Idle debate

Started by Teresa, January 02, 2011, 12:44:35 AM

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Conversing with a group of people,  debating this past few essence this is the downsized gist..
what do you think...?

Some where back in our history a societal group determined that politics could replace governing and that it could be a career. At another point another group decided that self reliance was no longer a desirable trait. The combination of these two changes in our American culture was the point in history when this pot of cold water full of frogs that we call the United States of America was put over a flame. The temperature has been slowly rising for decades... and most of the people have no idea the situation we are in. As long as the government keeps us well fed and gives us some sense of security we will all just lean back and praise them for the great hot tub we are relaxing in.

Are you one of those ...Frogs in a kettle....? Or are you one of the ones helping "fill the hot tub"..

Seriously... I can honestly say that the government has given me NOTHING.
and when the "frogs in the kettle " wake up... they will slowly see that their hot tub is being slowly drained.
The government no longer keeps anyone well fed... cannot protect us.. as citizens...  from an encroachment of our borders... and is draining the hot tub workers dry...

Amazing that some people just can't see it............... ???
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


No resentment from here.  Socialism is not American nor patriotic. 

We ought to be start being Americans again.


Quote from: Teresa on January 02, 2011, 12:44:35 AM

Some where back in our history a societal group determined that politics could replace governing and that it could be a career. At another point another group decided that self reliance was no longer a desirable trait. The combination of these two changes in our American culture was the point in history when this pot of cold water full of frogs that we call the United States of America was put over a flame.

The big transitions are not hard to see... IF we dispose of revisionist history.  The Progressive Era, 1890s -1920s, began the social activism that allowed Progressive 'heroes' like Teddy Roosevelt, RINOs like Herbert Hoover & maniacal socialists like Woodrow Wilson to lay the social/legal groundwork for FDRs New (Raw) Deal.  The forggies were all warm from the 20s and the Depression (made worse in America by government tinkering) society was all to ready to let government 'make it all better.' Yeah, right!

Quote from: Teresa on January 02, 2011, 12:44:35 AM

The temperature has been slowly rising for decades... and most of the people have no idea the situation we are in. As long as the government keeps us well fed and gives us some sense of security we will all just lean back and praise them for the great hot tub we are relaxing in.

Rising temps with the help of LBJ's New Deal, Bush's No Child Left Behind & PharmaFix, and now Obummer's open agenda that appeals to class/race warfare designed to drive the moocher class into final, almost total dependence (submission) to government.

Quote from: Teresa on January 02, 2011, 12:44:35 AM
Are you one of those ...Frogs in a kettle....? Or are you one of the ones helping "fill the hot tub"..

Seriously... I can honestly say that the government has given me NOTHING.
and when the "frogs in the kettle " wake up... they will slowly see that their hot tub is being slowly drained.
The government no longer keeps anyone well fed... cannot protect us.. as citizens...  from an encroachment of our borders... and is draining the hot tub workers dry...

Amazing that some people just can't see it............... ???

Teresa, I must disagree... The hot tub ain't a hot tub, it's a soap kettke.  And it's not gonna drain. it's gonna boil.  Those in it by choice, complacence or force are all subject to being boiled alive.  The cooking process has first boiled off our liberty, limited our persuit of happiness & will ultimately place our lives under the hard tyranny of those who would replace the wisdom of nature's God with the folly of man.

There are surely many who can not see... But, I suspect, just as many who will not see, and those who see and are willing participants in their own demise.  Sad.... really sad.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


You are spot on about the boiling instead of draining..

Here's some background I found from Bill Whittle.  There is more at the link but I'm posting the most pertinent part..

the rot began to take hold in America due primary to a group called The Frankfurt School. Keep in mind that the Frankfurt school is merely a product of where they appear on this great wheel of history – there have been dozens of civilizations that had their own "Frankfurt schools" in languages now lost to history.

