Just a rant.

Started by Patriot, December 16, 2010, 12:10:17 PM

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In the words of a familiar cartoon bird, "I dood it, I get a whippin!..... I do it!"

This country is headed, at an ever increasing rate of speed, straight to tyranny hell in a hand basket.
The evidence of the soft forms of tyranny can be seen all over the nation.  Just read this forum.

This fall from liberty continues, barely abated, in large part because of people who...

1) are too self absorbed to give a rat's ass about anything or anyone other than their own coffee making status quo; and/or
2) are too ignorant to extrapolate what's happening on a national scale, & are unable to differentiate that from thier local situation; and/or
3) are too subscribed to political correctness or fearful of criticism to speak a plain, unvarnished point of view; and/or
4) are too willing to contribute thier time, labor & wages to socialist oriented foreign countries/communities rather than live and work in America yet still think they should have a significant voice in how things are run in America; and/or
5) are so enamored with the liberal Utopian posits that they have actually come to believe that mankind, through progressive liberalism, can achieve heaven on earth.

If those folks really want to do something for the children, then they need to wake up, imho.  If they can't wake up, at least listen carefully for a change.  Self centered progressives, progressive sympathizers, the 'can't we just get along' crowds & statistically insignificant special interest groups have been squeaking, getting oiled & running the bus long enough!  The conservative core in this country have sat in relative silence, as our nation has been manipulated & morphed long enough.   It's about time that those who would conserve the Republic & the Constitution, begin to use their freedom of speech loudly and clearly... just as loudly & clearly as those who oppose & would demonize conservative principles have been doing for years.  Among other things, it's time for the 'all is well' dullards to do some research.  A good place to start would be 1935-1939 Germany.  All is NOT well!

Those who refuse to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.  Put another way: 

Proverbs 26:11  As a dog returneth to his vomit, [so] a fool returneth to his folly.

P.S.  Remember, you have every right to be offended by what I've written.  So, by all means, feel free to be offended.
I'll gladly now await at least three expected retorts from the eastern seaboard, the midwest, & the Canadian north.

"Ohhhh! I thought I saw a puddy tat!           I did! I did saw a puddy tat!"

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:09:40 PM
Well I take it #1 is aimed at me?

Not necessarily.  But if the shoe fits.....

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:09:40 PM
I dont need to "retort" as you so quaintly put it LOL.

Nope.  Yet the obvious is most amusing... you did.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:09:40 PM
It's your rant....rant away my friend :)

It was, and I did.  Though I'm not sure friend is as fitting as acquaintance.  Given the possibility that you are an Arcturian, I just don't know how we could ever really relate.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:09:40 PM
You obviously dont know me. I'm not much for shootin my mouth off about what I am or are not willing ready and ABLE to do.

No, I don't.  That's a fact due in large part to the lack of your willingness to share clearly what you are or are not.
Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:09:40 PM
Here let me get you a soapbox................

Thanks, but no thanks.  The rant is past.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


QuoteGiven the possibility that you are an Arcturian, I just don't know how we could ever really relate.

Never heard of Arcturian so googled it......."Arcturians are well developed mentally, emotionally and intuitively, a rare combination. They are considered to be guardians of Earth." If that's what one is Thanks for the compliment!

QuoteThat's a fact due in large part to the lack of your willingness to share clearly what you are or are not.

Well here is CLEARLY what I am or am not......I am a freeTHINKING woman who has considered the possibility that there is more than one way to skin a cat. I hold the conservative values of home God and country...I am LOYAL to those who I love whether they are loyal to me or not. I hold the Constitution, own guns, believe I am captain of my OWN destiny and give NO MAN sovereignty over me......I hold the liberal values of taking care of those less fortunate.....have no use for MORE BIGGER BETTER, I am happy with little in the way of material possessions, I am FINALLY secure in my beliefs...I know what they are.....I know who can depend on me when it gets down and dirty and THEY know. I'm not really concerned whether or not I get validation. I follow my conscience and it IS a highly developed one.  I dont care about others moral decisions....abortion, homosexuality, those are issues between those people and their God not me......I will defend me and mine AND yours if they need it.

You and I dont agree on much...I dont care...I will discuss POINTS with you as I said before.....Lets KEEP IT CIVIL and intelligent and keep our personal opinions of each others intelligence or lack therof to ourselves because as I said we dont even know each other so those things REALLY dont matter do they?

Now are your panties out a wad ? Have a great day and try to see a little Light in your dark world!


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:51:28 PM
Never heard of Arcturian so googled it......."Arcturians are well developed mentally, emotionally and intuitively, a rare combination. They are considered to be guardians of Earth." If that's what one is Thanks for the compliment!

Dammit!  Already your credibility comes into question.  Why would you need to Google the word since you referenced a related website in your Favorite quotes, Daily Enlightenment, "The Way of the Warrior", Elk County Forum post of December 03, 2010 at 10:14 am?  
Here, I'll repost the weblink that you posted...  http://www.awakenedhearts.com/arcturian.htm

Now all our readers can see your reference sources.

