I'm hard, but not unfair.... an apology

Started by Patriot, April 25, 2011, 03:59:51 PM

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Diane Amberg

Steve, those #10 cans are fire house kitchens staples and I know how many servings are in them. How in the world do you eat them all? I could see #10 can of tomato sauce and such, but beans and corn? I'd be sick of them before they spoiled.  ;D  I do get them for parties though and I love the big glass jars of little sweet pickles. But usually I make my own.


Diane the big cans make sense when you think that a #2 can costs about a dollar. If Steve gets to eat two or three servings out of the big can and composts the rest, he is money ahead.

Diane Amberg

He probably is ahead. I never pay that much for the smaller cans. More like $ .50. Just lucky I guess.


There is another benefit to shopping at home.  Socializing.  Where in the big cities are you going to find anyone that inquires about your health, the health of your mother, father, Aunt Lulu and all your cousins by name.  Steve, does anyone in Wal-mart ask you how your goats are doing?  Jane, part of your coming home for the weekend, etc., isn't part of your trip is to see old acquaintances and where better to do this than at Penny's or Toot's or Poplars?  Or if you would rather be left alone and just enjoy the quiet simple life, you can do that, too.


EVERY time I go into Walmart or Marvins or Walgreens I see someone I know that I talk to. I get your point and all, but there are people to socialize with in the big towns too; sometimes even your neighbors!---Jennifer




Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2011, 02:56:06 PM
Steve, those #10 cans are fire house kitchens staples and I know how many servings are in them. How in the world do you eat them all? I could see #10 can of tomato sauce and such, but beans and corn? I'd be sick of them before they spoiled.  ;D  I do get them for parties though and I love the big glass jars of little sweet pickles. But usually I make my own.
i freeze what i don't eat.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg


Hello:  I am Ready and I have been reading all of the posts in this forum for over one year (ok...I have only 3 areas that I read).  I just felt I needed to ask a few questions to all:

Do you realize that the Companies that sell you your gas (car/propane) buy in bulk with the projection of your usage?  (Like Star Propane....you enter into a contract for a set price and it is a contract)
   I am not versed in the Grocery marketing/ordering...however it can't be much different (ergo, sales for meat going to expire, or vegetables that aren't moved).
A homegrown tomato will be bought   at $.50 higher then Dillons based on the taste (ever had one of those pink/plactic tomatoes they sell in the winter?)

It's  all about moving a product and the best PROFIT to the owner. A product that is worth it's 'weight in gold'...so to speak

That is what is different with a local producer.  I might live in Wichita (pick a town)  and will gouge you at a 200% and you won't be back. I don't care....I made my money.
However, we in SE Kansas take the $.10/$.20 on the dollar and give you hometime service....you may come back, or tell others in the area.

Bulk buying is good.   Unfortunately the demand in Howard is low as to the high overhead from shipping charges of grocery trucks...and yes it is off 400 HWY.

Gimme home grown food without any pesticides and FDA control, and I will pay you what it is WORTH! 


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 01, 2011, 06:29:16 PM
Hello:  I am Ready and I have been reading all of the posts in this forum for over one year (ok...I have only 3 areas that I read).  I just felt I needed to ask a few questions to all:

Do you realize that the Companies that sell you your gas (car/propane) buy in bulk with the projection of your usage?  (Like Star Propane....you enter into a contract for a set price and it is a contract)
   I am not versed in the Grocery marketing/ordering...however it can't be much different (ergo, sales for meat going to expire, or vegetables that aren't moved).
A homegrown tomato will be bought   at $.50 higher then Dillons based on the taste (ever had one of those pink/plactic tomatoes they sell in the winter?)

It's  all about moving a product and the best PROFIT to the owner. A product that is worth it's 'weight in gold'...so to speak

That is what is different with a local producer.  I might live in Wichita (pick a town)  and will gouge you at a 200% and you won't be back. I don't care....I made my money.
However, we in SE Kansas take the $.10/$.20 on the dollar and give you hometime service....you may come back, or tell others in the area.

Bulk buying is good.   Unfortunately the demand in Howard is low as to the high overhead from shipping charges of grocery trucks...and yes it is off 400 HWY.

Gimme home grown food without any pesticides and FDA control, and I will pay you what it is WORTH! 

Personally i will grow my own veggies and fruits and can/freeze them.  I don't buy that if i don't have to anyway so it doesn't matter.  Meat, drygoods all of that, i can buy in bulk, again, why not.  Its cheaper and quite frankly i can get it from sysco or a wholesaler for no more on shipping costs than dillons over  in andover especially if i pick it up out in the parking lot.  Better yet, go to the sysco or wholesaler warehouse and pick it up and you ave even more.  Thats a big plus.  Plus like i said broken case sales are cheap. I can buy 3 and 4 times the food and supplies than i can at even aldis.

I agree on the maters. I grow my own. :D  But i also will buy produce locally grown from a farmer who sells it.  I wish we had a big enough farmers market where you could buy green beans by the bushel for a reasonable price.  Also wish i could find purple hull peas by the bushel around here.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on May 01, 2011, 10:50:48 AM
Come to think of it, that applies to quite a few Elk County citizens because there are not enough jobs in Elk County to support everybody who wants to live here. 

How are our local businesses going to bring more jobs to town if people don't shop in our businesses? 1% of your purchases in Elk county come back to the county to use for roads, law enforcement, ambulance, etc.  If our local businesses keep dying off, why would any other businesses want to set up shop here when they see they might not have enough community support to survive?  Why do you think taxes in Elk County are so high?  Mainly because we don't have a large enough population to bring the taxes down per capita.  That is because we don't have the jobs to support these families.  Don't you see by shopping elsewhere each year that goes by, it is more and more difficult for our businesses to survive. So many complain about our taxes being too high but when you have a choice in paying sales tax, you have no opposition to paying higher sales tax in another county or state. Add up how much extra sales tax you pay in a year out of county and see how far ahead you are then!

As for $4 prescriptions, if I had the customer base of the chain store or if even 1/3 of the people shopping elsewhere would get their prescription filled in Elk County I could afford to offer such a great "deal" too.  You are paying for it elsewhere, believe me.

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