But right after World War One, in Frankfurt, Germany the Institute for Social Research – they wanted to call themselves the "Institute for Marxism" but that was too on the nose – was left wondering why the world communist revolution — predicted as a certainty by Marxist social science – was not leading to the international revolution of the proletariat, the actual common working man.

And they figured out that capitalism – damn it! – was providing enough comfort and material gain, enough of an increase in the working man's standard of living – that it just simply wasn't going to happen. Ever.

Now, one kind of person might look at this and say, hooray! People's lives are getting better – guess we weren't needed after all.

But not these guys. These guys felt they had to bring heaven to earth.

And so they asked themselves: if the vanguard of the revolution wasn't going to be the worker, then who would it be? And the answer they came up with was: the dispossessed.

The Neo-Marxist revolution would not attack the capitalist economy – that was too successful. The target of the new Marxist revolution would be the Culture.

Marxist philosophers like Antonia Gramsci, and later, Saul Alinski – personal hero to such present-day fellow travelers as Chris Matthews, Hillary Clinton and, of course, The President of the United States – started to create narratives – stories – about America. This rapidly evolved into a philosophy called "Critical Theory" and the idea of Critical Theory was to attack the dominant culture – that would be us – from all sides, simultaneously.

For instance, Black Americans would be told that their labor built the entire country, while White Americans merely sat back and essentially stole everything. Black slave labor did build the cotton economies of the Southern Confederacy, but the entire Confederacy had less factory capacity than New York City alone.

Nonetheless, many black Americans today have been taught that all of this belongs to them and not the truth, which is that that they were, and are, an integral and essential part of the group effort that built this country together.

Likewise, women are told that we live in an evil patriarchy, where all men are tyrants and potential rapists, determined to keep them in a form of domestic slavery, instead of being their partners and helpmates and husbands and protectors.

Gays are told not that this is one of the most inclusive and forgiving societies in the history of the world, but rather home to knuckle-dragging, murdering Neanderthals – when in plain sight, across the seas, one and a half billion Muslims routinely hang or stone or crush to death innocent people merely because of their sexual practices.

And on and on.

And when you try to argue against this social weapon of theirs, this Narrative, this lie that they tell again and again, well then, prepare for their counter-attack, which is called Political Correctness – the attempt to put the argument out of bounds before it can be had.

They use terms like Hate Speech and Racism. They want to put our arguments and rebuttals out of bounds so that they don't have to hear them or deal with them. They have to exclude those arguments because if they don't, those arguments are going to kick their asses and they know it.

And by the way: charges of Racism only work on decent people. You go up to a Klansman or a Nazi and call them a racist, and they say "duh!" Of course they're racists. They're proud of being racists. But you go up to someone who is not a racist, a person who finds racism appalling and disgusting, and tell them what they are saying is racism – even when it not only isn't racism, but is in fact the opposite of racism– well, they'll shut up. Mission Accomplished.

The objectives of the Frankfurt School, of Gramsci and Alinski in their assault on the culture, were laid out in detail and were very clear: Eliminate not only the voice, but the very idea of reason. Destroy history. De-legitimize shared morality. Medicate instead of discipline children. Promote the idea that problems are so complex that only elitists, experts and academics can discuss, let alone solve them. A later pair of American Marxist philosophers developed what became known as the Cloward-Piven strategy: overwhelm America's social systems – welfare, health care, immigration, etc. by telling people they were owed things, and by intentionally overwhelming them, cause them to collapse – leaving nothing but smoking wreckage, and no where to turn but to the government.

But above all, for this Frankfurt school strategy to work, it needed to foster resentment, envy, hopelessness and despair.

And it's been spectacularly successful.

