National Security

Started by Ross, April 20, 2011, 08:29:25 PM

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Based on this and your Finacial Crises post, I have a question:

Who stands to gain if these type of assertions actually do lead to the mass hysteria that they are designed to provoke?

Or to put it another way - Who is Foxy Loxy?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I sure hope and pray none of this happens but forewarned is forearmed. We out here in the middle of no where are much safer than those in the city. And if any of these things happen we will need to help one another much like in the days when neighbors helped neighbors with barn building days.

I sincerely pray for the very best and I hope others do to.


Quote from: flintauqua on April 20, 2011, 08:52:57 PM
Who stands to gain if these type of assertions actually do lead to the mass hysteria that they are designed to provoke?

I would look to history to find the answer.  Who gained as a result of the Bolshevik revolution?  Was it not elitist communists who ultimately sought to control every aspect of the economy and lives of the masses?  Was not the ultimate outcome the Soviet Union, where the state (run by an elite class of 'progressives') who oppressed millions as the self-chosen ate caviar?  What is becoming the result in Egypt, where one dictatorial leader has been overthrown by the 'masses' based on the mass anger instigated by and only to be replaced by a small collective in the Muslim Brotherhood who seek to impose strict religious controls over the lives of the entire population?  Outcomes give the answer.

It seems in many cases mass hysteria is fomented by elitists who desire to exert ultimate controls over the masses and were organized enough to fill any vacuum created in the wake of the very hysteria they created. Usually to the detriment of the liberties of everyday citizens.

Who would stand to gain in America?  Probably those with substantial organization, wealth, money, power and influence and possess personal values that demonstrate a desire to meddle in the everyday lives of others... people with grandiose agendas like extreme environmentalism, massive regulation over the means of production, education, resource useage, transportation, etc.  by a central authority (in which they would likely have a leadership position). 

Those who seek to creatively enslave the very masses they enraged by offering 'look good on paper, controls while arrogantly flaunting and rationalizing their own violations of the very solutions they push on the masses (Pelosi regularly flying home in a military aircraft as opposed to less wasteful public conveyance comes to mind).  Those who peddle vague promises of things like hope and change (something the masses desire yet can not clearly define).  People like G. Soros, who have openly admitted to feeling like a god, given their wealth, affluence, influence and agenda. 

People who think like the ever logical, but only half human, Spock, thinking that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.  People who would have us believe that some all seeing, all knowing central government or planning board can solve all the problems faced by the 'subjects' of such a government.  People who believe that the ends usually justify the means (no matter how  morally bankrupt the means) because of their disdain for individualism and individual liberty (other than their own). 

People who follow ideologies that can be sold plausibly to uninformed, apathetic, or unthinking masses yet have been proven historically to be flawed and ultimately unworkable (socialism and communism come to mind).  Those who seek to isolate, minimize and demonize anyone that questions their agenda(s) through well reasoned, value based and historically supported argument.

It is they who stand to benefit.  At least for a time.  Until the courageous among those they have enslaved rise up in the night and deliver a just reward for their godlike arrogance & hypocrisy.

Three, no four, quotes come to mind as I ponder this subject...

Let them eat cake.  (Often unjustifiably attributed to Marie-Antoinette who was ultimately onvicted of treason & beheaded)
You'll never go broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public. (PT Barnum as paraphrased from HL Mencken)
Et tu, Brute' ( Shakespeare, Julius Caesar Act III, Scene I)
To the victor goes the spoils.  (Senator William Marcy)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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