Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I just recieved a card in the mail which I guess could be considered Economic Development for Columbus, Ohio, see what you think.

It says Government Assisted Cellular Service:
Free Cellular Phone with 250 minutes also free and rollover minutes.
What a deal.
They state you must be recieving at least one of the following to qualify:
Food Stamps
Free Lunch
Section 8 public housing assistance
Bureau of Indian affaotherirs general assistance
Headstart (tribal programs)
Triabbly Administered free school lunch program

It has a self certification form attached.
I assume that is for ease of application.
Postage paid return card.
Wow, when do you ever see postage paid these days.
Application can be accomplished on line as well at www.callrow.com .
See, I did not make this up.
It is a fact.

I would call it anther "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor, Economic Program? on a grand scale.
What would you call it?
After all the merchant is bound to make tons of money and it brings that home to his community, doesn't it?

"Beggar-Thy-Neighbor, Economic Program?
Good for the merchant, not so good for the taxpayers, right?

Let's throw in some specialized property tax breaks fo a few special people just to top it off, how does that sound?

That's fair to the rest of the taxpayers, that pay the highest property taxes in the state, right?

If and When the time comes to vote, vote yes, if you like this idea of "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" 
As always it's your choice.


Some like to think that we vote to see who gets what from the government.
That's the "democracy" side of socialism.  With a win, it's a politcal victory so to speak - over your time, money and efforts or
we could say it's a political victory over your liberty - the democratic way to have victory over liberty.

It might not be very "republican" to have a free government cell phone, however republicans do like government
financed or supported WindPower, ethanol. cars, banks and Elk Konnected.  Any Republicans looking for a government grant?

Keep up the good work there, Ross.


A TSA a security program or an Economic Development/"Beggar Thy Neighbor" program?

Look at all those tax dollars brought in to each community, it helps the economy doesn't it?

Infographic: The TSA's 'Grope And Pillage' Operation


Personally, I think there are far to many wasteful
Economic Development/"Beggar Thy Neighbor" programs
  don't you?

Diane Amberg

The free phone program started before Pres.Obama was in office.  You can blame congress, FCC, for that one. Check out Link Up and Lifeline for the history and details. The money comes from a pool of phone providers.
It's bit like what many hospitals do.They add to every paying customer's bill to help pay for those who don't pay.


Let's blame the Democrats, Republicans, independents and others who take our liberties to benefit their people
and thus receive the votes and support of the beneficiaries for their own gain - their financiial gain.

They are certainly free to give their own money to charity.

Diane Amberg

Then blame the business people who started the programs.They can take it off their own taxes.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 14, 2012, 12:29:54 PM
Then blame the business people who started the programs.They can take it off their own taxes.

No Diane, we should blame ourselves for allowing ourselves to be hoodwinked.

That's what Econoimc Development "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" is all about.
The more money they (commerce/business) can make off of taxes the better.

And everyone else pays for it, right?
Like privately owned bussiness with LLC"s to protect theselves and their possessions, right?

The business's already have a lobbying organization of sort's don't they? The Chamber of Commerce?
A local association to promote and protect the interests of the business community in a particular place.
An association of businesspersons and merchants for the promotion of commercial interests in the community.

To what degree?
Cheatiing the county, which means every taxpayer, by them not paying their fair share of taxes?

If someone is starting a business and needs to use our resources, Economic Development Employee,
but only on the basis of keeping their activity and who they are secret,
because they don't want anyone to know,
in the event they fail in thier business,
apparently they have already failed.

Something is really wrong?
Something really stinks in Denmark?
Or are we being lied to?

It is again a Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Program, can't you see that?

Do we need more Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Programs?

Where is the honesty and openness and transparency in Government right here at home, locally?
We can never get it on the National Level is we can't get it here at home in the very heart of the country, now can we.

Just like the organization Elk Konnected, LLC starting out as a supposed open community organization, which held community meetigs based on County Commissioners asking them to do so. But two of three County Commissioners are Konnected, so they asked themselves, right?
Where is the honesty in that?

But in fact the LLC held what I considered a scam, they controlled every single move of everyone that showed up.
Telling people not to sit with their spouse, their friend, their neighbor --- total control of small circles of chair of people in clearly unusual circumstances for easy manipulation uknknown to them.    

Then the organization becomes an LLC, supposedly to protect themselves from anyone attending their functions that might  get hurt and want to sue them. Really, I don't believe that either. Couldn't it be so they could have their meetings and book work kept secret? I mean a bunch of pages back the number $85,000 was discussed right here on theis forum. And since then they have sold their only actual business I have ever heard of. The Wellness Center, they failed to be able to run it and got out of the business as I understand it. And I bet they didn't give it away, but we probably won't ever know for how much, because they are a private business, right?

How many private business do you think get money from the Elk County Government to pay their obligations to another privately owned business?
How many Diane, how many?

How many other privately owned business do you think get money from the Elk County government to rent giant wet blow up slipper slides to use at festivals to advertise their business?
How many Diane, how many?

How many other privately owned business have two County Commissioners on the Elk County Commissioners Board of three Commissioners?
How many Diane, how many?

People across the country are upset about Companies, Corporate Ammerica controlling our country's Government, and yet we have it happening right here in Elk County, in my opinion?

Elk Konnected, LLc wanted a Youth Development and Economic Development employee and the Konnected Commissioners voted to get one. Oh did I mention she is on the Elk Konnected, LLC steering Committee. And on in this thread it has been pointed out that she appears to do more work for Elk Konnected, LLC  then for the County Government, is that a good thing?

Diane Amberg

Uh, I thought we had been talking about those free phones? How did EK get into it?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 14, 2012, 12:29:54 PM
Then blame the business people who started the programs.They can take it off their own taxes.

Why blame capitalists for doing what we expect capitalists to do.... sell products by any legal means available... let's blame whining liberal/moderate politicians for subsidizing these programs with public funds.  They are elected to provide certain constitutionally defined functions... as a public trust.  Government isn't there to provide every luxury that any special interest segment of the population 'thinks' they have a right to..... cell phones, computers, birth control, after school movies, etc.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 14, 2012, 02:30:49 PM
Uh, I thought we had been talking about those free phones? How did EK get into it?

Durn near the whole thread is about Elk Konnected, LLC one way or another.
Haven't you noticed during some 355 pages?


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