Its an eye opener for even those of us who DO see... :'(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on January 02, 2011, 01:52:38 PM

But above all, for this Frankfurt school strategy to work, it needed to foster resentment, envy, hopelessness and despair.
And it's been spectacularly successful.[/i]

Yes, and the turn of the century circa 1900 wasn't the only turn we made.  What was obummer muttering about driving into a ditch?  ::)

Quote from: Teresa on January 02, 2011, 01:52:38 PM
Its an eye opener for even those of us who DO see... :'(

The thing about rape is that when the act is finished, even the deaf, dumb & blind know they've been raped.   :(

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well you know~~ At some point along this current path the rubber will hit the road... the SWHTF... the line in the sand will be drawn... and "allowing" the usurping bastards in Congress to continue, will be confronted.

I think .. even on a small scale.. Nov. 2010 was a wake up call. A decent portion of the sheeple have stopped watching American Idol. They are actually starting to pay attention to the screwing were getting.

Remember this~~~ BHO and his admin would love a rebellion... Alinsky is hoping for it~~ Van Jones "bottom up" revolution is counting on it.

No crises should go to waste. Out of chaos would be order....None that any of us.. would tolerate.. endure or support.

If the dollar collapses, the EU dissolves.. inflation gets a loaf of bread to $10, gallon of gas to $5.00, bonds worthless, you'll see what it did in Greece, France, England, Ukraine.
I have no doubt that Soros has planned for it.

Pray it doesn't come to that~~ but a pitiful "little band" taking a stand will be crushed.
It must involve a large portion of this country.

We're talking millions marching on DC, and State Capitols, and County Commissioners.

The Tea Party "woke" a few up,......and it's not over yet... but it can only be the beginning..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Tersea, I disagree, I think that it is over.  When Americans see the voting booth as the only means of change we might as well send up the White flag.  As a country we have lost our balls.  Sorry for being crude, but thats the only way I can think of to describe it.  I mean, people holler and scream about laws they think are unfair or unAmerican, yet they will follow them.  Instead of following the example of our founders and standing up against tryanny. we roll over and take it, everytime.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


That is what I meant when I said a "large portion" has to make a stand.. if not.. you're just farting in the wind.
I did some reading a few nights ago and came across this statement..

Jefferson made a comment on the Whiskey rebellion in Virginia and Shay's rebellion in Mass.
It was "God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion"

I keep trying to convince myself to not give up at least hoping... .. even though I see the complacency more and more every day..
I understand when you say "its over already"..
The truth is~~
The average American will bitch and complain about high taxes, and rising prices, and then he will...
Sit back in his recliner and change the channel to American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, or some other brain numbing crap and continue to chew his cud...scratch his belly and snuggle down in his sheep skin.

The genetic race that bred Adam's... Hancock... Madison and the others who... "Pledges their Lives, Liberty, and Sacred Honor" have been replaced by a bunch of moral cowards who place a higher value on personal comfort and security than on their duty as Citizens.
They no longer possess Honor. It has been replaced by the Mortgage.  What we are seeing is not 1 in 100 having the courage to stand up and say, "Not just NO, but HELL NO!"

The 'talkers" buy guns and Gadsden Flags and talk about "Oath Keepers and 3%ers..... and unfortunately I realize the fact is that that is ALL they will do.
And the Obama's, Pelosi's and Reids win... because they have them pegged as just the sheep they are.

Darn it Varmit.. I try to keep hope alive inside me.. and then when I start talking.. I realize there really isn't much hope there..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, you should have all the hope in the world.  The time for saddness is gone.  The way I see it...the future looks brighter now then it ever did.  Why you ask?  Simple.  Because now comes the time to seperate the wheat from the chaff or the "talker" from the "Do'ers".  Before it was hard to tell who you could really count on.  Seems now a lot of the talkers are really starting to back down.  Now is the time for folks to start coming together and plan for whats coming.  And it gonna be hell.  But it needs to be.  The unfortunate thing is that people are too scared of losing what they have to actually make a stand.  But the way I see it when the few people that are willing to sacriface everything they have come together then they have nothing to loose and everything to gain, not just for themselves, but for their kids and grandkids.  That gives me more hope than any politican, legislation, or "tea party" movement, ever could.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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