Why look!  The very top of the page says "Arctuarian Perspectives"  Don't see how you could have missed that.  C'est la vie, I suppose.  I find this quote from that page most enlightening:

Greetings to all my fellow Earth star voyagers.

I am here upon request by the Great Gestalt.
I traveled here in hopes of furthering not only education, but also to fulfill my destiny.
I have been and always shall be a seeker of truths.
I am Arcturian, I am also human. I like so many others who walk upon this planet at this time am here to assist humanity into their
next step in evolution, the co-joining of the physical with the spiritual.
Please note; this is not only for humans, it is for all life forms. It is for the planet itself.

And then, there's this from the same page:

Arcturian men and women are humanoid in appearance...for the most part. Some bear a distinct resemblance to Pleiadians. This is
in part due to their inner-marriages over the centuries. Both races share a commonality of belief systems; their credo is "justice for
all, never sacrifice the many for the few." The Arcturian sky is resplendent in its many hues of blue and gold, the moons and suns
shed a radiance not seen on the earth star planet. Many of the aquatic life forms still inhabiting the earth star planet were deposited
here by the Arcturian peacekeepers.

I thought Star Fleet directives prohibited interference with lifeforms on alien planets!  Wow!  Learn sumthin new every day.  Since the Grand Poohbah representing the Great Gestalt mentions the Pleiadians, I've located a link to help our readers learn about those cross breeding space invaders as well.  For those who dare, here's the link:   http://www.pleiadians.net/

Either you were untruthful here regarding your knowledge of things arctuarian , are terribly forgetful, or don't pay too damned much attention to the veracity of your sources of inspiration.

HahNu  NahNu!

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:51:28 PM
Well here is CLEARLY what I am or am not......I am a freeTHINKING woman who has considered the possibility that there is
more than one way to skin a cat.

Emphasis above added.  Assuming one CLEARLY can or can not skin cats or is or is not a woman who
can or can not
consider such things!

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:51:28 PM
I hold the conservative values of home God and country...

Can you define conservative values in a tad more detail?  And, just to be clear...
which G/god - Arctuarian, Pleiadian, or the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob?
and whose country?

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:51:28 PM
I am LOYAL to those who I love whether they are loyal to me or not. I hold the Constitution, own guns, believe I am captain of my
OWN destiny and give NO MAN sovereignty over me......I hold the liberal values of taking care of those less fortunate.....have no use
for MORE BIGGER BETTER, I am happy with little in the way of material possessions, I am FINALLY secure in my beliefs...I know
what they are.....I know who can depend on me when it gets down and dirty and THEY know.

1.  Do you acknowledge and/or submit to any Sovereign?  
2.  Would the less fortunate include those who would choose to collect unemployment rather than take a job paying less than their former position?
Otherwise, much clearer in the specificity department.  Thank you.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:51:28 PM
I'm not really concerned whether or not I get validation. I follow my conscience and it IS a highly developed one.  I dont care about
others moral decisions....abortion, homosexuality, those are issues between those people and their God not me......I will defend me
and mine AND yours if they need it.

Good. Because until we get this tin foil hat, Arctuarian fantasy BS cleared up, there's not gonna be much validation anyway.  Tell ya what... you defend you and yours, and I'll find some less 'universal' foxhole companions if I need them...k?

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:51:28 PM
You and I dont agree on much...I dont care...I will discuss POINTS with you as I said before.....

No we apparently don't, do we?  Nor do I much care.  Good discussion points?  Good idea!.  Can we start with the pointy headed alien things from the planet Arctuarus?

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:51:28 PM
Lets KEEP IT CIVIL and intelligent and keep our personal opinions of each others intelligence or lack therof to ourselves because as I
said we dont even know each other so those things REALLY dont matter do they?

As civil as possible, yes.  So long as we don't drift into areas of clinical mental illness.  As to intelligence, I'll defer to my original post in this thread... Being stupid by choice otta hurt.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 01:51:28 PM
Now are your panties out a wad ? Have a great day and try to see a little Light in your dark world!

I Don't wear panties.  If I did, they wouldn't be in a wad.  May you live long & prosper as well.  Got plenty of light in my world.  Would wish the same for you, but I'm still not sure just where your world is... or isn't!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


  Alright douchebag you poked the bear......I rejoined this forum because I spent MOST of the first 40 years of my life there. I graduated from West Elk, my sons graduated from West Elk, my family and inlaws are still there. So I am interested in what goes on there...I may be BACK there someday.

  I get emails from people all the time about spiritual subjects because they know I am spiritually curious about other philoshophies. That is where the post in Enlightenment came from. Just because one part of a message makes sense does not mean you agree with the whole philoshophy.

