Why no salute by Obama

Started by Teresa, December 07, 2010, 06:08:36 PM

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Quote from: Patriot on December 09, 2010, 09:45:47 AM
Oh, bull$hit!  The premise of your observation is that those opposed to Mr. Obama are basically racist, islamophobes.  Some time away from MSNBC & Mr. TinglyLeg Matthews might be in order.  LOL

BULLSHIT!!!!! I can cuss and holler too. Big whoop. No it doesnt mean those opposed to Obama are racist islamaphobes.....It MEANS he is BLACK (or white dependin on who you talk too)....People THINK he is a muslim......which admit it or not are the two major insults people throw out there. More pointedly...they think he is a black muslim NONamerican "pretender to the throne".

I dont watch MSNBC and I dont know who the hell Tinylegs Mathews is so back the f^^k off me and I'll not be rude when speaking to YOU

You are right Wilma I remember somethin about that too.........

QuoteBy the way, WE the people don't elect our representatives to tell us what to do.  Quite the oppisite in fact.  We elect them to be our voice in the federal gov't.  They are supposed to follow this document called the Constitution of the United States of America, something that should be required reading but obviously isn't.

Right....thats the way it is supposed to work but when is the last time it DID work that way?? Anybody even remember?? Yet we keep pretending that it is so.

Diane Amberg

Wilma, Pres Clinton was criticized at first for saluting while not in uniform.That got straightened out .Then he was criticized for giving a very poorly done salute. Any more there are so many versions of who should and should not salute , dressed how and at what occasion. I'm not sure there is an entirely correct answer. Since this discussion started I've looked at a number of sites and for every 10 people there have been eight different opinions. One site said it was Pres. Reagan who started giving a military salute while in civilian clothes, when he chose to salute at all. It would seem to me that anything that is meant to be honorable and respectful should be permitted by civilians. Active military should do as their regulations state they should do. Personally I think the military people who are attached to the White House for protocal assignments should be left to handle that and be trusted to do it correctly, regardless of who the President is at the time.

W. Gray

He was criticized for not rendering a proper military salute to the Marine enlisted man coming off the Marine chopper. The Marine gave him a spiffy salute and Clinton tried to return the gesture. I saw it on TV and was embarrassed, to say the least. There was so much uproar, his White House military aides drilled him on how to properly salute. But the damage was done.

In those early days, many thought he did it out of disrespect for the military. I have seen salutes from senior military officers that were wimpy, but one does not say anything and moves on. Additionally, a sloppy salute coming from someone that was not in the military and, in fact, dodged military service has negative implications to begin with.

The White House military aides wrote a book after Clinton left office. It was a well known fact to them and their superiors at the Pentagon that both Clinton's had no use for the military. Hillary put out a directive that the White House military staff had to wear civilian clothes (They received an initial allowance for that, by the way) so there would be no physical evidence to remind her of what she hated. She may or may not have changed her mind since then.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Ok, the reason I don't like him isn't because he is black nor muslim. I think in times that we are having now, he just should have done it. He being muslim or black has nothing to do with why I don't like him. I just don't like some of the changes that he says that he wants or has made. I just don't think point blank that he is a good president. I am not up on all of the things that he is doing, as I have enough on my plate just keeping track of my own family. But can't I just not like him? I have that right! I didn't vote for him!! So, I have the right to complain about him!!! I have to also state that I have many friends that are of different religion, faith, and color. I never said HATE!! I don't really like that word. Sorry, but I JUST DON'T LIKE HIM!! HE SHOULD HAVE OR SOMEONE FROM HIS OFFICE SHOULD HAVE STATED WHY HE DIDN'T!! Maybe there is a reason why he didn't, who knows with him!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Another case of damned if you do and damned if you don't.

When I was growing up we saluted the flag with a military salute, the edge of the hand to the forehead.  Also, the flag salute did not contain the words, "under God" and the Star Spangled Banner was sung the way it was written.  Might it be that I am just getting old?

Diane Amberg

So this whole salute thing was a tempest in a teapot written by someone who didn't know any better? Nobody, including the President saluted because the ceremony was indoors ,covers were not worn, so saluting was not and would not have been done anyway, which would also explain why other Presidents didn't either?  Why didn't one of you more current military guys say that in the first place?  ;D


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on December 09, 2010, 02:32:06 PM
... back the f^^k off me...

No thanks.  I like a challenge.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u
Gonna call a spade a spade (AS in the card suit as in tell the unvarnished truth as I see it).......
...I could probly come up with a couple more but face it...it's basically because he's black and has a muslim name.

My mistake.  Your words really didn't say others were racist or islamophobic.  Your words said that as you see it (the derision against Obama) is based on race or religion.  That would limit the aura of racism to your view, not the views of others.  My guess would be that the following probably more accurately summarizes the majority position on the matter...

Quote from: angtown3
Ok, the reason I don't like him isn't because he is black nor muslim. I think in times that we are having now, he just should have done it. He being muslim or black has nothing to do with why I don't like him. I just don't like some of the changes that he says that he wants or has made.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


My guess would be that you are correct about the salute indoors part Diane; this would explain why no president has done it. I would suspect that it would have been different if the ceremony had been held on the Whitehouse lawn. Angie, I agree a snappy salute would have been cool, but there is protocal for everything military and indoors uncovered is not the place.


   LOL Patriot pounce on the person who dares to speak the truth. Did I say it was YOUR truth? My truth or Angies truth? No I did not. I said it was the truth of the majority of people who dont like him.
   I, myself dont give a shit about him. I didnt vote for him. Wont vote for him if he runs again.

   I personally....I have a HUGE problem with Islam and I will admit it to anybody who asks me. As a philosophy I despise it. So?

   I personally.....dont care WHAT color he is. Case you havent noticed...in that neck of the woods where I was born and raised there WEREN'T and as far as I can tell still ARENT any black people....Never been around very many....I dont avoid them....just dont know any. There arent any here in THIS neck of the woods unless you go to the city and I dont hang out in the city. Does that make me a racist? If you think so you OBVIOUSLY do not know me (which is really a moot point because as far as I know you dont so your judgement isnt really based on anything but your own slightly twisted sense of humor)

  As a general rule I think soldiers period deserve a salute from ALL of us....ALL presidents should salute them for their sacrifice...young mens sacrifice for OLD mens arguments.

  Angie I was not pointin at you or anybody else on here per se........sorry if you thought I was

  Patriot I really dont have the time or the inclination for your insult games...and games is what they are :) You want to talk POINTS I'm your huckleberry......otherwise dont bother me :)



I am not sure on all branches of the military but I think Army salutes their officer--inside---when reporting to their C.O.  Varmit---Waldo ???
Marines remove their cover when they go inside so they do not salute---UNLESS---they are wearing a Duty Belt, then their cover stays on. After Nam I was Sgt of the Guard at battalion headquarters at MCAS Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. When an officer entered he removed his cover but I still snapped to attention and rendered a salute,and said ' good morning Sir" but they never returned the salute. Most mumbled something and nodded their head----unless they were in a foul mood. :)
The CiC does not have to have a cover on to salute. When  he debarks the Air force one or Marine One chopper he gets saluted and returns the salute---with out wearing a cover so I assume he could salute a MOH recipient---inside---without a cover.
Slick Willie Clinton's salute was a disgrace and never improved in his 8 years. The first time Obama got off the Marine -One he shook the Marines hand instead of returning the salute. He was very quickly schooled and now returns a fairly smart salute ( damn that really hurts for me to say that !!! ) :)

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