Could this be Israel's next War?

Started by Warph, April 09, 2011, 12:36:57 AM

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Just foretells events to come??...Bullshit.  Zealots of all stripes and colors have used scripture to justify their actions by saying "It has been fortold that we should go forth and do this or that"

The anti-christ?...Tell me, just how many of those have we had in the last century?  EVERY generation believes they are the last one, and their enemy at the time is the anti christ. 

The indians brought along their own demise through treacherous dealings?...What are you, high?  If you've researched it so much then you must be aware of the conditions that existed on the early reservations, and still exist today.  You must also be aware of the programs that were sanctioned by not only the U.S. government but by its populace to "educate" the godless savages, by kidnapping the children and placing them in "schools".  These schools, which by the way many were backed by so-called christian organizations, forced the children to speak english, punished them cruelly if they spoke their native tongue, cut their hair, and basically forced them to renounce their own culture.  If you're research is so extensive then you'll know that it wasn't the "indians" that would send blankets and other supplies that were infected with smallpox to white settlements.  You'll know that it wasn't the Natives that outlawed the practice of white religion while preaching about religious freedom. 

All of this is a moot point of course, simply because you wouldn't know truth if it slapped you in the face. 

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


QuoteThen you don't understand prophecy. It doesn't cause anything, it just foretells the events to come.
No shit?!?!

QuoteInterestingly enough the Arabs prophecies agree with the christian prophecy in that daniel and revelation both talk about the antichrist and the beast.  Islam is talking bout the 12th imam and its prophet that claims to be jesus.  These two are the antichrist and the beast.

No SHIT!?!?!

[quote}ROTFL there ya go again on the poor indian.  Like i said the indian brought along their own demise in their treacherous dealings.
You forget i've researched it too and the indians were no different.[/quote]

BULL shit. 

I had a good argument but it was pretty much what Varmit got in before I got it typed so YEAH..what Varmit said.


Quote from: Varmit on April 16, 2011, 09:30:17 PM
Just foretells events to come??...Bullshit.  Zealots of all stripes and colors have used scripture to justify their actions by saying "It has been fortold that we should go forth and do this or that"

The anti-christ?...Tell me, just how many of those have we had in the last century?  EVERY generation believes they are the last one, and their enemy at the time is the anti christ. 
What antichrist in the past. There have been none as of yet.  No one has obtained the approval of most of the world and no one has claimed the title of messiah.  There have been ruthless dictators, but that has never been what the antichrist is..... IN FACT the antichrist will come and promote peace in all the world, except when it comes to israel.

QuoteThe indians brought along their own demise through treacherous dealings?...What are you, high?  If you've researched it so much then you must be aware of the conditions that existed on the early reservations, and still exist today.  You must also be aware of the programs that were sanctioned by not only the U.S. government but by its populace to "educate" the godless savages, by kidnapping the children and placing them in "schools".  These schools, which by the way many were backed by so-called christian organizations, forced the children to speak english, punished them cruelly if they spoke their native tongue, cut their hair, and basically forced them to renounce their own culture.  If you're research is so extensive then you'll know that it wasn't the "indians" that would send blankets and other supplies that were infected with smallpox to white settlements.  You'll know that it wasn't the Natives that outlawed the practice of white religion while preaching about religious freedom. 
THis all happened as a result of treacherous dealings.  The powhattens in 1607 started its attacks on settlements after making deals with settlers, selling lands to the settlers.  The indians would not honor agreements made.  John smith had to force the indians to honor their agreements to supply corn after the indians received guns and tools from the settlers.  The powhattens got so treacherous that they even attempted to poison the water in the area and was foiled because the alogonquins went to the settlers and told them of powhattans plans.  Yeah real honest and honorable men you know..... NOT...

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 16, 2011, 09:36:15 PM
No shit?!?!

No SHIT!?!?!

Hmmm quite a intellegent statement you made!

[quote}ROTFL there ya go again on the poor indian.  Like i said the indian brought along their own demise in their treacherous dealings.
You forget i've researched it too and the indians were no different.

