A Foolish and Unconstitutional War...

Started by redcliffsw, March 23, 2011, 07:37:30 AM

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This is probably the only time you ever agreed with Joe Biden on anything. :)

Biden: Impeach President for Unauthorized Attack Vice President Joe Biden has a very clear idea of what should happen to a president who orders U.S. military forces to launch an attack on a foreign country without congressional authorization: impeachment.
With some voices saying President Barack Obama should face impeachment for attacking Moammar Gadhafi's forces in Libya, a videotape has surfaced from the 2007 campaign trail showing Biden threatening to impeach President George W. Bush if he attacked Iran without the approval of Congress.
"I have written an extensive legal memorandum with the help of a group of legal scholars who are sort of a stable of people, the best-known constitutional scholars in America, because for 17 years I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee," Biden said in an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews on "Hardball."
"I asked them to put together [for] me a draft, which I'm now literally riding between towns editing, that I want to make clear and submit to the United States Senate pointing out the president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran.
"And I want to make it clear, I want it on the record ... if he does, as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and former chair of the Judiciary Committee, I will move to impeach him."
He went on to say: "I think the best deterrent is for the president to know, even at the end of his term, we would move and move to follow through with that so his legacy would be marred for all time if he acted in what was clearly, clearly an impeachable offense.
"In the absence of that, what happens is, and you're going to think I'm joking about this — I'm not. If you're going to impeach George Bush you better impeach Cheney first. Not a joke."


Biden has no Democratic principles.  Biden is a liberal with a strong Republican foundation belief going back prior to 1861.   

Of course, in these days about all the Democrats are more Republican than even the Republicans.  That's why they're all about the same except for a debate or argument every now and then.

Diane Amberg


Ok Diane,
Since you know Joe Biden, tell us what he is. If you go by what you see and hear he is an idiot.   ::)


Well you knew it was a lie.  Days in Libya?  NO.. Weeks..Months.. and Soon..YEARS.
No ground troops will be used said His Fibbmanship Obuma.  But 2,220 Marines are being sent in to Libya.  Obuma said Wednesday it was "absolutely out of the question that U.S. ground forces would be used in Libya."
Check this out:

Camp Lejeune Marines To Libya To Strike At Qadhafi Forces

Cue the laugh track.  Will the lies ever stop?  Nope, because there is an agenda afoot!
Check this out:

Obama's betrayals and mysterious Libya agenda

Why our anti-war president went to war

Soros fingerprints on Libya bombing

President Obama explains to Sarah Palin why it is to good to go to war when there is no national interest at stake:

The president and Sarah Palin review Obama's missing past:

Sarah helps the president remember where he was born and when.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Jane, I couldn't possibly explain Joe in terms you would accept. He is a good man with a huge heart and sticks his foot in his mouth on a regular basis because his brain runs ahead of his mouth.That particular problem has never gotten in his way professionally. You know how all politicians are sliced and diced by the opposing side. He didn't spend so many successful years on key Senate committees by being an idiot. He also has deep respect for the taxpayers' dollar. He rode the train to DC every day. That's public transportation! He never lived a lavish life style and still doesn't. I remember well the old station wagon his first wife Neilia rode around in and how hard he worked for New Castle County. And yes, he did have a "real " job. He had his own law office for several years before he took the step into politics. Does he have faults? Of course!  I also know people who were his staff members for years, who shared stories, but believed he worked very hard for the people of Delaware. Can you say the same about your Kansas politicians?


I read the articles that Warph posted.   Family members are saying the marines don't want to be there but they will perform the mission. 

Diane Amberg

I haven't had time to  go back in the history of all this war declaration talk, but isn't there still a War Powers Act that allows the President a 60 or 90 day period that he can use troops without Congress having to formally declare war?  Some of you will know more about this than I do. Does that count in the case of Libyia?


Diane, Hannity on Fox news says that Obama can use force for 60 days then ask Congress , but he has to withdraw within 60 days if Congress doesn't approve.  


Many American men and women will die on the sands of Libya.       Gadhafi will not go for a very long time.  

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