, who knows? I stand behind what I said about knowing about the history of this country. All of it, not just from the south's point of view and not excluding it either.
  As for my "assignment," I actually could do that.  I have always been good at  compare and contrast questions. But, who of you unenlightened (according to you) would understand it? Now tossing the bit about EK in there invalidates the assignment as you are assuming "unholy alliances" as fact, and there isn't enough unbiased information or reliable research to draw from. Too bad.
   My goodness, you sure are fun to poke at. I look forward to doing it again soon. It stimulates my brain. You just get mad too easily.
   Jar, I have no doubt you really do know about the hunting out there and I'm sure if there are still subsistence hunters you are in a position to know. I wasn't trying to take away from that, I was just comparing the then and now historically.


What liberty?  Let's say any any liberty.

You could do the assignment.... but you won't.  And since you won't and haven't, the case regarding your ignorance of American liberty is advanced, supported and likely proven.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Jarhead and Red great inputs.

And I wish to add that , I just don't believe we need an organization that claims to have stopped the "old guard" when infact I believe they have shown themselves to be the very same people, just a younger generation there of, with a name and fabricated community. In my humble opinion they seem to have failed at everything they said they were going to do including, pulling the communitties together. It appears to me they are making matters worse. Now it appears they want to give property taxes away to their friends via not taxing them on their new homes or barns or whatever improvement they put up, by not imposing taxes on their improvements. Good job trying.

Now, in this weeks newspaper they are calling it, "The Neighborhood Revitalization Program".
What neighborhood do you suppose they are talking about?
What do you suppose they might call it this idea next?
They definitly won't call it a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program will they?
Even though that is exactly what it is.

Jennefier Montgomery, the county Economic Development Employee and member of the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee submitted paper work to the County Commissioners for this program.

The newspaper goes on to say the Liebau and Hendricks suppport the program.
Apparently one Commissioer did not support the program.

Let's look at that, Okay?

Commissioner Leibau an Elk Konnected, LLC supporter made the motion to approve the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" as presented by the Economic Development Employee and member of the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee and it was seconded by Commissioner Hendricks the founding member of Elk Konnected, LLC. The motion carried by two Elk Konnected, LLC County Commissioners to one non-Konnected County Commissioner.

Has the County taxpayers, voters and citizens been advised as to what is in this program, has it been posted on the county web site?

Isn't it just another "Beggar-Thy-Neigbor" program devised by Elk Konnected, LLC County Commissioners ?

After all two Konnected Commissioners voted for it and one actual Commissioner voted against it, right?

I apologize for that, VILE remark, BUT I feel it is a very truthful remark. Simply do the math, 2 to 1 pretty frequently.

I feel that Commissioner Ritz is the only Commissioner not being manipulated by an organization.
No,  I do not know Mr. Ritz on a personal basis and I have only spoken with him briefly on maybe a half dozen occassions.
But from attending Commissioners meetings and paying attention to how he votes and speaks he is interested in the county as a whole, not as some organization out for itself,
and I am impressed with his down to earth attitude.
And I respect that.
This is Strictly my own personal opinion.


To be completely accurate, the vote taken was to allow Montgomery and the Appraiser to continue with study and prepare a final draft of the Elk County plan.  It was NOT to implement the plan.  How would I know?  I was there.

Implementation, according to Kansas requirements, requires advance public hearings first. How would I know?  I have a copy  of the Kansas program guidelines. Is this just more incomplete information being fed to the public?  Why?

I suppose this correction will be characterized by an elected official who is sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution (including the 1st Amendment) as Vile, huh.

Here's some more info:  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,13278.0.html

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: redcliffsw on March 16, 2012, 11:19:55 AM
You simply don't get it and that's what freedom loving Americans are up against today.  Your historical expertise doesn't
go very far in defense in of true American liberty.    

Since the question Diane asked has gone unanswered by red and ambiguously anwered with "What liberty?  Let's say any liberty." by patriot, I would like to offer a second opportunity for the Reactionaries on this Forum to explain themselves.

Just exactly which liberties and freedoms have been lost?  Exactly who lost them and exactly who took them away? 

Specific cases please, not more ambiguity.

And so Ross doesn't chastise me for polluting his thread/blog - What specific liberties and/or freedoms have been taken away from whom by the Elk County Commissioners, past and present?

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Mr. Flinty, you've been a promoter of using government grant money.  Why would you want the government to take other's money
for your shortcomings or your favorite projects?  And if the government isn't forcing it from the taxpayers, then they are borrowing money or they're printing it which is a huge burden of debt upon the living and the yet unborn for years to come.  Most probably never to be paid off.

Why do you want to live off the public treasury like that?  Do you work?  How about your buddies on Elk Konnected?
Looks like you're all a bunch of freeloaders living off the citizens under the tyranny of government.

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