Wind farm conversation

Started by indygal, March 23, 2011, 09:32:46 AM

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Sorry, I did not know that the emoticon with the heated face would appear because I typed two question marks.
I won't do that again.
Rest assured I am not steaming, just trying to get the info out there.


Just who is this Elk Konnected person that will be on the school board and just how much do you think one person can do?  Why don't you use names instead of innuendoes???????????????

See what a lot of question marks can do?


Click the links in the abovec omments and read who is listed with Elk Konnected.
And read this weeks newspaper whis running for the office.
The information is quite available.


Sorry - I agree with Wilma. If you're going to talk about people, talk about them. Name them. Too much jumping to conclusions when innuendos are used.

Running for USD 282 West Elk Board of Education
    Position 1 - Steve Walker and L.W. "Ross" Ross, both of Moline, and David Evans, Howard.
    Position 2 - No one filed.
    Position 3 - Matthew C. Hilton, Howard.
    Position 7 - David Whetstone, Howard.


Apparently 'Ross' can only talk in ambiguity and innuendo.  Alot of people do this to avoid being sued for libel and slander.


I haven't seen anything libelous or slanderous on this thread.


You are sort of right.
Perhaps I'm wrong but I thinks people should think and read for their selves.
Check out this web site.


Heaven forbid.  A fifth generation Elk County citizen dares to take some initiative and strive for a more prosperous Elk County.  Scandalous!
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I have not gotten into the politics of the Elk Konnected, but what they are doing for others is really nice!! They have provided things for children to do in our community such as: soccer clinics on Saturdays (nice to have a different sport for them to try), day camps, movies when school is out, movies during special events in different towns, the fitness center, and many other things. They are trying to make Elk County a safer and more inviting to others. Like I said, I just don't get as in depth into it as you have. I also know who you are talking about running for school board, and do you even know that person????? Do you know their  beliefs on the school and such???? I just can't help but say this again and again, then run for the offices, go to the meetings, become involved in the activities that you don't like how they are ran. I can't complain about Elk Konnected as I am not that involved in it and really haven't helped out with it, same is with the school board. I have attended school board meetings and know a little of whats going on, but that's it.

I would also like to see the Wind Farm money go towards lowing taxes. Time will tell!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


If people are going to live in parts of Elk County, they need to have access to clean drinking water.

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