Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Ross, did anyone ask you what you thought they should do with the money that they expect to make from leasing land in Elk County?


Quote from: Wilma on June 30, 2011, 07:11:49 AM
Ross, did anyone ask you what you thought they should do with the money that they expect to make from leasing land in Elk County?

Nice diversion!  Private company not seeking influence over elected officials' decisions. Private land/mineral rights owners.  Apples and oranges.

How about this....  Are they being employed by the taxpayers or using government employees to conduct their operations?

Why can't you separate government and private?  Has EK convinced you that there is no difference and that an NGO should have the same powers as government?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I was just reminding Ross that the meeting that he was talking about was not for the purpose of spending taxpayer money.


Quote from: Wilma on June 30, 2011, 10:31:58 AM
I was just reminding Ross that the meeting that he was talking about was not for the purpose of spending taxpayer money.
You really don't get it do you?
Sometimes I miss a point too.
Comprehensions is important.
Let me clarify the point for you, please.

Both were meetings with numerous people --- right?

One set up with circles of chairs as a control factor.
One with a facilitator, a control factor.
One with sheriff, another control factor.
People shoved into circles for peer group pressure another control factor.

The other meeting no circle,
No telling you who you could sit with,
No peer pressure,
No facilitator,
No sheriff for control.

I hope that clarifies what I was saying?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?

How do you plan to meet your goals?


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 30, 2011, 06:45:24 AM
I do see Patriot and Ross's point about there being a thin line between Elk County and EK, but in the same token there is money that is allocated each year in a Parks and Recreation fund. If Elk County choses to donate some of the funds to EK that is their choice, by their the commissioners. Notice I said commissioners not just one can vote on it, at least 2 of them have to vote on the money going to EK not just one.
I explained in an earlier post IMHO that two of the three County Commissioners were acting more like Elk Konnected booster club than County Commissioners at the County Commissioners meeting. Would that by chance equal two out 0f three votes?

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 30, 2011, 06:45:24 AM
I think that the day camp is a nice thing to do for our youth and all the things that EK does for them. EK has volunteered hours in each community cleaning up, too.
I missed something what part EK is doing for the Summer Day Camp? Tell me will ya?
It appeared to me the clean-up thing was mimicing what the communities were already doing IMHO.
If the Sumer Day camp is all that good for you. Would you share what the children are learning while there?
What are they doing besides playing with water guns and hula hoops? What have you seen happening at the day camp? Please share with us.
Are they teaching critical thinking skills?

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 30, 2011, 06:45:24 AM
As for youth and summer jobs, now in Elk County jobs for any age are hard to come by. So, to me offering pay to the kids that help at the day camps is a good thing. I think that if they weren't payed they would still help with the camp, too.
I was told by a reputable source that one person quit because they were told they wouldn't be paid. But you can believe what you want. But now that they are being paid they are getting a durn good wage for being baby sitters. Do you charge that much for day care?

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 30, 2011, 06:45:24 AM
Why not raise them to be better caring adults, as I think that is what EK wants to do.
Wait a minute here, is that one Elk Konnected's goals --- to raise children.
To that I say no thank you, I'll raise my own. Since no one accepts responsibility for
Elk Konnected they definitely would not be permitted to assume any responsibility for my child.
My child is learning to be responsible. My child mowed a lady's yard for free because she had no money.
Did he have to do that? No. Did he learn that at day camp? No.

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 30, 2011, 06:45:24 AM
I know I am getting off topic, but I believe that our youth are our next leaders. If we don't give back to them and help them, they sure are not going to be any better off then our current leaders from around the world. And many youth are not raised in 2 parent loving households these days, especially ones from this area. I know several of my friends are single parents or have gotten a divorse. That isn't the childs fault, and they are usually the ones that suffer the most.
Give back to them, what does that mean? First you have to give before you can be given back to don't you?
So, are you saying responsible people have to be responsible for children of people that are irresponsible?
Doesn't that just create more irresponsibility.
All that crap about single parents, I guess that's our fault? And we need to fix it. Where is the kids grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins? Where is the kids church family?

