Building doesn't collapse

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2010, 07:40:00 AM

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Diane Amberg

There is just so much that I'd share about how those buildings fell that is so much more fire science than you are acknowledging, but I'd just be accused of flapping my lips again. If I could put one of the DELTech fire science majors on here he/she could explain it better than I and maybe you'd listen. It's not as simple as some people think, but explained properly it's not rocket science either. In the meantime Wikipedia still has an excellent article on the towers from start to finish. Next year will be the 10th. It will all be hashed over again and once again the builders and structural engineers  and metallurgists and fire fighters will be ignored because conspiracy theories are more fun.Just because some fool heard the word Bentonite used in conjunction with the buildings they figured that had to be an explosive! It's not.


No. They will be ignored because the official story doesn't hold water.  If it did then it would be possible to melt steel simply by pouring Agas on it and setting it on fire. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


So, thermite needs to be squeezed like a firecracker in a closed hand? Conspiracy theorists stated that it just had to be painted on therefore it was not encased or enclosed in the way that they explained it. Still explain to me where super thermite comes from and how it is made. I'm sure the government would like to know. Whenever your conspiracy theorists come up with super thermite, the government would surely make that person a very rich individual or kill them and have their entire family killed and have all information about them erased to where they never existed. I don't buy in to how George Bush done this, blah blah blah, kiss my ass. Yeah, I know Fidel Castro was the other man on the grassy knoll that killed JFK because we know that a marksman from the army couldn't shoot off in rapid succession 3 shots to kill the President, there had to be another. And that Lyndon Johnson had it done. And the killing of Marilyn Monroe was to shut her up. And Vietnam was just to try out Agent Orange on the people. The Muslims weren't the ones who drove the van into the WTC and tried to blow it up back in 93. And the Muslims didn't take a boat and pull alongside the SS Cole and blow a big hole in it killing I think 21 sailors. The Muslims surely didn't come up with flying fully fueled commercial jet airliners into the WTC. And I expect Uncle Tom to break out any day now with a song and dance. I know what it is, that I don't agree with you. It's the contrails in the sky man. They're putting chemicals in the air to keep the American citizens submissive. It's all about the mind control dude. LMAO! NUT!---Robert




Like I said~~~~~ I believe what I believe.. and you believe what you believe..  :)
But I've never in my entire life seen 2 buildings fall so perfectly and in such order (kinda like a beautiful domino effect) all straight down... and not hitting other buildings..or caving in the middle like fires do to structures..
If it had collapsed because of the  "huge chunk taken from one of its corners" it would have fallen over.. but all four corners gave way at the same moment!
I mean~~just beautifully bam bam bam bam.. nice and neat all the way to the bottom in a compact little pile....Then.. the next one.. EXACTLY the same way...
Why you must ask?? Because skyscrapers collapse at free fall speed due to fires all the time didn't you all know that?..just amazing isn't it.. .... ::)

You know? I'm blond.. but I am far from stupid.. I see a purple spotted sheep in a field of white ones.. I'm gonna say that I can't believe it.. but you know? when you see it.. its kinda hard to deny.

But go ahead and convince yourselves that the little part of damage at the top of the building caused the perfect fall of the whole structure.. Not just one.. but 3...(.WTC7 collapsed at 5:20 PM, hours after the twin towers collapsed.... nice and perfect....straight down..exactly the same way...)

The World Trade Center towers 1,2, and 7 still the hold the distinction of being the only steel framed high rises to ever collapse due to fire.

Watch this....
Hmmm.... A 30-story high-rise engulfed in an inferno and still standing?

Must be really embarrassing for the "REAL" perpetrators of 911 when something like this happens and everyone sits there waiting for the "inevitable" collapse which never happens.........
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: kshillbillys on November 21, 2010, 08:18:38 PM
So, thermite needs to be squeezed like a firecracker in a closed hand? Conspiracy theorists stated that it just had to be painted on therefore it was not encased or enclosed in the way that they explained it. Still explain to me where super thermite comes from and how it is made. I'm sure the government would like to know. ...

