Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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QuoteNow, now let's be decent.

I AM decent. I DONT need scoldin by YOU.


A what-er table?  Or water table?  lol  Decently speaking, of course... ::)


cat:  have your ever lived in an area where the only water you had went dry when there weren't a lot of rains?
The pump or cistern won't bring the water up, and those forturnate to have electric pumps worked hard in drouts and many a pump had to be replaced.    Any water, other than natural fed springs or runoffs from nature would pollute those watertables.

Many people in Elk County are still on the watert able cistern.   If one pollutes that, then you have undrinkable water.


I lived for many years in Elk County, Ready...So, yes...I have known personally what you describe...And I find it ludicrous that anyone would even begin to contemplate tinkering around with what little available water there is down there.  I can remember the efforts to drill down for water...And coming up dry.   


and yet, drilling is contemplated in Elk and surrounding counties for a guess at "there may be gas?"   
At what price? 
Everyone wants to see a fat paycheck by only owning the land..(minus 30%  for taxes), however they forget what will happen afterwards....please refer to the Native Americans.....

I, personally would had to see this beautiful and self sufficient (if the government doesn't clamp down on us) lands be what they are when they were homesteaded.   Hard? yes.   Beautiful? yes.   
If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. 
Or, if you are a computer nerd...if it ain't broke, I'll break it and charge you to fix it.

I see Elk County getting into some difficult decisions, and I am afraid that it will be our county next.


Quotefor a guess at "there may be gas?"   

Go  to the website of the company that wants to lease.  They are looking for a PARTICULAR shale to get the pocets of gas from.  It is mainly in Pennsylvania and to Virgina.....they are thinking that there is more, but is it enough?

Diane Amberg

That's one of the problems in areas that "mine" ancient water from locked aquifers. It doesn't get replaced and will eventually will run out. We have some  problems here from agriculture run off. It's done some really serious damage to the Chesapeake Bay. There are natural pollution sources too of course but nature can't clean it up as fast as the pollution can occur. It's also a problem with raising corn, as I'm sure you already know corn is a water and nutrient hog as compared to some other grains. Knowing soils and drainage, water tables and such was part of what Al did as a planner for New Castle County. He did perk tests and colored maps and made exhibits for public meetings as a planning aide when he was first hired after college, a very long time ago.Then he was drafted...... But I digress. I thought if you drill for potable water in most of Elk County around Howard you get saline. No? In PA were the fracking is already being done it is very controversial and supposedly there has already been some unintended pollution. It's in coal country which already has it's problems from bad practices many years ago.


Diane, as you know....this area is based on Shale, Limestone and Sandstone amongst other hard and soft rocks.  2 out of 3 of those mentioned are fragile rock bases.
I personally do not wish to dig to China as we used to say. 
I feel, what we have beneath the ground, well to after 100' stay buried.  We may find ruins of Greece, or Atlantis in our back yard, as the earth has shifted from so many "fraking" drilings....yes I watch Sci-fi shows.  And then the History channel will start filming in our area, but then I digress also     :P
Also, the intent is the reason.  Are they drilling because they have a Royal flush, or are they drilling because they are trying to draw to four aces with the landowners beautiful and bountiful straight?   

Diane Amberg

Well, I'm sure there is a money factor in there somewhere! ;D

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