Don't Touch My Junk..

Started by Teresa, November 17, 2010, 02:00:10 PM

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Your odds of being killed by a terrorist are extremely low. The Patriot act is a farce, along with the TSA. There are many things that are more likely to kill you in America than a terrorist attack. We have many more dangerous things in the world that we should be spending our money on than terrorism and fake security from TSA agents. This happens due to our nature of reacting and not unerstanding the real odds of a threat. I would rather strip naked than get a super dose of radiation or be groped by a TSA agent. This is just another example of the government spending our money for a useless "benefit"


Sodbuster: I'm assuming you're a Mister, not a Miss, so Mr. please leave your clothes on. No one wants to see that.

Teresa: When you go through the full body scan, make sure you get extra pictures to post on the forum.

Jerry: I'm sure you love getting groped by the Canadian Mounties, but seeings how you haven't been in America for a long time (quite frankly you haven't been gone long enough) we here in Elk County think we have been groped, beaten and bent over by the Government long enough. What do you think, eh hoser?

Mr. KsHillbilly



Diane Amberg

Patriot don't waste your time trying to insult me. Your opinion of me has no value. It means nothing. You gave an example of a 4 month program from 2006? That's the dark ages when it comes to security. The subject was personal searches ,not getting a few licks on Diane. Train security is different, no hassle for the passengers unless there is a plausible threat .Can you speak from experience? When was your last trip by train? We go to DC by train occasionally and went to Boston last May by train.They profile. I was never touched or had to take off shoes or open my purse, nothing. It was no stress all the way. Unfortunately flying is no longer fun and is a pain. I agree with Teresa on that. Now go insult someone else, it won't work on me.

jerry wagner

Quote from: kshillbillys on November 17, 2010, 07:50:00 PM
Sodbuster: I'm assuming you're a Mister, not a Miss, so Mr. please leave your clothes on. No one wants to see that.

Teresa: When you go through the full body scan, make sure you get extra pictures to post on the forum.

Jerry: I'm sure you love getting groped by the Canadian Mounties, but seeings how you haven't been in America for a long time (quite frankly you haven't been gone long enough) we here in Elk County think we have been groped, beaten and bent over by the Government long enough. What do you think, eh hoser?

Mr. KsHillbilly

WTF ever... I have about as much use for your opinion as you do for mine, but you didn't actually provide an argument to anything.


Listen to this: "My freely chosen bedmates and doctors are the only ones allowed to see my naked body or touch my genitalia." For a sane person in a sane country that's the ultimate in "no shit, Sherlock" statement. But not where I live.

Not the United States of America. Not since 11 September 2001, when the government reacted to an attack on its citizens by lashing out against the very citizenry it claims to protect. No bureaucracy better embodies that reactionary principle than the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), whose contempt for American citizens has grown so great that they now require we submit to government agents either photographing our, to them, visibly naked bodies or groping us in molestation-style pat downs if we ever want to fly again.

I'm sick of the craven cliches TSA apologists have cited these past nine years:

"They protect us from terrorists."

No, they impose pointlessly superstitious security theater, trample Americans' constitutional rights and make foreigners feel sorry for us. TSA protected nobody with its infamous "bathroom bans" after last year's Christmas terror attempt; rules like "keep your lap empty and your hands visible at all times" only demonstrated the agency's willingness to treat ordinary citizens like serial killers in supermax prison.

"You gave up your rights when you bought an airline ticket."

I never gave up any rights. The government stole them while cowards egged them on.

Read the rest of this article...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

jerry wagner

Quote from: Teresa on November 17, 2010, 08:12:16 PM
Listen to this: "My freely chosen bedmates and doctors are the only ones allowed to see my naked body or touch my genitalia." For a sane person in a sane country that's the ultimate in "no shit, Sherlock" statement. But not where I live.

Not the United States of America. Not since 11 September 2001, when the government reacted to an attack on its citizens by lashing out against the very citizenry it claims to protect. No bureaucracy better embodies that reactionary principle than the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), whose contempt for American citizens has grown so great that they now require we submit to government agents either photographing our, to them, visibly naked bodies or groping us in molestation-style pat downs if we ever want to fly again.

I'm sick of the craven cliches TSA apologists have cited these past nine years:

"They protect us from terrorists."

No, they impose pointlessly superstitious security theater, trample Americans' constitutional rights and make foreigners feel sorry for us. TSA protected nobody with its infamous "bathroom bans" after last year's Christmas terror attempt; rules like "keep your lap empty and your hands visible at all times" only demonstrated the agency's willingness to treat ordinary citizens like serial killers in supermax prison.

"You gave up your rights when you bought an airline ticket."

I never gave up any rights. The government stole them while cowards egged them on.

Read the rest of this article...

I agree to a point... I support some of the security measures for air travel, although not most but I realize that they can constitutionally regulate that travel.  I do not support many of the measures used especially the warrantless wiretaps, etc.  Those I find the most offensive.


Patriot: I don't see where you were insulting to anyone but some people have to make it all about them, on any post. Keep up the good work.---Robert

P.S. Jerry: I didn't provide an argument to anything? Are you saying you like to be groped by the Canadian Mounties?  hmmm...interesting.--Mr. KsHillbilly



jerry wagner

Quote from: kshillbillys on November 17, 2010, 08:27:19 PM
Patriot: I don't see where you were insulting to anyone but some people have to make it all about them, on any post. Keep up the good work.---Robert

P.S. Jerry: I didn't provide an argument to anything? Are you saying you like to be groped by the Canadian Mounties?  hmmm...interesting.--Mr. KsHillbilly

LOL Mounties don't grope.... you don't need to be searched to enter public buildings up to and including Parliament Hill.  A simple metal detector suffices.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 17, 2010, 08:00:28 PM
Patriot don't waste your time trying to insult me. Your opinion of me has no value. It means nothing. You gave an example of a 4 month program from 2006? That's the dark ages when it comes to security. The subject was personal searches ,not getting a few licks on Diane. Train security is different, no hassle for the passengers unless there is a plausible threat .Can you speak from experience? When was your last trip by train? We go to DC by train occasionally and went to Boston last May by train.They profile. I was never touched or had to take off shoes or open my purse, nothing. It was no stress all the way. Unfortunately flying is no longer fun and is a pain. I agree with Teresa on that. Now go insult someone else, it won't work on me.

I fully realize that ignorance of fact/history/human nature can't be insulted, diane.  As to insulting you not working...  Seems even the perception of an insult works... otherwise you would not have even responded/reacted.  I only wish that innocent blindness didn't have such a loud voice in our country.  If you, or anyone else misses the "scanners ready to be quickly deployed" theme in the TSAs forward looking plans, then shame on you.  As to syntax, I said 'coming soon', I didn't say it's 'here now'.   Learn something from the history of those in positions of power and influence.  The TSA will likely follow that course of history and expand their influence/intrusion unless stopped in advance.  As Teresa said, it's about power & control, not security.  The articles I cited only show that they are already preparing to so expand.  Again:  Intrusive screening, coming soon to a bus/train depot near you.

You know you are dealing with a liberal when you present them with facts and they begin blowing steam from their bodily orifices.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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