Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on August 26, 2011, 08:10:09 PM
Yeah, the Cat saw it...And is purring...LOL...

Better to be thought stupid than to open your mouth and prove the point.
You do a good job of saying all the wrong things, don't you? So I guess that proves your point.
I'm sorry.
The truth hurts, right?

So what do you know about the subject matter that migh impress anyone?
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County? 
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.


Rosco, all anyone hears is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  The day of your having said anything new...Anything relevant...Anything worth reading, other than to count the number of pages it amounts to...Was eons ago.  I know this Forum amounts to the only social interaction you seem to have in your life.  For that, I pity you.  But for all of the vicious, backbiting, condescending, vacant posts you put on here, you'd have no life.  You are just nothing but sad.


Quote from: mayflower on August 26, 2011, 03:09:12 PM
It happens time and again.  It is just the manipulation of facts.  Good to hear from you Indygal.
Manipulation of what facts? Do you read the paper?
Isn't that the first fact I presented, Read it in the paper?
Did I need to type out the whole article for you?
Talk about manipulation of the facts!
Here it is again just for you. Fact:
Quote from: Ross on August 25, 2011, 05:24:24 PM
This weeks newspaper read the "Howard Chamber of Commerce" column.
And I simply asked questions. Are questions a new form of presenting Facts?
I don't think so.
Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?


Ross, there are a few points I wish to clarify.

I repeat that it is not possible to know or even guess at the intent of the suggestion made by Mr. Stieben. Using your logic, one might also argue that you are "planting seeds" of suspicion and speculation. But is there really any way for anyone to know that? Therefore, I can and do deny that I know "seeds were being planted."

I also agree that proper terminologies should be used, so here they are. The Howard Chamber of Commerce is not a City of Howard organization. It is not a government entity, and it is not funded by taxes. It is a membership dues-paying professional organization. It serves to represent Howard businesses, as this type of group is designed to do, but it also has widened its scope to include activities and projects that benefit the county as a whole. Most members do live in Howard, but some live elsewhere in the county, and some live outside of the county.  I don't see where there was ever any mention by me or in the meeting report of state or national funding for activities. Could you point this out, please?


Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 08:35:30 PM
Ross, there are a few points I wish to clarify.

I repeat that it is not possible to know or even guess at the intent of the suggestion made by Mr. Stieben. Using your logic, one might also argue that you are "planting seeds" of suspicion and speculation. But is there really any way for anyone to know that? Therefore, I can and do deny that I know "seeds were being planted."
Okay, I yield to your denial simply because you may not have recognized the action as such. It was brought up at the meeting and I believe that qualifies as planting a seed.

My asking simple questions may be construed as what ever you heart desires. But I believe the fact that they go unanswered would do more in what you suggest.

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 08:35:30 PM
I also agree that proper terminologies should be used, so here they are. The Howard Chamber of Commerce is not a City of Howard organization. It is not a government entity, and it is not funded by taxes. It is a membership dues-paying professional organization. It serves to represent Howard businesses, as this type of group is designed to do,
I know what the organization is. Chamber of Commerce with the name of a city usually are comprised of the merchants in that community. Just like the Moline Chamber of Commerce. Not a city government organization. No on suggested otherwise.

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 08:35:30 PM
but it also has widened its scope to include activities and projects that benefit the county as a whole. Most members do live in Howard, but some live elsewhere in the county, and some live outside of the county.
Now that sounds a whole lot like Elk Konnected, let me guess the one's outside of the county, would that
be Severy????

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 08:35:30 PM
I don't see where there was ever any mention by me or in the meeting report of state or national funding for activities. Could you point this out, please?
Nor did I say anything about state or national funding???


Quote from: Catwoman on August 26, 2011, 08:30:19 PM
Rosco, all anyone hears is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  The day of your having said anything new...Anything relevant...Anything worth reading, other than to count the number of pages it amounts to...Was eons ago.  I know this Forum amounts to the only social interaction you seem to have in your life.  For that, I pity you.  But for all of the vicious, backbiting, condescending, vacant posts you put on here, you'd have no life.  You are just nothing but sad.
Why do you keep coming back if all that you say is true?
And would you please quote all those  vicious, backbiting, condescending things that you say I have written? Please?

No Catwoman I am not sad I am quite happy. And you have no idea about my life or the people I associate with.
There for you continue to prove your point.
Quote from: Catwoman on August 26, 2011, 08:10:09 PM
Yeah, the Cat saw it...And is purring...LOL...

Better to be thought stupid than to open your mouth and prove the point.
What qualifies you to say what everyone else hears?

Goodnight, I'm off to beddybye time.


Yup, you just made my case for me.  Don't you ever get tired of shooting yourself in the foot?


Catwoman, he's doing a good job.  Obviously, you liberals are opposed to him or his American stand.

Stay right in there, Ross.


If page count is any indication...Then yes...He's doing a stellar job.  Of what, no one is sure.  But yes...He's got the page count up high enough to qualify for some sort of recognition, I agree.


You won't learn much counting the pages.  Stay tuned to what Ross is saying and you might learn something. 

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