Emergency notification... not just for emergencies anymore

Started by Patriot, April 18, 2011, 11:09:28 AM

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On the afternoon of Friday last, some subscribers to the Elk County reverse notification system may have been treated to as many as three back to back calls advising that the ElkKonnected soccer game scheduled for Saturday had been canceled.   So much for an official emergency notification system.  After grabbing a prominent presence on an official government website (which was quickly removed when the inappropriate use was made public at the recent commission meeting) we now have ElkKonnected hijacking a service designed to notify community members about major incidents, fire hazards, dangerous weather events, major road closings/emergencies, etc.  A canceled ball game?  Just who the heck is running this circus?  Everyday it seems we discover another intrusion into government affairs by this privately owned 'community organization' racket.  What is it about using government resources for private promotion that passes the smell test in this county?

Arrogant, self-aggrandizing actions by public servants in the name of 'community good' seem to be becoming an accepted staple around here.  If it were isolated, there might be no major problem.  But in time, we might see the depth and width of the matter may be greater than suspected.  If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... For now, let's take it one bite (quack) at a time.

I suppose it's no real surprise given the intimate (and likely conflicting) relationships between some elected/appointed county officials and ElkKonnected.  Why do we bother with elected government if the management of county affairs is to be so greatly influenced by a private, nonprofit LLC.  No biggie, I guess.... voters vote, taxpayers pay, and a private & non-elected group gets new toys and tools.  Nope.... no problems there.

Ball games sponsored by a private group...GREAT!  Same private group using government resources (especially emergency resources) for their private purposes... WRONG!

Wake up people.  You're giving it away.  Inch by inch.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


There was a hiccup in the system - and I got notified 4 times!  :laugh:

I thought soccer was not an emergency situation, so . . .

If the Warning System can be used for that, does that mean it's open to other activities within the community? Other announcements?


Quote from: Mom70x7 on April 18, 2011, 11:12:40 AM
There was a hiccup in the system - and I got notified 4 times!  :laugh:

I thought soccer was not an emergency situation, so . . .

If the Warning System can be used for that, does that mean it's open to other activities within the community? Other announcements?
depends on how much money your willing to pay and whos back is scratched the most, and a little bit of nepotism.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Was your reverse system started just for reverse 911? Ours has been around for some years and has always been used for what the city felt was "important", not just emergencies. Some times we get calls on trash day changes too. Does it really matter that much?


Quote from: Mom70x7 on April 18, 2011, 11:12:40 AM
If the Warning System can be used for that, does that mean it's open to other activities within the community? Other announcements?

Four calls?!?  Others should be jealous!  lol

Other activities...why not?  Engagements, birth & death announcements, crop failures, Old MacDonald's cow out, new leaks in the high school roof, high air pollen counts, blue light specials at Batson's, gas price changes at Longton, instant HS football game results, real time notice of winners of the 6th grade spelling bee (we do still have those, right?)

... sounds like a community 'coming together' to me.  We'll be the new US civic hot spot in no time.  And all thanks to ElkKonnected, LLC and that 6 figure per year Kansas City based community organizing consultant at PublicSquare Comminities, LLC.   NOT!

Speaking of PublicSquare, LLC.... did you notice their 4 square 'community' building blocks:  1.  Education (government), 2.  Human Services (government), 3.  Business (private) all brought together by:   4.  Government (government).  Who says the consultant is a big government Democrat (he is a Dem, for what it's worth)?  For that matter, isn't one of the giuding directors at ElkKonnected a Democrat?  Nope, no ideology at work here!

Just sayin' 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2011, 12:06:05 PM
...always been used for what the city felt was "important", not just emergencies.  Does it really matter that much?

Correction.. "for what some self-important city bureaucrat 'felt' was important."  Feelings are often deceptive.

And, yes many here believe it does matter.  It's about the legitimate functions of government.  Some folks still recognize that concept out here in flyover country.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Roma Jean Turner

With the price of gas, if I had a kid playing soccer and I was going to take the time and money to drive somewhere for a game, I would have appreciated knowing that the game had been canceled.  I think they had about 42 kids playing a while back.  So, while it wasn't an emergency, I would consider it a considerate thing to do for those families.   


And the problem with game organizers/sponsors simply getting on the phone and calling players' homes would be?  The rest of the county might not be so excited about the parents' gas savings.  Government, and government resources, can not be the cure for everybody's needs & desires.

This isn't about being uncaring or just plain mean. It's about using official government resources for their intended purposes and not for whatever feels good in the moment.  This, as with many other things, can serve to be an example of either good or poor management & use of resources.  I'm sure this situation seemed the expedient answer to a problem.   I'm also sure there were other, private sector answers.  Too bad there wasn't any adult supervision around when the challenge arose.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


The school has a similar system and it uses it for school events and also other announcements that need to be made. Why not use it for this purpose? If I pay to use it, which I was told it did cost like 1.00 why not be informed of such events in the county that are going on? It only makes sense to me. Not that I don't see your point about the government part of it. But to have to sit and call 40 different parents and take the chance that many don't answer and get the cancelation notice, then have to recall again makes not sense.

I do see that you have a problem with this ELk Konnect group and who runs it. But if you had children you could see that the good that it does for them. To offer a program, like soccer, in which we don't have, is really nice. It gives children a chance to try something different. Also, I like the other things that Elk Konnect does for the kids. I am pretty sure getting children involved in different activities keeps them out of trouble. My girls have about 3 to 4 different events during the week that they go to, plus chores nightly, and homework also. I try to get the involved in the community in a positive way, that way they understand that it is important to give back to the community, also. I am just tired of people coming down on this organization all the time. It is a good organization that gives positive things back to the community. I am pretty sure that there is research out that says that getting kids involved in community organizations keeps them from become trouble makers. This organization not only benefits kids but also the adults. They have started a fitness center here in Howard. I am so glad to have the fitness center, I use it at least 3 to 4 times a week. I for one support Elk Konnected!!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Diane Amberg

Good for you Angie. I watched Elk Konnected from it's very infancy, saw that people were invited to comment and make suggestions and criticisms and enjoyed the enthusiasm that your area has been needing for some time. If I was out there with a young family I'd support them too! It's easy to find fault and verbally beat things to death....they got off their butts and actually did something!

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