BULL shit. 
Is that the extent of your vocabulary???

QuoteI had a good argument but it was pretty much what Varmit got in before I got it typed so YEAH..what Varmit said.

Really now!  Did it contain something more intellegent that no shit and bullshit!?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


My vocabulary expands to meet the intelligence of the posts I am answering.....I decided No shit and Bullshit pretty much covered yours.

Putting the native americans in an argument about Israel and their suffering thru the ages IS a realistic thing to do. The genocide that was perpetrated on THIS continent in at least 4 of the last 500 years is VERY comparable. I know your next argument is gonna be well the jews have suffered for 1000's. THAT is NOT relative because ANY genocide for ANY amount of time is a deplorable situation.

Anybody who is FOOL enough to ignore much less deny the facts of what went on in THIS very country is not nearly as intelligent as they like to tell people they are.

I do not think the hand of God is on the Jews any more or LESS than the hand of the Creator is on any OTHER race. ANY evil perpetrated against ANY of the Creators people will have to be answered for eventually.

I hate bullys and Israel has conducted itself like a bully.....only thing is they have to have big bro back em up when they let their mouths write a check their ass can't cash.

Going to have to agree to disagree yet again...........It's a beautiful day and I have things to do that arent ugly and stressful like arguing. So you have a good Sunday.


So, just so I understand what you're saying.  According to you the treatment of all the Native nations was due to an act by the Powhattens in 1607?  How does that account for the Trail of Tears, the Indian Removal Act (which was signed into being by that often hearled beacon of freedom and liberty THOMAS JEFFERSON), the slaughter at Wounded Knee, the Treaty of New Echota, and countles others.

Then of course there the boarding schools.  A student of history such as yourself shouldn't have to be told about the atrocities that occured in these.  Espcially seeing as how the motto for most of these schools was "kill the indian, save the man".

Hell, Native Americans weren't even allowed at practice their religion until 1978 with the passage of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act.  And that still didn't include all Native peoples.  Not until 1993 could the Peyote Indians practice theirs. 

I could go on and on.  The point being that every single one of these practices towards the Native American Peoples was a direct reflection of christians trying to force their beliefs on others. 

But you know what?  You're never gonna admit the truth about the history of this nation.  You like many others will continue to buy into the propaganda and spread it.  You'll continue to use scripture, or at least your brand of it, to deny others the same freedoms you enjoy. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

W. Gray

Thomas Jefferson left office in 1809.

The Indian removal act was signed in 1830 when Andrew Jackson was president.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Yep, you're right, I misread the name.  Jackson was president, but jefferson was the father of the act.  He was one of the first to suggest that moving the indians was the only way to ensure their survival, not the altering of policies or practices of the untied states.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on April 17, 2011, 09:54:41 AM
So, just so I understand what you're saying.  According to you the treatment of all the Native nations was due to an act by the Powhattens in 1607?  How does that account for the Trail of Tears, the Indian Removal Act (which was signed into being by that often hearled beacon of freedom and liberty THOMAS JEFFERSON), the slaughter at Wounded Knee, the Treaty of New Echota, and countles others.

Then of course there the boarding schools.  A student of history such as yourself shouldn't have to be told about the atrocities that occured in these.  Espcially seeing as how the motto for most of these schools was "kill the indian, save the man".

Hell, Native Americans weren't even allowed at practice their religion until 1978 with the passage of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act.  And that still didn't include all Native peoples.  Not until 1993 could the Peyote Indians practice theirs. 

I could go on and on.  The point being that every single one of these practices towards the Native American Peoples was a direct reflection of christians trying to force their beliefs on others. 

But you know what?  You're never gonna admit the truth about the history of this nation.  You like many others will continue to buy into the propaganda and spread it.  You'll continue to use scripture, or at least your brand of it, to deny others the same freedoms you enjoy. 

And this all happend 200 years after the Powhattans and other tribes declared war on the settlers!  200 years later.  I would say they got what they had coming to them.  Eventually the settlers were strong enough to fight them and they won.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Oh my sad, racist little man. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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