Don't Touch My Junk..

Started by Teresa, November 17, 2010, 02:00:10 PM

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Diane Amberg

Teresa, again I agree, but then why don't they (us ) do something about it? Stop talking and do something! Strike the airlines. Follow the Israeli model. Is it because TSA provides jobs?Is it because the right people are making big bucks or have power and influence? The conservatives, Repubs. aren't doing anything either excepting talking about it. None of them will  do something. Hence back to my earlier comment about the trains. Ron Paul didn't mention them , or buses ,or ships or water taxis or trolleys or subways or cable cars or ferries or any of the other forms of transportation used in this country. Why not? Probably because they are all still civil to their passengers and see them as customers. A concerted effort to blow up the Washington State Ferry System could just about cripple Seattle, but all we hear about are the airplanes. I don't have answers either, just lots of questions.

jerry wagner

Quote from: Patriot on November 18, 2010, 09:05:26 AM
Nope, they fondle!  IF you can get them away from the horse and the Labatt Blue.

Is this ridiculous post necessary?


Quote from: jerry wagner on November 18, 2010, 03:14:19 PM
Is this ridiculous post necessary?

No more or less than the ridiculous posts that led up to it, I suppose.

Now that I've answered your question, how about you answer my original question and 2 new ones, eh.

1.  Why would you ask about the ridiculous post unless you desire to suppress free speech?
2.  Why would you, an exemplary US citizen, want to stifle free speech?
3.  Since you've taken residence in a foreign country, do you vote in US elections.

Now, while you attempt to form some cogent answers, I'm gonna go tip a cow somewhere in the northeast.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

jerry wagner

Quote from: Patriot on November 18, 2010, 04:11:48 PM
No more or less than the ridiculous posts that led up to it, I suppose.

Now that I've answered your question, how about you answer my original question and 2 new ones, eh.

1.  Why would you ask about the ridiculous post unless you desire to suppress free speech?
2.  Why would you, an exemplary US citizen, want to stifle free speech?
3.  Since you've taken residence in a foreign country, do you vote in US elections.

Now, while you attempt to form some cogent answers, I'm gonna go tip a cow somewhere in the northeast.

If you want to waste your right to free speech insulting people, go right ahead so long as you don't commit libel in the process.  I find it demeaning and a complete waste of time.  It displays a lack of intellect when one has to revert to insulting things about which they have little information instead of providing some kind of intelligent comment.   I have no desire to stifle free speech, although I do believe that there is a correct manner to conduct one's self when speaking/writing to others.  I do not vote in US elections currently, but how again is that relevant unless you want to stifle free speech.  My residence is not relevant.  BTW prove that every other person who posts in the 'Politics' section votes, please do.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 18, 2010, 02:01:07 PM
Teresa, again I agree, but then why don't they (us ) do something about it? Stop talking and do something! Strike the airlines. Follow the Israeli model. Is it because TSA provides jobs?Is it because the right people are making big bucks or have power and influence? The conservatives, Repubs. aren't doing anything either excepting talking about it. None of them will  do something. Hence back to my earlier comment about the trains. Ron Paul didn't mention them , or buses ,or ships or water taxis or trolleys or subways or cable cars or ferries or any of the other forms of transportation used in this country. Why not? Probably because they are all still civil to their passengers and see them as customers. A concerted effort to blow up the Washington State Ferry System could just about cripple Seattle, but all we hear about are the airplanes. I don't have answers either, just lots of questions.

Right now... it seems that human citizens ..can't do much. Other than verbally rebel. Unless of course you don't want to fly ( which I don't) but more times than not..we also have 4 days only to get to an event.. film it and get back home to edit and run it for viewing.
Our hands are tied. The TSA big cheese was on Fox last night and he said that they're  NOT changing their form of  "security handling".    Hannity specifically mentioned the way that the Israelis successfully handled it.. and why didn't we use dogs and profile and copy their map on this.
He just looked blankly at him and ignored that ..once again spouting his rhetoric about since 9-11 we have had to .. blah blah blah... and that this keeps everyone safe.. blah blah blah... and we will continue to use the "x-ray machines and the pat downs"..  and on and on..

