I'm hard, but not unfair.... an apology

Started by Patriot, April 25, 2011, 03:59:51 PM

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Supporting Elk County?  Isn't that what we as good citizens should be doing?  Should we all go buy our gas in Greenwood County because it is a little cheaper and let our local gas businesses suffer?  Should we drive to Eureka or Independence when we want to eat out?  Maybe they could just shut down the food joints here in Elk County.  How about the recreation halls?  Do you all want to drive to Severy for a beer and an evening's visiting with good old boys?  How about our vets, our nice little flower shop?  If we don't do our buying at home, we will have to go out of town.

As for Julie's drug prices,  I have prescription insurance and I am not actually paying anything for my prescriptions.  The insurance premium plus the copay comes to less than what it would if I were paying for the meds.  So actually I am not spending anything for them.  I don't trust these so-called bargain meds.  How can they be sold for so much less and still be as effective?  Is the med company taking a big loss on them or is Wal-Mart taking a big loss and making up for it with the other stuff you buy while you are in there getting your meds?  I go to Wichita because if I have what most of you call a hometown, the Wichita area would be it.  That's where I was raised.  That is where my doctors are. That is where I have shopped most of my life.  It is much more familiar to me than even Eureka is. 

Diane Amberg

 Red, sometimes one has to think liberally and/or progressively to get things done.  Pooling money works! Whether it's taxes or donations a little from a lot can go a long way. Sometimes there is a greater good and the whole is even better than the individual.  Some times a "pay as you go plan" can't do what is needed In many cases, certainly not all, many people working together can formulate answers and solve problems that a single individual can't.  People themselves get to choose what is a good fit for them. 
Personally, It makes no sense for me to drive a long way to save a few cents on gasoline because I spent the savings getting there. But if someone has a big tank to fill it might make sense. Lead, follow or get out of the way! ;D


Supporting Elk County? This is BS! Where's Batsons buy their drugs and food? Out of county. Where does the county buy their supplies? From out of county. The rock going on the damn roads that everyone complains about--Moline is one source in the county but we also pick up rock from Elk City, Fredonia and Severy and sometimes from Neodesha. Where do the parts come from to fix the roads? It damn sure doesn't come from in the county. The weed spray doesn't come from in the county. Buying the fuel comes from Murphys, Murphys buys it from out of the county. This whole shit of buying in the county is just either brought up by a business owner wanting people to buy from them because they charge way too damn much or somebody who just wants to stick their nose in their to stir up some shit. Even the damn cattle are bought and sold out of county, they might be raised here but not sold or bought. My wife works 6 days a week in Independence. It would be plumb retarded for her NOT to save us money by stopping at Marvin's, Walgreens, Dollar General, Wal Mart, etc. before coming home. ---MR. KSHillbilly

A little something about the GENERIC drugs:

Generic drugs are copies of brand-name drugs that have exactly the same dosage, intended use, effects, side effects, route of administration, risks, safety, and strength as the original drug. In other words, their pharmacological effects are exactly the same as those of their brand-name counterparts.

An example of a generic drug, one used for diabetes, is metformin. A brand name for metformin is Glucophage. (Brand names are usually capitalized while generic names are not.) A generic drug, one used for hypertension, is metoprolol, whereas a brand name for the same drug is Lopressor.

Many people become concerned because generic drugs are often substantially cheaper than the brand-name versions. They wonder if the quality and effectiveness have been compromised to make the less expensive products. The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) requires that generic drugs be as safe and effective as brand-name drugs.

Actually, generic drugs are only cheaper because the manufacturers have not had the expenses of developing and marketing a new drug. When a company brings a new drug onto the market, the firm has already spent substantial money on research, development, marketing and promotion of the drug. A patent is granted that gives the company that developed the drug an exclusive right to sell the drug as long as the patent is in effect.

As the patent nears expiration, manufacturers can apply to the FDA for permission to make and sell generic versions of the drug; and without the startup costs for development of the drug, other companies can afford to make and sell it more cheaply. When multiple companies begin producing and selling a drug, the competition among them can also drive the price down even further.

So there's no truth in the myths that generic drugs are manufactured in poorer-quality facilities or are inferior in quality to brand-name drugs. The FDA applies the same standards for all drug manufacturing facilities, and many companies manufacture both brand-name and generic drugs. In fact, the FDA estimates that 50% of generic drug production is by brand-name companies.




All those things that you mentioned except maybe for the rock are not available in Elk County.  They have to be bought wholesale for resale.  If Elk county were producing all that we would be in a significantly better situation that we are now.  One of the reasons that something might be priced higher in Elk County is the small quantity that has to be ordered at one time.  If more people bought that item, larger orders would have to be placed and the wholesale price could be lower.

In your situation, where Jennifer is in another county every day, it only makes sense that she pick up what she needs instead of making a special trip to another town in Elk County to get it.  Come to think of it, that applies to quite a few Elk County citizens because there are not enough jobs in Elk County to support everybody who wants to live here.  Life sucks, doesn't it.


