Building doesn't collapse

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2010, 07:40:00 AM

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I watched some of those videos, and to me they didn't prove a damn thing.  The video that tries to debunk the pentagon theory by saying that Loose Change didn't show the actual impact spot..."Lets move to the left and see the ACTUAL spot..."  In the video all they show is a picture of smoke, not the pentagon wall.  They said "Loose Change lied, there is debris all over the place"...yes, small hand-held pieces that weren't damaged by fire.  In another video they complain that "Loose Change points out a passport but doesn't say anything about a life jacket or a "suit" (their spelling, not mine ;D) cushion! Things get moved around during a plane crash."  Funny, that these things including the passport weren't comsumed during the inital impact that resulted in a fire so hot it melted steel, which according to officals, is what led to the collapse of the WTC towers.

Which brings me to my next point...Ever notice how the "offical" story changed?  First the buildings collapsed because of structural damage from the impact.  Then, it was because of fire weaking the supports.  Next, it was a combination of both. Seems to me that if the Towers were such light-weight buildings they would have begun to collapse immediately under the added weight (almost 100 tons empty) of a passenger jet plane not to mention the 10,000 pounds of fuel, nor the kinetic enegry released when said 100 tons crashed into them.

Could it be that the consipracy theories came about because of exetremely sketchy information put out about 9/11?  I don't adhere to any said theory, save one, and that is that 9/11 was an inside job.  Seems to me that if the gov't wanted to prove otherwise, they would have spent more time and money investigating the causes of 9/11 than they did on proving weather or not Clinton got a blowjob from Monica.  One other thing I'd to pointout.  Ever notice the arguments against 9/11 Truthers...

They usually go something like this "you say the gov't lied??  HA! I have offical gov't documents and testimony clearly stating that the gov't didn't lie."...

Kinda like taking a rapists word for it when he says he didn't do it. 

Also, pay attention to how alot of New agencies and so-called debunkers portray truthers.  They are accused of supporting terrorists simply for asking questions!! I mean, WTF!!  This is America, right?  It is our Constitutional Right, if not Duty, to question EVERYTHING our gov't does.  The same gov't, by the way, that has accused militas, Ron Paul supporters, and RETURNING MILITARY VETERANS, of being potential terrorists.  The same gov't whose main spokesperson, the President, actually stood up and said "Let us not tolerate outragerous conspiracy theories..." 

In other words, to hell with the Freedom of speech.  Well, golly gee Mr. President, just who is it we should be more afraid of,  a group of people livin in caves 10,000 miles away or the folks living in our nations capital that have taken away, or tried to take, more of our freedoms, lives, and way of life then any other foreginers in history??
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


How about a meaningful video that isn't filled with speculation, based upon analysis of the "black box" data recorder information released by the NTSB?


Let's end the discussion once and for all concerning the plane that allegedly hit the Pentagon WITH SOME HARD DATA!


( - Newly decoded data provided by an independent researcher and computer programmer from Australia exposes alarming evidence that the reported hijacking aboard American Airlines Flight 77 was impossible to have existed. A data parameter labeled "FLT DECK DOOR", cross checks with previously decoded data obtained by Pilots For 9/11 Truth from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) through the Freedom Of Information Act.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 77 departed Dulles International Airport bound for Los Angeles at 8:20 am Eastern Time. According to reports and data, a hijacking took place between 08:50:54 and 08:54:11[1] in which the hijackers allegedly crashed the aircraft into the Pentagon at 09:37:45. Reported by CNN, according to Ted Olson, wife Barbara Olson had called him from the reported flight stating, "...all passengers and flight personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by armed hijackers..."[2]. However, according to Flight Data provided by the NTSB, the Flight Deck Door was never opened in flight. How were the hijackers able to gain access to the cockpit, remove the pilots, and navigate the aircraft to the Pentagon if the Flight Deck Door remained closed?[3]

What more could you possibly ask for?  The official information released by the government themselves contradicts the entire farce. 

In every crime there is a slip up.  Investigators count on it.  The criminal drops something at the scene, leaves a finger print, or can't keep his story straight.  I'm sure the NTSB never thought  to check the recorder for information concerning the opening of the cockpit door, and the fact that it was never opened means the government is lying.

Many of us have known they were lying.  Some have a better nose for bullshit than others.  But if you can't smell it now... you just don't own a nose.


Trust me, I do have a nose and have smelled a lot of bullshit lately with this thread...We just don't agree. No need for you to be an ass about it. You won't change my mind and I won't change yours. That's life.




Sorry if I came of as an ass.  It's the frustration.  It seems that for some people, and I'd have to include you Robert, hard evidence means nothing.  I have absolutely no doubt that your mind can not be changed. 

The data recorder information is not opinion it is physical evidence that on AA flight 77 the cockpit door was not opened after take off. 

So now what are we to believe?  That the student pilot Arab highjackers took over the plane before takeoff, communicated with ground control, taxied to the runway and took off?   You might believe that, but I don't. 

Whatever you believe is not based upon fact but rather fiction.  There are lots of people who prefer to live in a fantasy world.  It seems much safer there.  I don't think it is... but it seems to be.


Listening to that conversation on the tape makes me so furious I can't even describe it.!
How can anyone.. anywhere hear that conversation and not ask WTF??
I'm so sick and tired of being lied to and manipulated by those who weld the power stick.
Just like the guy in the video..
We are to assume the position of idiot. ( Because that is what the government thinks that we are) Bend over and take with a smiling brainless attitude what ever they want to stick up our butts and feed us. We are to smile,.nod and slowly repeat over and over all the bullshit that they feed us, until we as human beings believe it.

