Emergency notification... not just for emergencies anymore

Started by Patriot, April 18, 2011, 11:09:28 AM

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Thank you Angie and Diane for your support of Elk Konnect and the activities and leaders. These people work very hard to make our community a better place to live.  I have been very disappointed by all the negativity from a very few.  Elk Konnect is about a "positive" purpose.  Negativity has no place in this organization.  Positive thinking can create opportunities for our community and its citizens.  So, please, rise above all the negativity, and work toward good things for our 6 connected cities.


Quote from: mayflower on April 19, 2011, 09:07:28 AM
Thank you Angie and Diane for your support of Elk Konnect and the activities and leaders. These people work very hard to make our community a better place to live.  I have been very disappointed by all the negativity from a very few.  Elk Konnect is about a "positive" purpose.  Negativity has no place in this organization.  Positive thinking can create opportunities for our community and its citizens.  So, please, rise above all the negativity, and work toward good things for our 6 connected cities.

It has nothing to do with negativity, it does have everything to do with accountability.  A private corporation using Government resources is UNETHICAL and is possibly illegal.   IF this is such a great thing why doesn't elk konnected buy their own phone system and send out phone calls.   
Here is another thought. IF elk konnected can use Government resources, then Churchs should be able to utilize government resources!    Wanna bet that won't happen!??  You know separation of Church n State might be a problem there. 
Seriously though, if ELK Konnected is such a awesome program, then they can finance their program without using any taxpayer funds.  IF it can't survive without taxpayer funds, then its not that great a program.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



I have absolutely no problem with any private group, church, etc. sponsoring wholesome events/activities for kids (I have 2, btw).  I agree with you and think that kids need good guidance and interaction in such programs.  My problem is with any private group that uses such programs to befriend the public while also advancing the political agenda of the few.  All that glitters isn't gold.  EK is as much a political action group as it it a social action group.  The pattern they have chosen to follow (via Public Square Communities) is a model that looks to government as the glue that holds communities together and sees government/government agencies as the center of community life development.  Perhaps in the Communist China model, but not in the Republic that is supposed to be America.  

When a select few elitists both influence the government and are the government, there is a conflict.  Government should (even at the local level) set about to protect (not provide) the ability of private citizens to enjoy life & pursue individual aspirations.  This should be accomplished through the provision and maintenance of basics like fire protection, law enforcement, infrastructure (roads, bridges, flood protection, etc.).  When government involves itself too deeply in the daily lives of the citizenry, the will of a few can begin to erode the liberties of the many.  History shows that the result is tyranny. Government is neither our parent nor our nanny nor our role model.  

While EK may do many good things in the community, it has no business being in bed with government.  While EK may offer citizens in different communities the opportunity to improve their respective communities through private endeavor, it has no business influencing government power to accomplish its' purposes.  Especially when its' ownership/directorship is held by elected government officials.  For example, use of proceeds to the government (voters & taxpayers) from a wind farm (if any) should not be influenced by a private company that is subject to no voter/taxpayer oversight.  We elected officials to make those decisions on our behalf.  If they are, as one commissioner said publicly, "unwilling to have open hearings because they don't want to listen to the public bellyaching" then perhaps the commissioners are undeserving of the trust we've placed tn them.  If elected/appointed officials prefer to enlist, endorse, and even control (by taking offices/directorships/coordinator positions in) the efforts of a private group instead of directly engaging the citizens who elected them, then perhaps they don't have the strength of character necessary to do what they (not their private associations) were elected to do.  If one wants their lives to be directed by some committee then there are opportunities galore in China.  Either our elected officials desire to carry out their duties in ways that honestly reflect the republic in which we live, or they are free to resign their positions and pursue change in the private sector.

I'm sure many, like yourself, defend ElkKonnected, because EK has some good intentions.  Just remember, the road to hell is said to be paved with good intentions.  Even Hitler started with the good intentions of restoring Germany's devastated economy.  But when the good intentions of a few elitists become entangled with the power of government position and/or excessive influence over government power, the liberty of the citizens can quickly become endangered.  We look to limit government, not expand its' influence through close association with privileged & unaccountable private groups.  Let EK focus its' efforts on private activities that improve communities, and let government do its' job of being accountable to the citizens it is elected to represent.  Let EK procure it's own callback service and leave the government service to the official purposes of government.  

Let the citizens hold the reasonable expectation of our elected officials to make wise & unbiased decisions on behalf of the electorate.  Let our elected officials choose between representing the interests of all the voters or managing and advancing the goals of a private company, but not both.  And let ElkKonnected and our county government  remain completely severed and separate forever!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on April 19, 2011, 09:27:15 AM

Government should (even at the local level) set about to protect (not provide) the ability of private citizens to enjoy life & pursue individual aspirations.  

That statement reflects the foundation of individual freedom.  Every level of government should adhere to that basic principle.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all

Diane Amberg

 Patriot, so every member of Elk Konnected is up to no good and wouldn't put a stop to "underhanded" dealings if they were found? Are you really that jaded? Now that is sad. You even managed to get Hitler and EK in the same paragraph! I may go throw up! >:(


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2011, 11:03:42 AM
Patriot, so every member of Elk Konnected is up to no good and wouldn't put a stop to "underhanded" dealings if they were found? Are you really that jaded? Now that is sad. You even managed to get Hitler and EK in the same paragraph! I may go throw up! >:(
Diane it doesn't matter if ELK Konnected members are evil or good.  THey are a private corporation.  Not a government entity designed to protect and safeguard our liberties.  IN NO WAY should they even be remotely connected.   

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2011, 11:03:42 AM
Patriot, so every member of Elk Konnected is up to no good and wouldn't put a stop to "underhanded" dealings if they were found? Are you really that jaded? Now that is sad. You even managed to get Hitler and EK in the same paragraph! I may go throw up! >:(


For the record....