Well i'm glad you finally see the big picture. There are no jobs and what few jobs there are, are minimum wage. And EK will not bring in any jobs. What jobs will be here will be short term while the wind farm is built. Oh, there probably will be people to keep it up and running, but as it stands now, I don't know of anyone in this county technically qualified. I suppose they will import a few for that!---MR. KSHillbilly




Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2011, 08:38:56 AM
Actually Steve, I broke down your $60.00 a gallon plus shipping and it isn't bad at all! I have a good local source nearby though  (orchard market) with a senior discount on Wednesdays and I still have plenty or I might just take you up on it. They make THE best cider donuts. It's just a little shop, but over the years they have done just what they needed to do to increase business. But I'm off the subject so I'll not tell you about them here. Does Elk county have any orchards with farm stands?
No they don't diane, not yet anyway.  Next year, i am going to be planting ( I HOPE), probably 25 apple, 25 pear, 25 peach trees, 25 blueberry bushes, and maybe some other fruits.   I am going to be grafting them onto rootstock.  Takes about 4 years to get fruit and 6 years to get enough to sell.   My goal is to turn this place into a mini orchard where my cows and goats can graze as well as my bees can grow.  I suspect that if my orchard idea goes well, I will be buying probably 20 -40 acres somewhere around here and planting a larger orchard.  Who knows.  I suspect my apples won't do well here with all the cedars around. but i can at least make cider from them. :D

That price is 5 a pound which is kinda low for real 100% natural honey but quite frankly i am not greedy.  I can make plenty off of it at that price and still  grow my farm.  :) As well as get my needs.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on May 01, 2011, 09:25:45 AM
Supporting Elk County?  Isn't that what we as good citizens should be doing?  Should we all go buy our gas in Greenwood County because it is a little cheaper and let our local gas businesses suffer?  Should we drive to Eureka or Independence when we want to eat out?  Maybe they could just shut down the food joints here in Elk County.  How about the recreation halls?  Do you all want to drive to Severy for a beer and an evening's visiting with good old boys?  How about our vets, our nice little flower shop?  If we don't do our buying at home, we will have to go out of town.
SO in order to be a good citizen i have to go drink a beer in moline, buy gas at p&j's, buy groceries at family market and my drugs at batsons?  No matter what the cost is huh.   Hell i haven't said these business's are evil or bad or aything of the sorts. I have just said that i buy where my dollar goes farther.  ITs common sense and fiscal responsibility.  Tell me where in elk county i can get ground beef for 1.25 a pound and i'll go buy it!   Tell me where i can pay .80 cents for my prescription and i'll go buy it there.  I don't care where i buy my stuff. 

QuoteAs for Julie's drug prices,  I have prescription insurance and I am not actually paying anything for my prescriptions.  The insurance premium plus the copay comes to less than what it would if I were paying for the meds.  So actually I am not spending anything for them.  I don't trust these so-called bargain meds.  How can they be sold for so much less and still be as effective? 
Its simple they buy in bulk.  I can buy my meds in a 1 year supply and it costs 2.00 per month for the meds in that quantity.  So walmart and dillons are making 2 bucks a prescription.  SHrug.  SImple business.   

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: kshillbillys on May 01, 2011, 11:01:09 AM
Well i'm glad you finally see the big picture. There are no jobs and what few jobs there are, are minimum wage. And EK will not bring in any jobs. What jobs will be here will be short term while the wind farm is built. Oh, there probably will be people to keep it up and running, but as it stands now, I don't know of anyone in this county technically qualified. I suppose they will import a few for that!---MR. KSHillbilly
Well i could qualify for it technically since i have electrical/electronics experience as well as mechanical experience, but physically i'm kaput.   Unfortunately.  I doubt that they will pay more than 10 -12  a hour for the jobs though which IMO isn't worth it considering what you have to know in order to get the job.  education ain't cheap.

BUt as i said, i don't know that is hte price that the wages will be, just guessing based on what i hve seen elsewhere.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on May 01, 2011, 10:50:48 AM
They have to be bought wholesale for resale.  If Elk county were producing all that we would be in a significantly better
That is another option that i have considered, couple families could go in together on grocreries and order them from sysco or another wholesaler and save big bucks.  And that includes delivery.  I've gone to the wholesale company before and bought their broken case sales and get like number 10 cans of green beans and other veggies for 1.00 a can.  Its those big giant cans you see on the shelf in walmart. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I live outsideAuburn but work in Topeka which is only 16 miles. We have a big farmers markets in Topeka every Saturday and on Tuesday Auburn has a farmers market. I try and get to both since they just started up for the year.  8)

I have been in Howard on Saturdays and gone to the farmers market and there has only been one person there.  We always try to  eat at Tooties and Poplar Pizza. We go to Batsons for any thing we need for the house. I shop at Tracys Trends  also go to Cooksons because we do not want to see the town dry up anymore then it has. We also go to Pennys Pub because when we drive 2 1/2 hours to Howard I do not want to drive 20 miinutes or an hour to go somewhere else.  If course with this being said, I am sure what we spend is not going to save the town but it makes us feel good.  ;D

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