Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Just some interesting reading about organizational ethics I thought I'd share.

The Kenan Institute for Ethics   Duke University

How Your Organization Measures Up

Measure Up is an online assessment tool designed to help individuals and organizations understand the strengths and weaknesses of an organization's ethical culture. There is a survey a person can take called measure Up. I thought some of you might find it interesting.

What do you mean by accountability, transparency, candor, commitment and courage?

Accountability - Your accountability score describes the willingness of the organization to take responsibility for its impact on stakeholders both outside and within the organization. For example, an organization with a high accountability score is one in which everyone knows "where the buck stops" and is able to successfully engage stakeholders in ways that mitigate conflicts. Managers are accountable for the responsibilities they delegate to employees, and employees, in turn, are accountable for their own actions. Organizations with low accountability scores tend to disregard or ignore stakeholder concerns, and often their leaders don't effectively respond when a subordinate surfaces an ethical issue.

Transparency - Your score in transparency describes how clear and visible the organization makes its governance structures, mission, policies and procedures. In organizations with a high level of transparency, policies, structure and statements truthfully reflect the reality of day-to-day operations. Leaders explain how and why decisions are made; employees understand how they are evaluated. The organization shares relevant information with external stakeholders to enhance public confidence. Organizations that struggle to be transparent may also struggle with issues of legal compliance and internal and external trust.

Candor - Candor indicates the level of open, honest and reciprocal communication throughout the organization. Managers and employees that work in candid environments tend to feel they're treated fairly and have less fear of retaliation for reporting ethical misconduct. Leaders actively seek out and provide feedback on important issues from employees at all levels of the organization. Low scores in candor may indicate that mistakes are hidden and that "bad news" rarely flows up the organizational hierarchy.

Commitment - This dimension describes the organization's total commitment to supporting an ethical culture. Organizations scoring high on commitment also tend to be transparent in their ethical policies and procedures, enabling greater accountability throughout the organization. For example, incentive systems may be in place to encourage employees to address ethical concerns and integrate ethical considerations into their decision-making. Organizations that score low in commitment may superficially espouse ethics but not provide structures and incentives that support, encourage, and even reward ethical behavior.

Courage - This score tracks courage on both the organizational and individual levels. A courageous organization is one willing to do the right thing, even when there is financial risk. A courageous individual is able to make difficult decisions and act upon them. A low score in courage may indicate that while ethical concerns are recognized, they aren't shared or little is done when they are. Individuals may be unwilling to risk the personal and professional consequences of acting effectively to resolve ethical issues.


Quote from: Ross on September 08, 2011, 07:11:58 AM
That sounds like the ethical thing to do. But do ethics play a part in politics today?

Ethics only play a part in politics today for some, Ross. There are very few ethical politicians in this county, or even in this country for that matter. I wish it weren't true but until taxpayers (voters) hold these politicians accountable for their actions, ethics and morality will take a backseat to the wishes and wants of the unethical politicians. Time to wake up, America!---Mrs. KSH




Quote from: kshillbillys on September 08, 2011, 09:04:56 PM
Ethics only play a part in politics today for some, Ross.

We need major changes or our country is screwed. 

Our country is hurting now due to a lack of ethics. IMHO 


Here is wishing everyone a great weekend.

Diane Amberg


You have a great weekend too Ross. We will be commemorating the weekend watching 9/11 footage and remembering. We will never forget....




Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 09, 2011, 09:05:55 PM
Ya gotta bucket and a sponge?
what?? Are we gonna clean up the county.
One of the communities is having a clean up this weekend.
Grenola is havig it's fall city clean up today!
And no Elk Konnected was mentioned in the newspaper article!??
It get's done.

I have a great podunk parade to go to in Elk City this morning.
The Elk Valley School band from Longton is marching in the parade.
My son plays the trumpet and he is real excited about it.

Podunk, because the parade route is probably 3 blocks long and after the parade turns around and comes back through a second time it will probably take all of a half hour long. Great fun,

Diane Amberg

Actually I was referring to cleaning up flood damage, but I like yours better.


Quote from: Ross on September 10, 2011, 06:28:32 AM
Grenola is havig it's fall city clean up today!
And no Elk Konnected was mentioned in the newspaper article!??
It get's done.

Where's the beef?  Come to think of it, where has EK been lately?  I heard one of their steering committee members, Ms Hendricks, was in a radio interview with one of the Emporia Economic Development folks about economic development in Emporia.  Wait!  Emporia isn't in Elk County?  What?  Since Elk Konnected got an accreditation from Public Square Communities, LLC, the EK Summer Day Camps are over, and the wind farm construction has begun, Elk county doesn't need help any more?  We're all better now?   All of our communities are spic-n-span clean, growing and working well together, population is up, school enrollment is booming, infrastructure has improved, new businesses abound, taxes are down, and our citizens are enjoying a much greater quality of life? All in 4+ short years...  

In early 2007, Elk County was experiencing some events that made a resident wonder "What is the future of Elk County"? With a county population of only 3000, one tiny town spends time and energy wanting to pull out of the county wide trash service. Yet on the other side, members across the county come together for a "tablesetting" event that raises over $3000 for the local foundation. How can these two polarizing events happen at the same time? We needed help!
  (Source:  Elk Konnected About Us page at Public Square Communities webside)

Where's the economic development, the enhanced community relationships, and growth? 

I've heard EK spent only about $4,000 of the $13,800+ obtained by the county in that summer day camp grant.  What now becomes of the rest of those dollars that are still in the county coffers?  Was it really 'fat, lazy citizens' who caused the failure of the Howard Wellness Center, or was it poor planning/management?  Speaking of the Elk Konnected run Wellness Center, what becomes of any fitness equipment that was to be purchased with that special private $19,900 grant money handed out for that equipment?  Maybe it was donated to the two school districts when the center went out of business.  We can hope.  

Results matter.  And looking at results, maybe Elk County isn't really better off, and EK really doesn't have any managers.  And yet we've been giving them tax dollars and letting them use government employees/resources, as they seek to influence county government and school districts?  

Stay connected, citizens.  There appears to be a  disKonnect somewhere.  But maybe there's something we don't know.  I'm sure we'll find out... in time.  Speaking of Konnections, do some research on these...

Elk Konnected, LLC
Elk County Community Education Foundation (ECCEF)
Public Square Communities, LLC
Elk County Board of Commissioners
West Elk Unified School District 282
Longton Ball Association
Longton City law enforcement
Elk Valley Unified School District 283
Caney River Wind Project
Elk County Republican Committee
Girard, KS
Leoti, KS
Fort Scott, KS
Labette County, KS
Kansas Health Foundation
Howard State Bank
H W Allen Co., LLC
Eagle Head Ranch, LLC
Phillips Southern Electric Co., Inc.
First Neodesha Bank, Bank of Longton Branch
Quail Creek Properties, LLC
1313 N. Webb Rd Wichita, KS
Fall River Land Co, LLC

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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