1.  At large (every) member/supporter of EK was never mentioned.  The private corporation, its' leadership & government entanglements were.  Being jaded has nothing to do with anything (see #4 below).

2.  No inappropriate thing can be stopped if no sunshine is brought to bear on it.  Facts are important to reasonable folks.  Some things are best reviewed & modified or stopped before problems arise.  You'll notice no aspersions were cast on the private activities of EK as far as privately endowed activities are concerned.  Only on those obvious conflicts of interest where they intersect with government were highlighted.

3.  The observations made may reflect the views of many more local citizens than it appears, though you might not know it... living back east and all.  Not unlike a recent attempt by a very few to saddle taxpayers with a $5.5 million dollar school bond... much more reasonable and affordable solutions prevailed.  Given the current economy, perhaps all the nay saying on that issue was right after all.

4.  When it comes to govt (and the intoxication that such power engenders) I'm just as skeptical of government as our founders were.  Perhaps even more so seeing what lax attention of the citizenry has wrought at the federal level.

5.  If you can't make the conceptual connection between a tyrant with good intentions (Hitler or otherwise) and the potential of tyranny when any government official(s) also lead private organizations (albeit good intentioned ones) that seek to influence the very government that employs them, then the real sadness is that you may lack both abstract reasoning skills & the ability to perceive unintended future consequences.  Kinda like unions paying big bucks to get officials elected who then repay with treasury draining contracts & legacy costs under the threat of future campaign defunding.  Who woulda thunk?  Thank God the framers had better vision.

This is about local ethics and appropriate local government activity.   Canaries in a mineshaft can be noisy nuisances at times. When they stop being noisy & no one notices serious problems follow.

Now, thanks for exercising your free speech rights on an issue that doesn't effect you in any way.  Go have a good purge.  Hope you feel better.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I really don't think that Elk connected is a private corporation.

A privately held company or close corporation is a business company owned either by non-governmental organizations or by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the company's stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately. Less ambiguous terms for a privately held company are unquoted company and unlisted company.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/privately-held-company-1#ixzz1JzsBETDb

I might be wrong, but I don't really think you understand what Elk Konnect is. I am going to look further into this. It is really starting to get to me. I am trying really hard to see everyone's side, but with so much negative comments on EVERY thing that Elk Konnect does, it is hard.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on April 19, 2011, 01:04:29 PM
I really don't think that Elk connected is a private corporation...

...I might be wrong, but I don't really think you understand what Elk Konnect is. I am going to look further into this. It is really starting to get to me. I am trying really hard to see everyone's side, but with so much negative comments on EVERY thing that Elk Konnect does, it is hard.

I currently own two Kansas Corporations and have started at least 5 others in this state.  I think I might know what a corporation
(or its' near sister the Limited Liability Company) is.  Being a "C"  or "S" corporation or a Limited Liability Company are remarkably similar in legal structure.  The biggest differences being tax treatment and requirements by the IRS.  Electing to be a close (or closely held) corporation, an authorized farm corporation or a family farm corporation, etc. are merely sub-forms of corporations that have differing abilities regarding type of business in which engaged or abilities to make stock offerings etc.  

To make it clear, here is the official record for Elk Konnected from the KS Secretary of State showing that EK is organized under Kansas law as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in accordance with the Kansas Corporation Code.  They are a private company (corporation) owned and managed by individual owners/stockholders.  They have a board of directors and undoubtedly internally elected officers (president, secretary, treasurer, etc.).

From the Kansas Business Entity Database managed by the Kansas Secretary of State (as of today at @ 2:35PM central time):

Business Entity Search
Date: 04/19/2011

Business Information

Current Entity Name    Business Entity ID Number
ELK KONNECTED LLC             6368807

Current Mailing Address: 1425 Mule, HOWARD, KS 67349  
Date of Formation in Kansas: 09/30/2009
State of Organization: KS


Resident Agent and Registered Office
Resident Agent: RICHARD L FISH
Registered Office: 1425 Mule, HOWARD, KS 67349

Annual Reports

The following annual report information is valid for active and delinquent status entities only.
Tax Closing Month: 12
The Last Annual Report on File: 00/0000
Next Annual Report Due: 04/15/2011  
Forfeiture Date: 07/15/2011

Visit for yourself at :  https://www.accesskansas.org/bess/flow/main?execution=e1s3

The major crux of the issue in these posts is that an elected county commissioner (and possibly other county employee(s)) is/are official(s) (possibly  stockholder(s), we don't know) with EK and EK seeks to lobby/influence the county commission and/or is/has been using county resources (website/emergency notification system) for its' private purposes/promotion.  Moreover, that same commissioner and/or their close family stand to profit from the advancement of a wind farm project that EK has aggressively supported (or wishes to influence the use of county proceeds received therefrom).  Some believe that creates undue influence and reeks of a conflict of interests.  That is not opposition to a wind farm.  It is opposition to an unholy co-mingling of public/private interests/activities/resources with official government duties/resources.   Being privately owned, many of Elk Konnected's internal details are hidden from public view by those who might support them (monitarily, voluntarily or otherwise).  Their internal structure, ownership, meetings, agenda, methods, etc. are not subject to the public scrutiny required of government.  

Hope that clears up some of your confusion.  Hopefully you can now see more clearly what Elk Konnected is or is not (at least apart from its' youth programs, exercise centers, etc.).

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Would you be as vehemently opposed to Elk Konnected if they had organized as a county-wide 'Chamber of Commerce' or 'Economic Development Corporation', which given the lack of either in Elk County, Elk Konnected is acting the role of?

Charles M. Durbin

A non-resident Elk County property owner and taxpayer.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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