Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Yes, they were......at the meeting held August 23.


Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 11:52:00 AM
Ross, I am the board secretary for the Howard Chamber of Commerce. I took the minutes that you are quoting. I typed them and submitted them to the Prairie Star for publication. While I'm pleased that the minutes are being read, I am disappointed that you failed to include the part of the sentence that would clarify that is was not the chamber itself requesting PILOT funds.
Lynne Thompson
I am so proud of you being the Howard Chamber of Commerce board secretary. Does that mean you speak here on behalf of the Howard Chamber of Commerce?

The very first thing I said was in my post was very clear:
Quote from: Ross on August 25, 2011, 05:24:24 PM
This weeks newspaper read the "Howard Chamber of Commerce" column.
So, they could read it for themselves!
So, I don't really care what you think?  It took place at the HOWARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,
Didn't it? So you can get down off that horse, right?

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 11:52:00 AM
It was a chamber member who suggested that the chamber request the funds. There's a big difference between suggesting something be done, requesting something be done, and actually doing it.
Suggestions at meetings like yours usually end up being acted on isn't that right? Or isn't it called planting the seed for action, right again, right? I did not read anything that said the idea was tabled or rejected, did I?
Or was that an omission, too?

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 11:52:00 AM
For instance, if someone were to suggest you take a long walk off a short pier, it doesn't mean you are being requested to do it, or that you actually will do it. Suggestions made during meetings are that, and only that. There was some discussion, but there was no vote, and the chamber did not approve any action.
That is a lame statement if I ever heard one concerning this topic. I see it as only misdirection and failing poorly. Heck that argument doesn't even work on kids these days. Try again?

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 11:52:00 AM
In the future, please be sure to include the full sentence of a meetings minutes instead of only the part that appears to support your allegations. You have a knack for lying by omission, and many people are being misrepresented by this behavior.
You have no reason what so ever calling me a liar one way or another? Is that the way you  and your Chamber of Commerce operate by omission? I have simply asked questions, simple questions? I have not omitted anything, that is just simply your opinion. And I believe that the people on this forum are adult enough to make their own decisions. And I will write as I please, Thank you! Uncensored!

So are you telling me that the Chamber of Commerce has no plans of ever asking for the county to dish up funds for it's fund raisers be it pilot money or otherwise?

Is Lonnie Stieben an associate of Elk Konnected? Was she suggesting asking for the money for Elk Konnected? There is a lot of omission in the Article in the newspaper so perhaps you can clarify for us what that was all about? The article did not say it was the minutes of the meeting as every one else does! Another omission, wanting us to assume. I.E. the paper list School board and County Commissioners meetings as the minutes of the meetings. Why that omission in this newspaper article.

You also omitted answering a few of my questions didn't you?
I'll try again, okay?
Quote from: Ross on August 25, 2011, 05:24:24 PM
The Elk River Festival is a Howard event isn't it --- to raise funds for the City of Howard, right?

Quote from: Ross on August 25, 2011, 05:24:24 PM
Since when does the Howard Chamber of Commerce or Elk Konnected, LLC qualify as holding county events and require county funds????

It seems to me that terminology is very loosely used, don't you  think so too?
It would appear County Events would by put on by Elk County such as the Summer Day Camp which County Government funded with a grant they received. Now wasn't that a County Event?

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 02, 2011, 08:54:03 PM
      NEWS FLASH  , Elk Konnected was started by Richard Fish, a well respected citizen who sought to bring all of Elk County together and quit quibbling over small things and work together as county. The original idea went through the Chamber of Commerce, DONATIONS were given by many people who want to see the county grow. TIME was , and is, VOLUNTEERED by many people , YOUR fellow residents . Their agenda is making Elk County the best it can be.

I know I failed to ask yesterday, but now I have a real source to ask. Could you tell us Ms. Thompson was it your Howard Chamber of Commerce that Jefe de vaca refered to in the above quote?

Thank you for communicating openly with all of us here on the Elk County Forum.


Ross, you are always trying to stir up trouble or make things look bad when they didn't even happen. Let people decide things for themselves. You are the most negative thing that has happened to Elk County and Howard in a long time.


I can answer your questions to the best of my ability, Ross, but I cannot speak for the entire chamber membership. I take the minutes from the meetings.

I don't know if Mr. Stieben is associated with Elk Konnected. I do know that he is a chamber member and a businessman. I don't know what prompted him to make the suggestion. You would need to ask him. The reason you don't see any approval or rejection of the suggestion is because there was no motion made to accept or reject it. And no, Ross, suggestions are not "usually" acted upon. Many suggestions are made with no action taken.

I suspect you omitted Mr. Stieben's name to give the impression the chamber itself was making a request for county funds. That is known as censoring. It also could be considered manipulation of a fact to serve a purpose. Anyone who had not read the news item in the newspaper would not know you had omitted the name. I agree that most people who read this forum are adults who will form opinions based on the information provided. To not provide all the information when it is available is deceitful. Again, my opinion. If that was not your intent, I apologize.

Concerning your question about chamber involvement in forming Elk Konnected: I did not live in Howard at that time nor was I a chamber member. Those decisions were made before my time here, and you have asked questions I cannot answer. Jefe de vaca made the statement. Ask him to clarify his comments.

