Why no salute by Obama

Started by Teresa, December 07, 2010, 06:08:36 PM

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Why no salute by Obama


By Attorney Rees Lloyd
November 26, 2010

A moment of national pride took place recently in the White House when
an American soldier, Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, received the Medal of
Honor for bravery above and beyond the call of duty in combat in

Sgt. Giunta became the first living American soldier to receive the Medal of
Honor since the Vietnam War. He is now one of only eighty-eight (88) living
holders of the Medal of Honor.

As modest and self-effacing as he is brave, Sgt. Giunta brought further
honor to himself by his humility in receiving the nations highest medal of
valor. While he made no comment in the ceremony, Giunta said before the
ceremony that he was not at peace with being singled out for the honor as so
many other soldiers did so much. And after the ceremony, he said he would
trade the honor in a moment if he could bring back those whose lives he
attempted to save under enemy fire but was unable to save. He definitely
showed that he was an American in whom America could be proud.

In contrast, there was another first at the ceremony involving the
Commander-in-Chief, President Barack Hussein Obama, in whose conduct
the nation cannot and should not take pride: As far as is known, Obama
became the first President, the first Commander-in-Chief , not to salute the
living recipient of the Medal of Honor after presenting the medal.

It is a tradition in the military for all military personnel, no matter how
high their rank, including the Commander-in-Chief, to salute a holder of the
Medal of Honor no matter how lowly his or her rank. If General David Petreas
was to encounter Sgt. Giunta, it would be the General who would salute the
enlisted man, as a sign of respect for that soldier as extraordinary
bravery, but also to show respect to all those who have received the Medal
of Honor.

At all gatherings of veterans of the American Legion, or VFW, or other
veterans organizations, if a Medal of Honor recipient enters the room,
even a National Convention involving thousands, the proceedings stop to
render military honor to that holder of the Medal of Honor. All veterans
rise, come to attention, and salute. It is a matter of pride, of respect, of

And, as far as is known, it is tradition that every President who has
had the honor to present the Medal of Honor to a living recipient, has
shown humility, respect, and national pride in that recipient by
stepping back and rendering a salute.

It was missing in action in the Obama presentation. He is apparently
above all that; like a God, as an editor of Newsweek once wrote.Instead of
rendering the traditional salute, after fumbling as if all-thumbs in trying
to affix the blue-ribboned Medal of Honor, Obama, equally awkwardly, tried
to hug the Sergeant. Yes, a hug for the soldier who remained at attention
with eyes front in military bearing.

But a hug is not a salute, even in the Age of Obama. While there
may be some comedic value in Obama's pathetic display, it was more
emetic than comedic. I didn't write about it at the time, so as not to
distract from Sgt. Giunta's receipt of the Medal of Honor. But days
have past, and it needs to be said.

Why? Is it naught but petty carping of poor President Obama? I think
not. He is the Commander-in-Chief who has in his power the lives of
those who serve in defense of the country, which he himself did not
deign to do. It is pointing out that this man, this professional politician,
repeatedly evidences contempt for America, for America's traditions, and for
Americans who respect those traditions.

It is as if he loathes the nation he was so desperate to lead, and be
loved by, Messiah-like. It is of a piece with his constant misquoting
of the Declaration of Independence by leaving out the words endowed by
their Creator when speaking of unalienable rights.

Perhaps more aptly: It is of a pathetic piece with Obama's penchant for
declining to abide by the U.S. Flag Code when the Flag passes to place
his hand over his heart. Instead, he drapes his arms down and enfolds
his hands at his crotch Michael Jackson-style. It is now mocked as
Obama's crotch salute. But it isn't funny. It is contempt by Obama
for the Flag, for America.

Perhaps it is unfair to criticize this President of the United States
for displaying such contempt for American traditions. Perhaps it is too
much to expect an American President to salute a recipient of the
military Medal of Honor when that president never served in the uniform
of his country; has said that the Rules For Radicals of the
America-hating socialist revolutionist Sol Alinsky are seared into my
[his] brain; who launched his political career in Chicago from the
living room of the revolutionist Weather Underground rich-brat-bombers
Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn; and who sat for twenty years in a pew
of the church of Rev. God D...n America Wright, being marinated in
hate-filled, grievance-filled, self-defined anti-white and a revolutionary
Black Liberation Theology.

Then again, perhaps it is not too much to expect anyone who would be
America's president to at least respect American traditions, including
honoring the Flag, and saluting those who receive the Medal of Honor.

