Could this be Israel's next War?

Started by Warph, April 09, 2011, 12:36:57 AM

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Warph, I'm thinking you're too late with great words of wisdom from Mark Twain.


Warph... I understand and agree with what you are saying.. and I understand actually what all sides are saying..but... I am STILL damned tired of pumping money in a political war where they keep the soldiers hands tied and namby pamby around everything.. going by rules of people who sit behind a leather desk treating it all like a chess game.
If we are going to do this.. lets get our asses in there.. take care of business ..and get out.. shoot to kill and leave no stone unturned..
Instead.. we go in.. and fluff around it ... then turn around.. and send them money to rebuild what we fluffed up..
I'm sick and tired of it.. I am at the point where I don't give a flying monkeys ass about anything but the US..
We are sliding deeper in the rabbit hole every day.... and yet still ~~ we think we have to funnel money we don't have to other countries..
Whatever..~~~ I'm just tired of it all.. Hard ass thoughts I know.. but its the truth..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Holy Crap!  Would you people make up your minds already and get your story straight! 

Personally i wouldn't lift a finger against israel as anyone who ever has, has been destroyed.  The hand of God is on that ation and if you  go to war with them, you go to war against God.

Well, that being the case then Isreal shouldn't need our assistance should they?  But then you go on to say..

Quote from: srkruzich on April 12, 2011, 02:53:11 PM
That is unless your all for genocide!  Cause that will happen if we don't stand with them.

So which is it?  Either they can hold their own or they can't.  And if they can't then so be it right?  I mean according to you thats the way its always been done right? 

And Warph, if you're going to equate a Palestinian state with genocide then the same should apply to the United States, should it not?  Afterall, wasn't it built on genocide, theft, and blood?  Because it damn sure wasn't built on religious freedom or tolerance.  If a person was to be honest about it the U.S. was built did you put it?.."..the cultivated work of an ideology that has successfully turned millions of people into born serial killers or their accomplices." 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Varmit  the whole world has not come up against israel yet.  and that would happen quickly if they didn't have to contend with us.  Secondly no matter whatever you wail about, i have believed for years that this country is part of the vine that was spoken about in the NT. There is the house of Judah and the house of israel and i believe that the US is the house of Israel.  So yeah we would protect our own.   Third, i don't care if pharoah, or hitler, or anyone else is a same bloodline. You know what happend to the pharoah that tried to go after the israelites.  He died in the sea. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


That is not what you said.  You said anyone that wars with isreal would be destroyed because God has a hand in it.  Isreal shouldn't need the assistance of the U.S., which in case you missed it is mentioned NOWHERE in the Bible.  The "vine" you're speaking of has nothing to do with the united states.  It is in reference to the Gentile being grafted into the house of God based on his belief in Christ.

But lets say for the sake of argument that you're right.  That the u.s. was a part of the house of isreal.  That house was built before europeans arrived, and was destroyed shortly after their arrival. 

How sickening is it that those who would wail about religious fanatics and "radical muslims" being terrorists would use the same religious fevor to wage war on an entire culture.   Killing far more civilians half a world away than have been killed here.  Quite frankly, the whole thing is pure idiocy, "we're agonna kill you 'cause ya'll don't pray da way we do".  Morons..both sides.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on April 16, 2011, 08:31:03 AM
That is not what you said.  You said anyone that wars with isreal would be destroyed because God has a hand in it.  Isreal shouldn't need the assistance of the U.S., which in case you missed it is mentioned NOWHERE in the Bible.  The "vine" you're speaking of has nothing to do with the united states.  It is in reference to the Gentile being grafted into the house of God based on his belief in Christ.
Actually varmit the house of israel is more than just the gentile being grafted.  The US was created to protect the word.  During the founding of this country the catholic church was trying to destroy anyone that wasn't part of the catholic church. The US was founded to preserve the word by putting an ocean between the church and the word.  The US has been the ONLY country to stand for israel.  SO yeah the US is the house of israel too.  You need to understand prophecy and interpretation of prophecy.   Secondly your right anyone that goes against isreal will be utterly destroyed.  But your the one who would approve of us not standing with Israel thus promoting the idea of genocide if the world went against Israel and we just stood by and let them.   To stand by and let an evil act, makes us just as evil as those who do the act.

QuoteBut lets say for the sake of argument that you're right.  That the u.s. was a part of the house of isreal.  That house was built before europeans arrived, and was destroyed shortly after their arrival. 
???  Now your making no sense.

QuoteHow sickening is it that those who would wail about religious fanatics and "radical muslims" being terrorists would use the same religious fevor to wage war on an entire culture.   Killing far more civilians half a world away than have been killed here.  Quite frankly, the whole thing is pure idiocy, "we're agonna kill you 'cause ya'll don't pray da way we do".  Fuckin morons..both sides.
The only ones killing anyone are the Islamic.  Sorry to burst your bubble.  Standing up for a country that the world is against is honorable.  The Israelis have defended themselves.  Its amazing i have lived long enough to see the prophecy come to pass where people turn against God and his people and advocate letting the world try to destroy them.   
I don't know what happened to ya, but you sure have fallen hook line and sinker for the beast and antichrists teachings!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


1Cr 3:18     ΒΆ     Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


This country was founded to protect the "word"??  Interesting...please cite the passages that advocate the killing, raping, extortion, on a wholesale level against old people and children, or anyone for that matter,  all in the name of God.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention kidnapping and torture.

In case you missed it it was Britian that first brought the idea of statehood of Isreal to the League of Nations, not the U.S.  Of course that was after the mass exodus of Jews from all over europe and russia.

In an earlier post you stated that anyone "squatting" on your land they would be removed either through coersion or by force, the samething applies to the arabs and jews.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


QuoteYou need to understand prophecy and interpretation of prophecy.

Right there in one sentence is the basis for every (un)Holy war...conquest...GENOCIDE....that has ever happened on the face of the Earth. Unless you agree with the "PROPER" interpretation (don't get how its figured to be) and accept the "PROPER" religion then they should be hunted, exterminated, tortured and all the OTHER fun things God has SUPPOSEDLY condoned through the ages......this country wasnt founded to "preserve the Word" was STOLEN for it's WEALTH ( which those ignorant savages weren't utilizing "PROPERLY") and just for the record I don't believe Jews are any more Gods "chosen" people than any OTHER race.

This stuff just torques me off.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 16, 2011, 08:29:49 PM

Right there in one sentence is the basis for every (un)Holy war...conquest...GENOCIDE....that has ever happened on the face of the Earth.
Then you don't understand prophecy. It doesn't cause anything, it just foretells the events to come.

QuoteUnless you agree with the "PROPER" interpretation (don't get how its figured to be) and accept the "PROPER" religion then they should be hunted, exterminated, tortured and all the OTHER fun things God has SUPPOSEDLY condoned through the ages.....
Interestingly enough the Arabs prophecies agree with the christian prophecy in that daniel and revelation both talk about the antichrist and the beast.  Islam is talking bout the 12th imam and its prophet that claims to be jesus.  These two are the antichrist and the beast.

Quote.this country wasnt founded to "preserve the Word" was STOLEN for it's WEALTH ( which those ignorant savages weren't utilizing "PROPERLY") and just for the record I don't believe Jews are any more Gods "chosen" people than any OTHER race.

ROTFL there ya go again on the poor indian.  Like i said the indian brought along their own demise in their treacherous dealings.
You forget i've researched it too and the indians were no different.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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