Some of the events sponsored by the Howard Chamber of Commerce include an Easter egg hunt, open to all children in Elk County (not just Howard); a 4-H fair parade (open to all people in the county as well as 4-H members), a Christmas open house (open to all members of the county, not just Howard residents), and yes, the Elk River Festival, which is open to all residents of Elk County and anyone else who wishes to attend. Funds raised by the festival are used for chamber activities and projects, many of which benefit the entire county. Will the chamber ever seek county funds for these activities? I have no knowledge or authority to answer that question or any others about future decisions made by an organization.

I trust I have answered the questions to your satisfaction.


Rosco, you are the biggest blowhard I've ever had the displeasure to witness in my adult life.  What a waste of space and oxygen.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 26, 2011, 07:35:46 PM
Rosco, you are the biggest blowhard I've ever had the displeasure to witness in my adult life.  What a waste of space and oxygen.
I don't believe your opinion of me is irrelevant to the topic.
But thank you for expressing yourself in such an ugly manner. Although it is not very becoming,
and it does not add anything of real interest.
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County? 
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

Diane Amberg

Mr. Ross! (Waving hand and jumping up and down)  Oo-Oo! Did you know a double negative makes something mean positive? Ya better proof read before the Cat sees it? ;) Don't mind me, my funny bone is tingling.


Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 07:13:01 PM
I can answer your questions to the best of my ability, Ross, but I cannot speak for the entire chamber membership. I take the minutes from the meetings.
I sincerely thank you for that honest answer.

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 07:13:01 PM
I don't know if Mr. Stieben is associated with Elk Konnected. I do know that he is a chamber member and a businessman. I don't know what prompted him to make the suggestion. You would need to ask him. The reason you don't see any approval or rejection of the suggestion is because there was no motion made to accept or reject it. And no, Ross, suggestions are not "usually" acted upon. Many suggestions are made with no action taken.
But it does plant the seed, that you can not deny.

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 07:13:01 PM
I suspect you omitted Mr. Stieben's name to give the impression the chamber itself was making a request for county funds. That is known as censoring. It also could be considered manipulation of a fact to serve a purpose. Anyone who had not read the news item in the newspaper would not know you had omitted the name. I agree that most people who read this forum are adults who will form opinions based on the information provided. To not provide all the information when it is available is deceitful. Again, my opinion. If that was not your intent, I apologize.
As I explained earlier the very first thing I said was:
Quote from: Ross on August 25, 2011, 05:24:24 PM
This weeks newspaper read the "Howard Chamber of Commerce" column.
So they could read it for themselves. Thank you apology graciously accepted.

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 07:13:01 PM
Concerning your question about chamber involvement in forming Elk Konnected: I did not live in Howard at that time nor was I a chamber member. Those decisions were made before my time here, and you have asked questions I cannot answer. Jefe de vaca made the statement. Ask him to clarify his comments.
Well, Jefe de vaca does read this thread so perhaps he will clarify which Chamber of Commerce he is referring to, for all of us.

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 07:13:01 PM
Some of the events sponsored by the Howard Chamber of Commerce include an Easter egg hunt, open to all children in Elk County (not just Howard); a 4-H fair parade (open to all people in the county as well as 4-H members), a Christmas open house (open to all members of the county, not just Howard residents), and yes, the Elk River Festival, which is open to all residents of Elk County and anyone else who wishes to attend. Funds raised by the festival are used for chamber activities and projects, many of which benefit the entire county. Will the chamber ever seek county funds for these activities? I have no knowledge or authority to answer that question or any others about future decisions made by an organization.
I believe all those events would be open to any one in the state or even people passing through but that does not make them a state activity or a national activity to raise funds, does it. Therefore the proper terminology for a City of Howard function or activity would appear to me to be a "City of Howard function or activity" open to the public. Or if you only want to limit the function or activity to the citizens of Elk County you could say City of Howard activity open to Elk County residents only. But let's try using proper terminology and keep things clear to the general public instead of deception by omission as you suggested lying by omission.

Quote from: indygal on August 26, 2011, 07:13:01 PM
I trust I have answered the questions to your satisfaction.
I feel you have done your best. Thank You.


Yeah, the Cat saw it...And is purring...LOL...

Better to be thought stupid than to open your mouth and prove the point.


Quote from: ELK@KC on August 26, 2011, 06:03:05 PM
Ross, you are always trying to stir up trouble or make things look bad when they didn't even happen. Let people decide things for themselves. You are the most negative thing that has happened to Elk County and Howard in a long time.
You can say all the ugly things that may come in to you mind and your heart and I will forgive you.
I don't see where asking a few questions is stirring up trouble.
Unless you are saying someone is doing something wrong, is that it?

I know, I know! Some of you don't like taxpayers and voters asking questions as concerned citizens.
Do you feel that only certain people in the county have rights?
Do the questions create a fear in you?
Is there something to hide?
Or is it you don't want to communicate?
What is your problem?
Let's discuss it but let's not be ugly about it, okay?

In the mean time let's talk about

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County? 
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.

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