How many of us that had actual REAL documented proof of something "with Real experts backing us up with professional REAL data".. would be able to talk to someone who insists that they will not comment.. that everything that they have is "on a website"..  ::) and just keeps repeating over and over and over their rhetoric, canned,robotized full of lies and cover up story  of"policy".. Policy my ass!
The only policy they have is to lie and deceive and hope that by programming and conditioning the "naive and ignorant sheep".. that they will follow blindly no matter how stupid or ridiculous their twisted storys get. Looks like it has worked...  
And I can tell you right now that you Jennifer and Robert would be the first in line to demand valid answers if you had been on the other end of that conversation.  And don't you lie to me and tell me you wouldn't..
((I have seen what happens with you guys when you want answers **Mr Murphy ring a bell**? Got all this data and proof..and what is happening. Someone who welds the power stick feeding you shit and trying to convince you its honey~~By the way~~ Hows that honey tasting?))
Stop... back up.. clear your head... look at the evidence.. listen and actually SEE what your eyes and brain sees.. Then don't be afraid to stand up !! Stand up as an American and see the truth! We are at sad level of critical thinking that  is fast permeating American society.  It is exactly how the governmental powers get away with the things they do.  They know Americans are incapable of critical thought, and are dumbed down.  The dumbing down of America was engineered. And they are doing a damned good job of it too.  Just like thinking~~~ "Explosives in the building would mean someone was involved who had intimate access to secure buildings... that would implicate the government... but the government couldn't do such a thing... therefore there were no explosives involved... the buildings collapsed."  
Use the same analogy with child molesters.. Wife beaters...child abuse.. and see how that is to swallow. Same thing!

Thank god I can still open and see with my own eyes.. think for myself.. and actually recognize a turd floating in a bowl of punch before I glub down a big glass of it.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !




Governments can and do cover big things up.  I know from personal experience.
Was the US Government behind/involved in in 9/11?  I hope not, but am realistic enough to realize that it could be.
Does any one here have the first hand evidence to prove their case.  Probably not.  And if you do, what's gained in this venue?
Does it warrant the level of debate we see here?  Read the following, and you decide...

Regardless of your take in re 9/11, there are some things I know for sure.  Things we might all do well to ponder.

1.  There is and has been a 'progressive' political movement in the US for decades. The progressive template finds its' roots in the works of the likes of Marx and Lenin. The practical results of their plans end up looking like the USSR, Nazi Germany, North Viet Nam, North Korea, Red China or any number of other repressive, regimes that crush freedom and liberty for the average individual citizen.

2.  One of the progressive objectives is centralized management & control of the economy, transportation, health care, agriculture, education and more.  Propaganda is king.  True individual liberty is at odds with the progressive agenda.

3.  We now have a federal govt crawling with many people  (both elected & otherwise) who, to one degree or another, buy into the progressive ideology both on the left and right.

4.  We now have an executive branch that is crawling with people have publicly embraced the concepts of progressivism, socialism, Marxism, communism, and/or the new label: social justice.  All of these being anti-republic, man as god, man made utopian seeking forms of governance.

5.  Some associates of our current administration include advisers (official & otherwise) who have been shown to embrace radical revolutionary means to accomplish their ends.

6. One very effective tactic of subversive revolutionaries is to divide and conquer.  Be it race, wealth envy, or even exploiting distractions like the debate over 9/11.  By creating, fostering or furthering distractions and debates that will change nothing, the progressive agenda can be furthered in the present while the true proponents & protectors of liberty are busy arguing and debating with both sides relying on dubious 'evidence' that some unknown third party put together.  Neither side having the expertise or first hand access to all the information needed to successfully prove their case.

Don't become a pawn.  Beware the slight of hand.  Watching one hand too closely might cause you to miss what the other hand is really doing.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


So Patriot, you consider the debate considering 9/11 to be a distraction.  A distraction from what?  9/11 was a turning point in American history.  A juncture at which Americans were told "they went thata way!", as the powers that be, and their lacky media pointed toward the middle east.  As a result several things happened, none of which were good for Americans.

  • The Patriot Act moved Americans one step closer to totalitarian control
  • Wealth began a multi trillion dollar transfer into the pockets of the elite equity holders in the military-industrial complex
  • Misguided American patriotism began to support (once again) the sacrifice of its youth in an unwarranted wars
  • Americans were (all too easily) inspired toward hatred of people from the Muslim culture
  • The wholesale slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent men women and children

One does not need "personal experience" to know the truth of something.  Have you ever personally experienced the splitting of an atom, or seen with your own eyes a quark?

A simple understanding of classical physics is all one needs to positively know the three buildings did not collapse from gravitational potential energy on 9/11.  A blind man who reads the collapse times and height of the buildings in brail can know it.

If there has ever been an event in American history more worthy of an honest investigation I'd like to know what it was.  The investigation will not take place if the debate does not continue. 

Every day more people are realizing the official story stinks.  Even Geraldo Revera, paragon of investigative journalists <cough> has recently decided there may be something to the truth movement, thanks to the "Building What" ad campaign.

America is doomed if the treachery of our current fascist government is not revealed.  But even then Americans must be shaken from their apathy and take action before they are tagged, disarmed and bled to death.

World domination is the goal of the ZioNeocons, and apathetic Americans are helping them reach that goal.

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