The thermite being painted on is only one theory, there are others.  Look at the video that teresa posted on it.  That person was able to cut steel beams with "homemade" thermite.  I'm pretty sure they could come up with super thermite, afterall they also came up with Nuclear bombs, right?  As for the rest of your post, YOU brought that stuff up, not me (btw, Monroe was killed to shut her up, there were 2 shooters when kennedy was killed...just sayin').  But you are 100% correct about one is about mind control. 

But for the record, I don't personally believe that George W. Bush came up with the idea on his own, he just wasn't that smart.  Someone was pulling his strings the same way they are pulling obamas.  I'll leave you with this food for thought...

1)  Without 9/11 we wouldn't have a war in iraq or Afghanistan.
2)  We wouldn't have a defense budget of world conquest porportions.
3)  We wouldn't have the Patriot Act.
4)  We wouldn't have the Dept. of Homeland Security.
5)  We wouldn't have had all the new "security" put into place (which hasn't stopped a single terrorist).

Theres more, but thats just a few to think about.  Look, I didn't want to believe that segments of our gov't would do something like this either.  We're "supposed" to be the Good guys, right?  But there are way too many questions and coincidences that go unanswered and unexplained.  I mean, just hours after it happened we knew there were 5 hijackers, how they did it, how they planned it, we had video survillance of their whereabouts and movements prior to the attack.  That is a huge Red Flag by itself, our gov't NEVER moves that fast...ever.  The D.C. snipers, BTK, more recently that dude in Time come we didn't know who they were just hours after they acted?  Look at the "partial" list of passengers of those flights that were put out shortly after 9/11...none of them match up.  Names are missing, changed, and the number of passengers don't add up.  Bush has put out two different stories of what happened that morning.  Too many things that just don't add up.

As for contrails...well you've obviously been drinkin' the flourinated water...thats just crazy talk ;).  By the way, I can't drive the wheel barrel, has a flat. :angel:
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Teresa, that collapse I can explain and you will understand. First of all, you've never seen another like it because at the time they were one of a kind buildings that had never been designed like that or used before.They were to be extremely light weight to be so huge. Remember that project went on for many many years and was full of controversy of it's own with a lot of people not wanting them there at all. Now as far as the design inside the buildings. Imagine an open cardboard box. Now run a box knife around the inside edge and cut the bottom  completely out. Set it aside. Now cut a square whole in the center of that bottom piece and set a smaller box that fits just over the hole and cut the bottom out of it too. The little box is the elevator and conduit shaft. The stair towers were there too. Now prefab lots and lots of those boxes and floors and boxes for the elevator shafts.  Put  cardboard "floor" you cut out of the big box back in and fashion bent paperclips at the corners (These are very strong paperclips!)to hold the floor to the side walls hold with tape or glue. Do the same to hold the elevator shaft hole in the middle to the  modular premade concrete floor that it goes through. Now in your mind see many many of these stacked on top of each other. Now add cross bracing for strength and replace the cardboard sides with open steel columns covered with shiny aluminum alloy skin. The weakest part of the whole thing were those clips that held the floors to the sidewalls.They were extremely strong, like angle iron but weren't designed to withstand that kind of fire or the weight of more than it's own floor. (There was fireproofing materials inside the cross braces but it couldn't work because of the big airplane that was through the wall and destroyed the integrity of and overwhelmed the sprinkler system. ) When the clips on one floor finally failed do to the heat and damage, it  pancaked and added it's weight to the floor beneath it, which then let go and so on straight down. The building was absolutely perpendicular so it dropped straight down and there was little or no wind at the bottom that day.The air that pushed the huge cloud of dust down the street was from the air trapped inside the building that was released as it fell.


Alex Jones may not be someone you listen to.. but take the time to listen to this..
There is so much proof of so many things....It has gone way beyond "theory".. ......WHEN are people going to wake up?..
People who look at the real truth are sometimes considered Un-American.. *because we believe the worst about our government*..but to me.. we  ARE the REAL Americans. To love our country and our freedoms so much that we are willing to look deep and see the truth..
My God.. if we don't start seeing and acknowledging the truth of what are Government is and the things it is capable of..then how are We The People going to be prepared for what else is most likely coming?

