Windfarm funfacts... a little more sunshine

Started by Patriot, April 22, 2011, 08:48:43 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 06, 2011, 09:08:09 AM
I don't understand all the comments about the Perkins family, especially the ones that are subtly, yet truly negative. I know there have been Perkins family members around Elk County, both by blood and marriage, for a very long time and now the comments are leaking out about a perking link to another state entirely? If you'll pardon the awful pun, what's the beef? It seems to be much more than just EK doin's. Through family business I've known or at least met a mess of 'em and I honestly didn't see any "human" horns.

Rather than picking the people and trying to find inappropriate actions, try finding inappropriate actions and follow them to the people.  If the shoe fits, then Cinderella might have well been at the dance... fairy godmother, mice and all.  If the acts, however, lead back to Rumpelstiltskin, then so be it.  If the actions never happened, then no harm, no harm.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 06, 2011, 09:10:03 AM
Awww, Diane, you can't blame them...It's just Perkins envy... ;D

Your fantasy, not that of those asking the questions.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


 ;D ;D  I'd say the compulsion to have to say anything about my post speaks for itself... ;D ;D


Quote from: Ross on July 05, 2011, 11:47:59 AM
But you know as far as not living here howabout that Perkins living in Arkansas?

Makes me wonder where Jefe Perkins lives? Not that I care.

Ross,  You asked Steve a question about a Perkins living in Arkansas, then you followed it up with a question wondering where "Jefe Perkins" lives.  Then you said "Not that I care."

What are you insunuating here with your loaded questions? 

Are you insinuating that Jefe De Vaca is a Perkins because he refuses to join your witch-hunt against the Perkins family and Liz Perkins in particular? 

I live in Arkansas.  Are you insunuating that I am Jefe De Vaca and that I am a Perkins since I refuse to join the witch-hunt?

Since you don't care - why all the loaded questions?

Charles M. Durbin

aka Flintauqua
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Charlie, don't even bother with these people and their "fishing" expeditions...Innuendo is their only game...Sad, really sad.   ;D


Quote from: flintauqua on July 06, 2011, 10:27:25 AM
Ross,  You asked Steve a question about a Perkins living in Arkansas, then you followed it up with a question wondering where "Jefe Perkins" lives.  Then you said "Not that I care."

What are you insunuating here with your loaded questions? 

Are you insinuating that Jefe De Vaca is a Perkins because he refuses to join your witch-hunt against the Perkins family and Liz Perkins in particular? 

I live in Arkansas.  Are you insunuating that I am Jefe De Vaca and that I am a Perkins since I refuse to join the witch-hunt?

Since you don't care - why all the loaded questions?

Charles M. Durbin

aka Flintauqua

Aw, you answered a question. No, I beleive I said in an earlier post I don't know who you people are, not that it matters, because I don't generally associate with people that have such nasty attitudes. And I probably would not have anything to do with some of you outside of this forum.

So let me get this straight Flintauqua is in Arkansas and is a Durbin, is that kin to Stubb?  (Stubb, now that was a fine man , I miss him.) And Jefe de vaca is a Perkins and is in Howard. So what, I'll probably forget it tomorrow. But the only reason I broached the subject was because someone made remarks about where someone else lived. Does it make any difference? Or is this an open forum?

What loaded questions? What are you insinuating that I'm insinuating? No witch hunt here just asking a few questions about such a great organization that want's taxpayers dollars and nobody seems to know the answers to. Why all the ugliness from the followers, I assume that like a bully that doesn't know the answer or doesn't want to feel left out they have to shove and push and make up stories like "witch hunt" or tell someone I don't think you live here. But the bullying tactics don't work.

Theses are very polite questions and nothing mentioned about a witch.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?
Okay, I am being a bit of a smart alec with the puppet master thingy, but i thought it might get your attention.
I think I'll politely drop the puppet master remark I guess,  IMHO it may be to painfully truthful.
What is there for you to be a bully about?
That question is not necessarily aimed at any one individual. If the shoe fits wear it, otherwise ignore it. Very easy, no?


Quote from: Catwoman on July 06, 2011, 09:10:03 AM
Awww, Diane, you can't blame them...It's just Perkins envy... ;D
Catwoman give with some real answers about that statement, clarify please.
Perkins Envy???
Do you have it?
What is that? Is that wide spread?
Please tell me what there is to envy?
Can I have a top ten list of thing to envy the Perkins for?
I know nothing of the Perkins, so that list may help me understand what you are talking about.
Please enlighten me and eeveryone else about Perkins envy.

I have never in my life envied anyone, what is constructive about that.

And I only praise and bow to God?


My, I must have touched a nerve...Imagine that... :o ::)


Perkins envy?  What's that? 

You're taking a lot of shots here and coming up with nothing, Catwoman.


Nothing? lol  It was somewhat of a double entendre...Sorry it went over your head.  All I'm doing is poking a little fun, RCSW.  Lighten up!  ;D

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