Building doesn't collapse

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2010, 07:40:00 AM

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First of all, there were no dogs used in the investigation.  Second, the flight instructors that trained the terrorists were surprised that they were able to pull of the maneuvers necessary to hit their targets.  Terrorists using the real pilots to find the targets is speculation at best.  Because we are talking about multiple alternatives disproving one doesn't rule out the others.  If this wasn't an inside job then how do you account for the FBI pulling agents off an investigation of al queda prior to 9/11?  How do you account for the terrorists student visas being granted when they lacked sufficient reasons for being issued?  How do you account for the gov't disregarding warnings of an attack?  How do you account for the war game scenarios depicting the very circumstance that occurred on 9/11 taking place on 9/11?  How do you account for an invasion plan for iraq and Afghanistan being drawn up prior to 9/11?  

Bottom line, Don't feed me cabbage and try to tell me its collared greens.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


My G-d... is this thread still going?  The only one that hasn't put in their two-cents has been anmar.  Where is the little camel driver anyway?  Maybe he took my advice and hustled back to the Sandbox.

And yes, Diane... you by far have out done Red and Moi when it comes to "too long-winded posts."  I keep telling you... you have to lay off the mountain dew.    :angel:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

I'm not sure how you mean "investigation" but there were dozens of search dogs used looking for survivors. for many days afterward. The explosives dogs may have working been there afterward but I'm not sure about that. They would have had to have been rubble dogs too. There were still bomb dogs working at the towers in the days before the attack, but since the alert level had been lowered shortly before, some of the dogs had been released from duty.They only step up the numbers when the alert level rises. There were some dogs still working and I know one  died. I didn't remember his name so I looked it up. He was Sirius. He got caught  when one of the towers collapsed. I don't have any details except that it happened.  My friend Irene might n know. She is part of east Coast Canine Rescue.They have and train search dogs, cadaver dogs etc. One of hers, Pulaski, is in Conn.,right now getting advanced rubble and collapse training...bombs, earthquakes that sort of thing. The other is a little older, Pierce. He's also a search dog. Both are yellow labs.
Varmit, how do I account for things you mentioned?  First of all they may not all be true. Some people swear to have knowledge of attack plans in Iraq, but then why did it take us so many years to actually go? Some can be chalked up to our Gov't being very bad at some things, like Visas.  On warnings, there are thousands received every day. Some are reliable cranks who call almost every day and are well known. Some are called in because they think it's funny, like bombs at schools, and some are plausible and have to be checked out.  A few I agree are speculation. Now as far as the "war games" you mentioned. If you are talking about the WMD classes that were going on in Anniston Alabama, they had been scheduled for quite a while, we had people there. I had already had my training here in Wilmington and Dover so I didn't have to take that one. WARPH, to save you from my being any more long winded I won't tell you about the stories from "the mountain" but they are very interesting...has to do with WMD "simulations."
  WARPH, as far as being long winded, my whole career had to do with talking. ;D  I'm very good at it! If you had to pass my fire service or EMT classes we always worked at it until the person got it. I had one young WFD recruit who couldn't go any further in the fire academy until he passed his EMT class.  He just had no feel for it at all. I was called in to tutor him and we worked nights and weekends until I thought he was ready. He had already failed the written exam twice, so it was one more chance or no job. He just didn't understand how to decode a test question. He  wasn't good at written test taking, period. Last chance, he passed with an 88! He's been a paid firefighter for 8 years now and is doing great.
There are people who would love to be able to get up in front of 600 people and give a talk without panicking or having terminal stage fright. I consider myself very blessed. Would you believe in live social circumstances I'm very quiet? ;) :angel:


By investigation, I mean there wasn't much of one.  Even after questions have been raised the gov'ts offical stand is that the case is closed.  Mighty convient.  As for our gov't being very bad at things...I would think that would strengthen the case for an investigation by an Independent group.  On warnings....I wasn't talking about the warnings that get called in by some freak looking to get his jollies.  I was talking about warnings that came from our Special Forces and Black Ops people, not exactly the type to call in a false alarm.  The war games I mentioned weren't of the variety held at the local level, because quite frankly, there isn't much that the local fire or police are going to do against WMDs.  I was talking about the wargames held by the pentagon and varioius military operations that were taking place on 9/11.  Watch the Fabled Enemies video I posted, certainly rasies even more questions about 9/11.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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