Alex is outspoken and not afraid to dig and get information and footage that is stifled and hidden by others..
I suppose there are those that can see and hear actual footage and STILL deny the truth.. For that I don't know what to say.. other than I really feel sorry for you.. or I envy the fact that you can disassociate yourselves from the reality's of real life.

Watch these... and THEN convince yourselves that it wasn't a Black Op.

Around the 10.00 mark is the footage.. but Jones pinpoints so much in the time before.

If EVERYONE finally wakes up and admits what is going on from inside our countries borders.. absolutely NOTHING will change. I still think we are going to slide downhill...............................................
But I'll be damned if I will be sliding and not know why.........
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Teresa, there is no way I can reassure you if you won't accept that the airplanes hitting and entering the buildings did enough structural damage to the design, the "hanging" feature, along with the perfect storm of the heat of the fire to start the collapse. Those planes entered the buildings with no spat, no resistance, like a knife cutting butter.It was the design that doomed them. Light weight, hanging inside a shell, so there could be very little wasted space inside. No beams to break up the floor spaces. It basically hung from the top supported by cross beams. None of your fire examples were hit by planes. Because of the fire service web sites ,we do see all kinds of tape. In some countries with different building codes, some are unfortunately built to burn because there is no safety oversight. Go to Fire Geezer if you are really interested. Or Fire fighter Close Calls ,The Secret List.
As far as far as those interviews with the firefighters, very unfair. Those poor guys didn't have all the facts yet, it was fresh, raw and still going on! In the fire service, "explosion" doesn't mean bomb.  Sure it could be, but there are many things that explode that have nothing to do with "bombs''Walls blowout and make noise, glass blows out, "Bleves",with railroad tank cars, or sealed containers, gas build up, heat build up, electrical vaults and lots more that can go boom. and make noise. The one pair were talking and said the floors came down "as if" there had been charges placed on them and dropped them. They didn't say that they had been bombed. Sure, I can see how it could seem that way at the time. The investigations explained the design and what happened. Under those horrible circumstances would you want to have a mike stuck in your face and be expected to make sense and have every detail right? Normally the officers would not have allowed those guys to talk to the press just for that reason.There are PIOs who do that, .just so the they don't have to defend something when they misspoke under pressure. A lot of top ranking officers were killed! The Commish, the Chaplin, brigade chiefs, etc. Some information about who knew what and when is just plain wrong, but after 9 years how does  anyone prove it?. I don't have vaults full of tape like the TV News does.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2010, 03:06:51 PM
Teresa, there is no way I can reassure you if you won't accept that the airplanes hitting and entering the buildings did enough structural damage to the design, the "hanging" feature, along with the perfect storm of the heat of the fire to start the collapse.

You are right about one thing....... I don't believe it!  There is no way you can "reassure"  me about anything where this is concerned..
I don't need reassured.. People like you and the mainstream liberal media try to do that every day. Works on most people too.. :)

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2010, 03:06:51 PM

As far as far as those interviews with the firefighters, very unfair. Those poor guys didn't have all the facts yet, it was fresh, raw and still going on!

I know.. Those poor misinformed confused firemen... Poor untrained things..  They just didn't have all the facts yet.. Had no idea what they were talking about. They were just so shook up that all the facts were confusing to them. ( THAT is when the facts are the clearest) The "facts" that weren't most likely supposed to be spoken until "briefed"..
Amazing that no matter what people say they actually heard...somehow there are those that are telling them that they really didn't hear that.. and that they don't know what they are talking about.

Sorry.. don't feed me shit and tell me its sugar.. You can believe whatever you want to. I'm just going by first account facts out there.
Interpret them anyway you want to and if your mind can't wrap itself around that anyone could be so black hearted as to do something like this... Then keep your mind where its at.. It will..I'm sure help you sleep better at night.

Oh and by the way.......were you there? Were you inside those buildings? Did you build those buildings? Do you have any expert explanation on how the 3rd building went down? and why the Pentagon's grounds trees lawn etc  was virtually rubbish and damage free when a jetliner was supposed to come crashing into the outside of the building?

You seem to have all the answers on it all I was just wondering.  