I was raised in poverty and it ain't so bad? We ate depression foods and I still like that food today?
I wore hand me down clothes that were bought at the second hand store for my older brother. When he out grew them I got them. I had to pull the belt loops together to make them fit and I had to roll the pant legs up three times. Whoopie, being poor isn't that bad and a person can learn from it.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?

How do you plan to meet your goals?


Quote from: Ross on June 30, 2011, 11:50:56 AM
Are they teaching critical thinking skills?

OMG...Give the poor kiddos a break, will you please?  They get more than enough experience with being taught critical thinking skills 9 months out of the year...Summer camp is supposed to be FUN, not a DRUDGE. 

Angie, I understand what you're saying and I totally agree with you.  Elk County is fortunate to have you there, helping the parents with their children. 

Diane Amberg

Ross, there are indeed times when responsible people do to open their hearts and become responsible for the children of irresponsible people. Many people do. You did.
I rather suspect the people who sent their kids to camp were comfortable with whatever plans the counselors had for the kids the day you saw them. Did you stop and ask them what they were doing that day? Did you ask to see a schedule of activities?  The parents here are given an activity schedule for each day's events so they know what the kids will be doing and where they will be and when.  Perhaps it was free play time. Not all camps schedule every second of the day and I'm sure the parents would already know that. I'm sure you don't mean to, but it seems you are criticizing the parents for not  knowing what their kids were doing. I suspect they understand the difference between a supervised day camp experience,"babysitting" and raising children.
I'm  also sure everybody who wanted to, given a certain mood and mind set could find something to criticize.  It isn't supposed to be the same as summer school after all. I know it's hard, but sometime we all have to look beyond our own experiences to find a ruler with which to judge people. Camp kids work on sharing, communications and helping each other, teaching each other and being fair and understanding the needs of all kids, not just themselves. It's all done in a more social setting.  Some critical thinking skills are used, but in a group setting.  Do "projects."  Many can be cheap or free using scraps. Turn the kids loose with a bunch of wood pieces and glue and build a sculpture that will stand on its own . Paint it, give it a name and describe how it could be used or what it could do. But that's just my old gray haired opinion. "Learning" can happen in many ways, not just behind a desk.


This weeks paper says under Elk County Commission says and I quote,

Pat Snively asked whether Jennifer Brummel worked for Elk Konnected or Elk County and if she does work for the county why does the
publicuty for summer camp say, "Elk Konnected Summer Camp". Commissioner Hendricks said Jennifer was both the Economic and Youth Development Director and gave a brief explanation of how the Youth Development position came to be and said it doesn't really matter who gets credit for anything. but that in the future the name could be changed, if necessary.

End quote

I don't read an answer to Pat Snively's question in there anywhere.


This weeks paper says under Elk County Commission says and I quote,

L. W. Ross questioned as to whether Commissioner Hendricks worked for Elk Konnected or Elk County.
Hendricks said she wore many hats and was very supportive of Elk Konnected. Commissioner Liebau expressed the same feelings.

End quote.

They seem to leave a great deal out of the minutes or tend to change the wording.
I specifically asked why Elk Konnected was taking credit for the Summer camp. Did they inform me
that our County Grant Request was submitted with a title for the summer camp as "Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp".
Now that is just a title on the form as I see it. It could have been titled as "The Down Home Folks Summer Day Camp" or anything else. Don't you think? But why does a County Employee use that particular name? See post right above this post.

But no, I didn't get that answer instead, "I was asked what difference does it make?"
I suppose, I should have responded what difference does it make to have ethics. But I didn't.

I did tell Commissioner Hendricks that as a leader in the military I wore one hat on the base and another hat when I went to town with the guys that worked for me. When I returned to the base I was back to being their boss. It's that simple to keep the hats seperated.

But there you have it folks two county commisioneers that are Elk konnected Booster or followers or whatever. Right there in the county Commissioners meeting. Is the blur getting blurrier?

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?

What are your real goals?

How do you plan to meet your goals?

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