How long before this happens here on Veterans Day..

Started by Teresa, November 11, 2010, 10:17:28 PM

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I think that, WE as Americans, would resolve this B.S. quite appropriately.

Video at link:

While America celebrates Veterans Day on Thursday, Britons across the pond are wrapping up a similar celebration called Armistice Day. Both honor the brave men and women fighting (and who have fought) in the armed services. That didn't matter to a group of Muslim protesters on Thursday, however, who interrupted services in London with chants of "British soldiers burn in hell" and banners saying "Islam will dominate" and "Our dead are in paradise, your dead are in hell."

The group of about 30 people, according to the Scottish Sun, is called Muslims Against Crusades. And while they screamed their hate, they were met by 50 counter protesters from the English Defense League:

"I'm disgusted," one mother whose son was killed in Afghanistan told the Sun.

"There are people like myself that at 11am today were remembering the lives of our children, and then there are some people doing something so hurtful as that. I think it's atrocious."

This better not ever happen here. I'll need bail, and a good lawyer if it does.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Simple solution to a simple problem really....Just look at the numbers 30 to 50.  I say let the ass whoopin' begin.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

jerry wagner

Or don't do anything at all and don't reinforce their protest and give them standing.  Or exercise your free speech to respond verbally instead of believing that a physical response is necessary.


Verbally usually doesn't get it with these creeps. Be like 2 cats kicking sand on each other..
I think a good ole' American ass whuppin is what they need.  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Pacifist response drivel...refute these idiots with opposing free speach?   


A healthy dose of Skinnerian Behavior Modification... slap em fast n hard.

Reasoning with unreasonable people is often a waste of time!  Just like 'time outs'.  Sometimes a knock out is much more effective.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jerry wagner on November 12, 2010, 08:52:54 AM
Or don't do anything at all and don't reinforce their protest and give them standing.  Or exercise your free speech to respond verbally instead of believing that a physical response is necessary.

Kinda reminds me of those Hefty Trash Bag commercials.... Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jerry wagner on November 12, 2010, 08:52:54 AM
Or don't do anything at all and don't reinforce their protest and give them standing.  Or exercise your free speech to respond verbally instead of believing that a physical response is necessary.

Seriously~~Counteracting verbally? Do you want that to be calm and rational?
Something that obviously these types have not a clue to...?

I think that if I see some camel jockey who considered himself a Muslim first and an American second cheering a soldier's death, thinking he was protected by a Constitution he spits upon? I would be sorely tempted to some nasty, get your attention, violence. ( or as you put it "physical response"...
"British (American) soldiers burn in hell? You'll be saving them a seat Ahab. And take your seventy virgins and your false prophet with you".  >:(

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

If those protesters acted up on the 11th, I wonder if they are brave enough to try something on the 14th, which is Remembrance Sunday. It's sort of like our Memorial Day when lots of poppies are sold and worn, the military units march and there is a big parade in Whitehall .The Queen lays a wreath on the cenotaph there. There are huge crowds that might not be so tolerant. After all, they have been dealing with real IRA attacks and bombings for years and have plenty of experience as to who is a credible threat and who is just the mouth that roared.
  Or maybe they'll see it as the ridiculous display ( 30 people, WOW!) that it was and not show up. Publicity seekers all.


1.  You cannot group the IRA in with muslim radicals...totally different.

2. "...the ridiculous display ( 30 people, WOW!) that it was and not show up. Publicity seekers all."  The "protesters" interupted a memoral, not the other way around.

Quote from: jerry wagner on November 12, 2010, 08:52:54 AM
Or don't do anything at all and don't reinforce their protest and give them standing.  Or exercise your free speech to respond verbally instead of believing that a physical response is necessary.

No sir!!  I would rather execrise my common decency and beat these bastards to death.  I mean honestly, if they don't like where they have migrated to then perhaps they should take their worhtless asses back to whatever pesthole they came from.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

jerry wagner

Quote from: Varmit on November 12, 2010, 11:56:27 AM
1.  You cannot group the IRA in with muslim radicals...totally different.

2. "...the ridiculous display ( 30 people, WOW!) that it was and not show up. Publicity seekers all."  The "protesters" interupted a memoral, not the other way around.

No sir!!  I would rather execrise my common decency and beat these bastards to death.  I mean honestly, if they don't like where they have migrated to then perhaps they should take their worhtless asses back to whatever pesthole they came from.

Then I would clap at your court hearing where you were sentenced, for you lowered yourself to their level.  The gross majority do not support their ridiculous protest, but you don't prove your worth by responding with violence.

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