But you are right..  The damage is done.. They got by with it.. Just like everything else that is going on.. after 9 years.. who is going to prove it?
You know... don't even bother answering.. Just go back to your cozy corner tell yourself that all is golden in the land of rainbows..tuck your head under your covers and all will be good.
I wished I could find a pair of blinders that fit me that well. I could probably sleep better at night too.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I haven't lived in Howard since 1981, but Teresa is a friend of mine and through her I've seen some of the postings on this subject and would like to contribute.

First of all, as to burning jet fuel and melted steel.  I've attached a photo I took during my 43 months as a contractor in Iraq.  It is one of the many burned out tankers we towed into the "recovery yard" after hitting IED's and burning to a crisp.  This one was carrying a full load of JP-8, which is jet fuel.  Jet fuel, diesel and kerosene are essentially the same thing.  Anyone who has ever cooked on a kerosene stove should know that "jet fuel", even when highly pressurized and oxygenated to a blue flame does not melt the stove, or the pan. 

If you'll examine the photo you'll see that even though the fuel to steel ration was thousands of times greater than possible in the fires of 9/11 the thin steel of the tank is not even wrinkled.  Definitely not melted.

The other thing that should be noted is that the fires were only fed by jet fuel for the first five minutes, not long enough to do any more than set the other normal flammables - desks, papers, furnishings - ablaze.  Most of the fuel in the second plane that hit was consumed in a massive fireball.  We've all seen it many times.

The black smoke indicated the fire was not hot enough to burn all of the carbon in the flammables.  It was not a hot fire.

This should put an end to the ridiculous idea, held by only the most ignorant, that the buildings came down because of the fires.  It has never happened in history, before or - as the theme of this thread suggests - after 9/11.

The question of collapse versus controlled demolition is also very easily answered with nothing more than basic high school physics.  Okay... so we just eliminated the majority of America's population.

The mere fact that the buildings collapsed at near free fall speed is all that is necessary to determine that energy OTHER THAN GRAVITATIONAL ENERGY was involved.

Gravitational Potential Energy: Potential energy is the energy stored in a body or in a system due to its position in a force field. When a mass is lifted up, the force of gravity will act so as to bring it back down.

In other words, if you put a bowling ball on closet shelf seven feet above the floor you have not only stored the bowling ball, you have stored potential gravitational energy equal to the weight of the bowling ball.

Kinetic Energy: The energy an object possesses due to its motion.

If you nudge that bowling ball off the shelf the potential gravitational energy is converted to kinetic energy which accelerates the ball toward the Earth at a rate of 32 feet per second, per second.  In other words, after 2 seconds the ball will be traveling at 64 feet per second, and after 3 seconds at 96 feet per second, and so on.

Place the bowling ball on a shelf 1,350 feet from the ground (the height of the twin towers) and it would take about 10.5 seconds to hit the ground.

The theory that the buildings collapsed does not admit to any other energy than gravitational energy being present. 

Let's ask a simple question.  If I drop you from thirty feet above the ground and there is nothing between you and the ground, and someone drops me from thirty feet but there is a tree between me and the ground, which one of us will hit the ground first?  You will.  Unless at the same time someone eliminates the tree just before my fall is slowed by hitting a limb.

One more point I'd like to make.  Remember the "pancake theory", that one floor, hit the next, and the next, and "pancaked" driving them to the ground.

Remember the enormous dust cloud that exploded outward like the pyroclastic flow from a volcano (further evidence of intense heat energy at the time of the collapse) - a dust cloud composed of thousands of tons of pulverized concrete?  How do you drive a nail when your hammer just turned to dust?

I could go on and on and on pointing out the obvious reasons the three buildings did not collapse but were destroyed in controlled demolitions - obvious to those who have enough knowledge.

And as for opportunity to lace the buildings with explosives, all you have to do is look at who was in charge of security.  And did you know there were "security personnel" working round the clock shifts in both towers for two weeks prior to 9/11, and the bomb sniffing dogs had been suspended for a week before?  Do some research.  It's all there on those damn nasty "conspiracy theorist" and "truther" sites.

If you know anything about history you'll know that there isn't much that wasn't conspired, and not for the benefit of the peons.

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