To me and I'm sure most Americans..this attitude and their policy goes a long way in showing the flying public what the TSA thinks about their rights.
 Police and Military are instructed not to follow illegal orders. An x-ray or a  grope is an illegal search without cause so I think we all feel and rightly so... that our rights are being grossly violated.They say that they "inform" you of what they are doing. Now.. by informing you..that is NOT asking your permission.. Because I'm pretty sure that most people if ask.. would say no to some stranger fondling and groping around on their crotches and breasts.. ( with the excuseof " Well.. I'm keeping everyone safe by doing this"..
I know that if asked I couldn't put my hand inside another mans pants and feel up his family package..or run my hands inside and around a woman vagina area without a hell of a lawsuit..  
So........Where do we draw the line?
As I said earlier .. time and schedules leave some people with no choice but to fly if they are to continue working a job that requires travel.  

I once again go back to my  original argument.  None of this will nail Mohammad with his backside packed full of RDX, will it?   If these guys pack dead children's bodies with I.E.D.'s to kill our guys~ do you think their rear end is off limits when they walk on a plane?
These scanners cannot detect plastic. They don't know it from a turd.  Neither will the off the street morons on the monitor.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And another thing while I'm on my bitch box...
It really irritates me for those who say.. "well then don't fly.. if you don't want to blindly follow their rules.."
Tell THAT to the father of a 13 yr old girl who is having to have her crotch and breasts groped and fondled 4 TIMES by a 250 pound government worker with the I.Q. of room temperature. The whole thing is totally insane.
How can anyone think that we should just "go along" with this?!?

That is the whole viewpoint of everything anymore! Starting with the Hussein administration and Pelosi.
This whole "go along to get along" attitude is foolish and stupid when the whole concept is totally flawed and backward to begin with.  The TSA.. our government... and the idiot's who choose to work for it  ARE WRONG!  PERIOD! Going along with them isn't going to make anyone "safer". It's like gun control. The entire concept is flawed from the get go because they don't understand the problem. Good intentions won't buy you shit against radical Islam or anyone else who wants to kill you. You need a good system and people to administrate it.  We have neither one at this point.
And a President who doesn't have a clue or the desire how to obtain it because he is trying to be too politically correct.
What's next... ?
If they get by with this... What is next??

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: jerry wagner on November 18, 2010, 05:31:39 PM
If you want to waste your right to free speech insulting people, go right ahead so long as you don't commit libel in the process.  I find it demeaning and a complete waste of time.  It displays a lack of intellect when one has to revert to insulting things about which they have little information instead of providing some kind of intelligent comment.   I have no desire to stifle free speech, although I do believe that there is a correct manner to conduct one's self when speaking/writing to others.  I do not vote in US elections currently, but how again is that relevant unless you want to stifle free speech.  My residence is not relevant.  BTW prove that every other person who posts in the 'Politics' section votes, please do.

I vote. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

jerry wagner

And just to clarify, I have not voted as I have not registered to receive an Absentee ballot as a US citizen living abroad, which I am permitted to do.


Quote from: Teresa on November 18, 2010, 01:01:14 PM
It just seems that this whole thing is getting worse by the day.
There is only one way to be safe in the air, and that is to profile. Based on nothing more than the fact that while not all Muslims are terrorists... most all terrorists are in fact Muslim.
Until we not just recognize this simple fact, but act on it... this kind of silly, stupid, overpriced nonsense will continue.

This is yet again a perfect example of how political correctness is destroying this country from within. The world without question has to be laughing at us. Quite frankly, I don't blame them. The entire matter has turned into a really sad.. stupid joke.

Bless you, Teresa..... PROFILE.... PROFILE.... PROFILE!  It is the only answer to safer airways.  The Israeli's have been very successful doing it for years. 

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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