  You come off as a Bible-beater....Are you? Do you subscribe to the Gospel of JESUS...love your fellow man and all that or do you go for the eye for an eye old testament? which by the way is what the Torah and the Koran are both based on....ARE YOU A MUSLIM?????????

  I SUBMIT to NO man and I dont generally make the people I help fill out an application....I dont CARE why they need it.

As for bein in a foxhole with you I would prefer somebody a little less CHICKENSHIT actin myself...dont think I could TRUST you when it got hairy.

Being a condescending a**hole is not a real highly developed goal in life you know. DAMN near ANYbody can be one of those.  Now......don't bother answering any of the questions I rhetorically asked you because I am sinCERELy not interested in the answers. . It's real easy to insult people from behind a computer screen.....Meet me at Ma's in Howard sometime and I'll tell you you are a douchebag to your face.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
Alright douchebag you poked the bear......

Well, so much for any chance at civility,eh?  Or at least any intelligent dialogue.  Let's see... would the proper gutter response be... oh nevermind.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
I rejoined this forum because I spent MOST of the first 40 years of my life there. I graduated from West Elk, my sons graduated from West Elk, my family and inlaws are still there. So I am interested in what goes on there...

Congratulations.  I suppose.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
I may be BACK there someday.

Gee, that almost sounded like a threat.  Even so, aren't the liberties & freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution wonderful? 

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
I get emails from people all the time about spiritual subjects because they know I am spiritually curious about other philoshophies. That is where the post in Enlightenment came from. Just because one part of a message makes sense does not mean you agree with the whole philoshophy.

So then you're sort of a cut n paste spiritualist/philosopher?  Kind of a jack of all philosophies...

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
You come off as a Bible-beater....Are you?

I think you meant 'thumper', right?  No, I don't think so.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
Do you subscribe to the Gospel of JESUS...love your fellow man and all that

I'm sure in your travels, you will someday learn that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is really much more about justification, salvation & sanctification before an omnipotent, omniscient & holy creator.  And since your point eluded to love, perhaps you should study the biblical usages & old language meanings of the several words translated as 'love' in the Bible.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
or do you go for the eye for an eye old testament? which by the way is what the Torah and the Koran are both based on....ARE YOU A MUSLIM?????????

Nope, not a Muslim.  Don't worship moon gods or their derivatives.  I'm well aware of the composition of the Pentateuch.  BTW, the Old Testament isn't BASED on the Torah.  The Torah is part of the Old Testament. Lest you remain totally ignorant, the God of both the Old & New Testaments are one and the same.  The doctrine of the Trinity has Jesus as part of an inseparable Godhead (having nothing to do with head, go look it up if you wish).   But let's not overwhelm you with too much at one time.  Am I a Christian, yes.   

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
I SUBMIT to NO man and I dont generally make the people I help fill out an application....I dont CARE why they need it.

I suspect, given your evasion on the question asked, that the answer would be that you submit to no sovereign other than yourself.  Making yourself a god in your own right.  Sad, but such is life.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
As for bein in a foxhole with you I would prefer somebody a little less CHICKENSHIT actin myself...dont think I could TRUST you when it got hairy.

Given your literary outburst in this post, I think the jury is still out on who's acting the chickenshit.

You place your trust in whomever you choose,sugar!

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 16, 2010, 04:56:50 PM
Being a condescending a**hole is not a real highly developed goal in life you know. DAMN near ANYbody can be one of those.  Now......don't bother answering any of the questions I rhetorically asked you because I am sinCERELy not interested in the answers. . It's real easy to insult people from behind a computer screen.....Meet me at Ma's in Howard sometime and I'll tell you you are a douchebag to your face.

Yes, even you can be an a**hole.  Too late, I answered.  Like another here, I suspect you are too self important to be genuinely insulted.  Don't call me out.  As your intellect and views have been made most clear right here in front of everybody.  BTW, didn't your momma n daddy teach you that vulgarity is a sign of ignorance, poor upbringing & a limited vocabulary?  I'll give your parents the benefit of the doubt.  I'm sure they tried to bring you up right.  Oh... douche bag is two words, not one.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Wow! I hope that was useful to you somehow. Make ya feel better?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 16, 2010, 10:31:01 PM
Wow! I hope that was useful to you somehow. Make ya feel better?

Et tu, Brute?  I'm sure she feels much better.   ::)
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


And of course... Diane ~~You had to get your little ta-de-ta in there.. sighhhh

Wasn't and isn't your fight.. but had get your stirrin' stick in there and try to bump it up a bit didn't you... ::)

**shaking my head and walking off*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Having been on the receiving end of those rants, I know how it feels.  It is not necessary! If I saw someone being beat up for no good reason I sure would do something! Not that Mrs c needs it, but why put her in defensive posture.There are many other ways to word things that so that a person can still disagree but not be hurtful about it. Teresa, not long ago when my credibility was challenged you jumped on me and tried to rip off my head. It had nothing to do with you! It's your forum so I guess you can do what you want, but it's sure not an equal playing field.

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