Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Janet Harrington

Here. Let me give you some information. If you think there is something that is being done illegally, that is unethical, whatever, and it involves the county commissioners, the county sheriff, the county clerk, the county treasurer, the county register of deeds, or the county attorney, the why don't you use the toll free number to Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt's office and lodge a complaint? Verbally or in writing, I really don't care. Tell the AG that this county needs to be investigated. After all, he is the TOP law enforcement officer of the state. I am providing you the contact information that I took from my good friend, Attorney General Derek Schmidt's, website.   Since corruption at the county level has been alleged, then it is up to our AG to investigate and either bring to light that there is corruption or put to rest the allegations.  I love getting a good investigation started.

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt
Memorial Hall, 2nd Floor
120 SW 10th Street
Topeka, KS 66612
(785) 296-2215
(785) 296-6296 fax

On that same line of trying to find out who or what this Elk Konnected, LLC, is and who the office holders are and trying to allege that there might be some corruption, (Let's not call it "conflict of interest". Let's call it what you are saying it is, corruption), which is involving the commissioner that has had her name flung around this topic...have any of you thought about talking with the Elk County Attorney Kim King about this? Have you? She is newly appointed and should be able to hear your concerns with a fresh ear. Her office is on the top floor of the courthouse. She has a full-time secretary and her number is 620-374-3507.

I have stayed away from this topic just because it is one of the most boring topics I have ever read. Kind of reminds me of doing tax returns. Makes me want to throw up. However; I thought, okay, maybe some people need a little guidance here. Shine a little light to show these concerned taxpayers who they should be asking these questions of. The Kansas Attorney General's Office in Topeka has the tools and the teeth to see an investigation of this type all the way through.  Attorney General Derek Schmidt and his many, many attorneys and employees are paid by taxpayer money to investigate the things that have been alleged on this topic.

Oh, by the way, I am not nor am I affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC. I don't work for the taxpayers of this county. I am not on disability, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, or any other program that someone might construe as public assistance. I am not in anyone's "back pocket" or taking any money to say what I have said on this forum. The only land I own is the land that my house sits on. I pay my county taxes, my state taxes, and my federal taxes. I am no one's "lackey" or "puppet". I might, however; be a Puppet Master. BAHAHAHAHA

Janet Harrington

Oh, I almost forgot. A few other things to tell you. I totally believe in the "right to bear arms" and I totally believe in "concealed carry." Any of you who know me and know me well will understand why I have verbalized those two things.

And, I do not know the identity of either Ross or Patriot and (big pause here folks, big pause),....I DON'T CARE.

Big whoop.

Janet Harrington

I have a perfect way for those of you who have all these questions about this topic...Call 1-800-KS-CRIME and make a complaint and they don't even have to know your name. How about that? You don't even have to say who you are.  The KBI Director Kirk Thompson works for the taxpayers, too. And you don't even have to give your name. Just tell whoever answers that 800 number what your allegations are. There ya' go.

Janet Harrington

I also want to thank all of you who have been debating with my mother on this topic. Thank you for keeping an elderly woman's mind active. Gives her something to do. (She will probably get me for calling her elderly.) Oh, well. I can run faster then she can roll in that wheelchair.


Then again, there's always really poor management and a lack of transparency.  That would be for the public to judge, wouldn't it?  How much debt has this county rung up for the taxpayers to cover?  Debt for what?  What 'is' debt and what isn't?  How much rock went where?  How much real growth are we seeing?  What kind of growth?  Who's purporting to have their finger on the 'pulse of the community'?  Where does the taxpayer's money go?  Jobs?  What jobs? What are the priorities?  Who's driving the bus?  How does the public learn?  Shhhhhh. Don't wake them up.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 18, 2011, 12:21:05 AM
I also want to thank all of you who have been debating with my mother on this topic. Thank you for keeping an elderly woman's mind active. Gives her something to do. (She will probably get me for calling her elderly.) Oh, well. I can run faster then she can roll in that wheelchair.

LOL my elderly mother caught me........
They are sneaky.  Theres a saying i use with my kids,  Young folks have strength, energy and speed.  Old folks have just 1 thing. Treachery
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 17, 2011, 11:49:55 PM
Here. Let me give you some information. If you think there is something that is being done illegally, that is unethical, whatever, and it involves the county commissioners, the county sheriff, the county clerk, the county treasurer, the county register of deeds, or the county attorney, the why don't you use the toll free number to Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt's office and lodge a complaint? Verbally or in writing, I really don't care. Tell the AG that this county needs to be investigated. After all, he is the TOP law enforcement officer of the state. I am providing you the contact information that I took from my good friend, Attorney General Derek Schmidt's, website.   Since corruption at the county level has been alleged, then it is up to our AG to investigate and either bring to light that there is corruption or put to rest the allegations.  I love getting a good investigation started.
Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 17, 2011, 11:49:55 PM
the county sheriff, the county clerk, the county treasurer, the county register of deeds, or the county attorney,
I don't believe anyone has mentioned any of these people in this thread except you. But while you are at it you missed Ms. Brummell. May I ask you? Is Ms. Brummell related to the Perkins. Is she related to the County Commissioner Hendricks??? I have heard she is and I am just curious how?

Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 17, 2011, 11:49:55 PM
I really don't care.
If you really don't care why the diatribe?

Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 17, 2011, 11:49:55 PMOn that same line of trying to find out who or what this Elk Konnected, LLC, is and who the office holders are and trying to allege that there might be some corruption, (Let's not call it "conflict of interest". Let's call it what you are saying it is, corruption), which is involving the commissioner that has had her name flung around this topic...have any of you thought about talking with the Elk County Attorney Kim King about this? Have you? She is newly appointed and should be able to hear your concerns with a fresh ear.
You have the right to call it what ever you have a desire to call it, if the word corruption is your line of thinking fine. I don't believe anyone else has used that particular word on this thread but you. And coming from someone who doesn't care that is pretty strong language.

Do you really think it is corruption for Elk Konnected to take credit for the Summer Day Camp when it is actually Elk County that is sponsoring it? I personally think it's uncouth and unethical. I also believe there is a conflict of interest on the part of a County Commissioner to be on the Steering Committee of the organization (that is a non-entity) but I don't believe it is corruption. But again if that is your opinion why don't you call Mr. Derick Schmidt's office or the County Attorney?
Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 17, 2011, 11:49:55 PM
I love getting a good investigation started.
If so Go for it. No one is holding you back are they?

Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 17, 2011, 11:49:55 PM
Oh, by the way, I am not nor am I affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC. I don't work for the taxpayers of this county. I am not on disability, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, or any other program that someone might construe as public assistance. I am not in anyone's "back pocket" or taking any money to say what I have said on this forum. The only land I own is the land that my house sits on. I pay my county taxes, my state taxes, and my federal taxes. I am no one's "lackey" or "puppet". I might, however; be a Puppet Master. BAHAHAHAHA
Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 17, 2011, 11:49:55 PM
Oh, by the way, I am not nor am I affiliated with Elk Konnected, LLC. I don't work for the taxpayers of this county. I am not on disability. I am on Medicare and Social Security, and they are not to be construed as public assistance. I have worked hard all my life and paid into the system and there for purchased that insurance. Also as a citizen over 65 I am no longer required to buy a fishing license. Whoopie I am also a vietnam veteran, and I have disabilities, I am no white collar idiot just a redneck hick that is just a little bit nut's but enjoys life. And even enjoy's a good argument and can walk away without carrying a grudge. I to own my home, no house or land payments and no second home on the beach somewhere. Double Whoopie
None of that has anything to do with the unethical and uncouth behavior of Elk Konnected does it.

Oh well, you are entitled to your opinion just as I and everyone else on this forum. So go for it, make those phone calls if you really feel it is necessary.

Who steers the steering committee?
Who is the Puppet Master?


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 17, 2011, 11:57:10 PM
Oh, I almost forgot. A few other things to tell you. I totally believe in the "right to bear arms" and I totally believe in "concealed carry." Any of you who know me and know me well will understand why I have verbalized those two things.

And, I do not know the identity of either Ross or Patriot and (big pause here folks, big pause), [size=16I DON'T CARE.pt][/size]

Big whoop.
I do believe every one on this thread probably believes in the Constitution and the Kansas State Laws. So I feel compelled to ask.
Why is it necessary to bring up this subject. Have you been threatened? Do you feel threatened? Are you threatening someone?

I personally am a law abiding Citizen and haven't even had a traffic violation in 20 years. I do believe you have every right to protect yourself. But i find it rather curious to bring it up in this forum.

I personally don't know you so I do not understand why you have the need to verbalize this on the forum. Would you enlighten me?

Who is the Puppet Master?


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 18, 2011, 12:21:05 AM
I also want to thank all of you who have been debating with my mother on this topic. Thank you for keeping an elderly woman's mind active. Gives her something to do. (She will probably get me for calling her elderly.) Oh, well. I can run faster then she can roll in that wheelchair.
Which one is your mother?
Is she the cagy one that try's to tell us she doesn't understand?
If that's the one, she puts up a good argument.


Frawin, I'm not so sure that I know my own style except I'm not running with the herd anymore than the mentioned Patriot and Ross are.  And I certainly am not in favor of such thing as EK or EKLLC.  Youth?  I'm not against youth anymore than I'm against folks having enough to eat.  Except that I'm against government involvement and gov't paying for any of it.  Used to be that the only government sponsored baseball was in Cuba - now it's in Elk County, Kansas.  You call that progress?  What's that catchy little phrase?  Stay with us and grow.  Look out, Frawin.  Gotta wonder what else that bunch is up to.

You oughta know by now that I'm conservative and that's where I'm staying.  You're on your own too........... 

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