Don't Touch My Junk..

Started by Teresa, November 17, 2010, 02:00:10 PM

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Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The next time they tell you that they can't see you naked, watch this and then tell me that!


This website is something to look at..
Flying Pasties™ are NOT your typical 'Pasty' or 'sticker', they are reusable - and can obscure your private areas when you pass through airport scanners. No adhesive necessary as they simply slip into your clothing!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


This was posted this morning by a contributor to one of my daily newsletters.  I'm sharing it because I think it voices a warning that should be shared.

Whiskey & Gunpowder
By Robert Wenzel
November 24, 2010
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

We Are All German Jews Now

The introduction of so-called porno scanners at America's airports and the egregious pat downs of airline travelers have turned every American into a German Jew. Instead of dehumanizing and demeaning one segment of the population in order to pave the way for the Holocaust, all airline travelers are being treated like German Jews by our government for our own good — to keep us safe from terrorists on airplanes.

The TSA now considers every American a potential "enemy of the state," because any one of us may be carrying a bomb aboard an airplane, despite the fact that young men from the Middle East perpetrated the 9/11 attacks.

"Hold on," say TSA officials and their lackeys in Congress and in the media, "Our federal government is not out to harm us let alone kill us like the Nazis did to the Jews; our government needs to conduct "aggressive measures" to "protect" us on all commercial flights from potential terrorists." That is the party line.

I can understand objections to those who point to Nazi Germany and warn that this is what current day America is about. But I disagree with this objection.

The ultimate horrors in Nazi Germany were, indeed, much more terrible than anything close to what has occurred so far in America. But one should do more than only consider just the ultimate horrors of what went on in Nazi Germany. One must think about the road that was traveled by the Germans to get to that point.

I believe one of the most serious misunderstandings about totalitarianism is that it arrives as a full package that requires no assembly. That it is put on the people, like a winter coat. All at one time, and in full view for all to see.

This is a grave misunderstanding.

I often wondered why more Jews didn't flee Nazi Germany. The answer did not come to me until I saw Roman Polanski's important movie, The Pianist.

In the movie, Polanski demonstrates how many Jews were simply one step behind. When Nazi Germany limited how much money a Jew could have, instead of leaving the country, many Jews debated where they should hide their money. When Jews were required to move to certain parts of the city, many Jews simply focused on how to find the best place to live, instead of leaving the country. And then, of course, eventually it was too late to leave the country.

Would some Jews, perhaps a few, have listened and benefited from early warnings of "fringe" voices about dangers? I think so. Would it have made sense to object to the Nazi limit on how much money a Jew could hold, and thus put at least a speed bump in the way of the Nazis? I think so.

No, they haven't pulled up the trains in America, yet. But, when the trains do pull up, it is too late.

It's clear what totalitarianism looks like and when I see it in America, I am going to object loud and clear. Whether it is groping TSA agents, or spying SEC agents. For it is those first steps where the battle needs to be won. Dehumanization in Germany, as Murray Sabrin points out, came step-by-step.

Dehumanization, whether it is groping or limiting how much money an ethnic group can hold, is still dehumanization. It's the same road. We all know where that road led to in Nazi Germany. Maybe we can learn from history and stop the US from heading any further down that road.

Do my cries of warning put me on the fringe? Yes, they do. But it is a fringe group that I am proud to stand with.


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You know, the government might be right after all.  We simply just can't trust anyone anymore and must be eternally vigilant.  Everyone must be suspect.  For, you see, how can we know who is a threat and who is not?  We just can't know, can we!

So from now on, to avoid terrorism, intruders, burglars, bill collectors and people I find annoying, I will be instituting a strip search at my front and back doors.

Since I cannot afford the naked scanner, or as it is known by its technical name the 'Nudie Intrudy', I have to request everyone undergo a strip search at my door.  These searches will make my home safer for democracy, or something.  Maybe.  I don't want anyone entering my home with things in their underwear or whatever.

My rather huge neighbor Sruly Ben-Shtus, will be doing the searches with a magnifying glass after your clothing has been blown off by an industrial sized leaf blower.  Once you are found to be no threat to anyone, you may hunt down your clothing from the trees and neighborhood lawns and proceed to the front door.  Its not too much to ask for security is it?

Those who are insulted by this new institution just don't understand how important security is.  There is far more crime and terror at home and on the street than on airlines.  Do you know there are 8,000 home invasions daily in the United States? People, that is 240 terroristic invasion per hour!  No airline suffers those numbers. Robbery is a crime that is out of control.  The FBI tells us that in 2009, there were an estimated 2,199,125 burglaries.  Sometimes these people pose as home inspectors, gardeners, etc to gain access to your house.  You can't be too careful.

So you can see my home strip searches will be an effective way to curb crime in my little corner of the world.  By the way, though we will be taking digital photographs of you during the search, these will never be shared with anyone or leaked from my personal online album to anyone else.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

I can't help thinking that the men who complain the loudest are the same ones who would grab a female the first chance they got. None of them ever played football? Or showed off in the locker room ;D ;D ;D Women and girls have been "bumped"and grouped "accidentally",especially by drunks, since forever .Maybe its time the men found out what is like!  ;D  I'm not serious of course, but it is a little strange.


Quote from: Warph on November 26, 2010, 02:12:53 AM

after your clothing has been blown off by an industrial sized leaf blower.  Once you are found to be no threat to anyone, you may hunt down your clothing from the trees and neighborhood lawns and proceed to the front door.


That was perfect... hahahahahahahaha Ohhh... I will laugh about that for the rest of the day;.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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