© 2010 Rees Lloyd - All Rights Reserved

REES LLOYD is a longtime civil rights attorney and veterans activist
whose work has been honored by, among others, the California Senate and
Assembly, and numerous civil rights, workers rights, and veterans
rights organizations. He has testified as a constitutional expert at
hearings before the U.S. House and Senate representing The American

He has been profiled, and his work featured, by such varied print media
as the Los Angeles Times and American Legion Magazine, and such
broadcast media as ABC's Nightline and 20/20, Fox News In The Morning,
and, among others, by Hannity. His writings have appeared in a variety
of national, regional, and local newspaper, magazine, and other
publications. He is a frequent radio commentator, and a sought after

[*For identification only. The views expressed here are solely Rees
Lloyd's and not necessarily any person, entity or organization he may
otherwise represent. ]

E-Mail: ReesLloydLaw@gmail.com
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Well, I'll get attacked again I suppose, and I agree President Obama would have looked better if he did salute that brave young man but it is certainly not unheard of.  (My comment is no way personal.) The "Critical Past" site.... and others.  Eisenhower, Ford, Nixon did not salute, and Reagan gave a hug too.  I know you folks can't stand the President but there are a bunch of writers out there who make a lot of assumptions and don't fact check as they should.That is how misinformation gets passed along. Did the "awardees" salute the president? I don't know. Since the draft stopped and an awful lot of men don't have military service any more, some of the protocol information is being lost in time I think. It used to be that the salute was for the uniform or rank, not the person in it, the flag not the bearer and the award not the wearer.  The winner got a hand shake and a verbal thank you. I think I'm right but some of you would know better than I what is done now. My information is Viet Nam era and is very old. 
  I also doubt the good Sgt. made the crack about the salute and his mother. The humble award winner wouldn't be likely to do such a thing! By the way, if you got that information from "Maggie" she has since corrected it.


From what I could find, a handshake and a thank you is what is expected from Potus. Once again this president is being criticized when he did nothing wrong.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on December 07, 2010, 07:48:46 PM
From what I could find, a handshake and a thank you is what is expected from Potus. Once again this president is being criticized when he did nothing wrong.

So you mean its not ok to expect the President to go beyond what is expected of him when all other presidents before him have exceeded the bare minimum by saluting? 

He's a poser!  He's worse than the employee that won't do what is needed because it isn't in his job description.  OH i forgot, he did say that it was above his pay grade before!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


HOLY SHIT!!!....Are you people really that stupid??  We are not talking about a simple award here...it is the Medal of Honor....the highest award that our Nation can grant! 

Oh, and By the way...did you idiots forget that the President is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!  Therefore he should have an understanding of the Military Customs and Courtesys.  A Medal of Honor wearer is saluted regardless of rank.  A four star General will snap to and salute a private that has earned the Medal of Honor. 

Pull your heads out of your asses and quit making excueses for that piece of shit in the White House!!!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


QuoteA Medal of Honor wearer is saluted regardless of rank.  A four star General will snap to and salute a private that has earned the Medal of Honor. 

This is true.

  (coulda done without the F-ING RUDENESS however)


Right you are Varmit. It is a custom and a courtesy to salute a MOH winner but it is not a law. It is "strongly recommended " to do so and as we both know, in the military, strongly recommended means" you damn sure better do it if you know what's good for you


Quote from: jarhead on December 08, 2010, 12:55:36 PM
It is "strongly recommended " to do so and as we both know, in the military, strongly recommended means" you damn sure better do it if you know what's good for you

Absolutely true, MRSc2u.  But honoring such customs requires honor, self discipline, humility, conscience & a loyalty to American customs & values.  These are traits that about 35% (read: liberal progressive) of our population don't possess.    That would be the red, diaper, doper baby constituency.  Then there's another 10% or 20% that, while the claim to be independent,  really have so little passion that they will excuse the behavior of the 35% and even look to poor behavior of others to justify it.  Or will minimize by saying the issue is one of minutia. I'm sick to death of the commie loving fools in the 35% and rapidly running out of 'tolerance' for those who seem to so easily excuse/justify their Marxist bent.  Ignorance & laziness are not excuses.  He who can't be trusted with the smallest of things probably can't be trusted with the biggest. 
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Another question to answer please, because I really don't know. Is the medal of honor a permanent part of the awardee's uniform once it is awarded, or is it only worn to certain kinds of functions or any that require dress uniforms? 
   By the way, the only reason I mentioned the other Presidents was because the original writer said, and then corrected, that Obama was the only President to not have saluted the MOH awardees and that wasn't true. You sure do throw labels around easily.  ;D ;D ;D


I am certainly surprised that all you ex military guys do not know that the medal of honor winner does not receive the salute, but the medal itself is the recipient. And Steve, President Obama is certainly not the only president not to salute; I saw at least two videos of ceremonies where the president did not salute. And I dare say that had he saluted he would have been villified for grandstanding, trying to upstage that brave soldier. In a sense the rightwing crazies are doing just that, taking away from this brave mans' deeds.

As far as small things being taken care of; may I ask why many of our local parades do not have the colors carried anymore? Most of the older vets who have done it till now, can no longer physically do so. Why is it that so many of the veterans associations are closing due to lack of interest? Why is it that so many do not know that they should uncover and stand during flag presentation? Why are the only vets to honor the dead in the cemetaries the old ones and none from wars or actions past Viet Nam? Consience and loyalty to American values and customs? Really? I might suggest that it be revived right here in Elk county. No child should be ignorant of the respect our military and  flag deserve, and no adult should be so lazy as to not be willing to teach these values and to live them.

And I have always found that the more I am cursed at and belittled the less likely I am willing to go along with the curser/belittler; I am funny that way.

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