"Blast from the Past"

Started by genealogynut, November 04, 2006, 12:06:00 PM

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Taken from Howard Courant Citizen
September 29, 1976

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morris of Howard would like to announce the approaching wedding of their son, Randy Morris to Joyce Yarnell of El Dorado. The wedding will be July 31, 1976 at 3 p.m., in the First Baptist Church at El Dorado, Kansas.  This is an open wedding.  Anyone wishing to attend is welcome.

Mrs Doris Barnaby drove to Tulsa, Oklahoma, Friday evening to spend the week end with her daughter, Geneva Barnaby.  Doris reports it hot and dry around Tulsa.

Janie Crisp from Kinsley, Kansas spent the past week with her parents in Howard, Kansas.  Janie has been high school librarian at Kinsley for the past five years.  She will move in August to Basalt, Colorado, where she has accepted a position in the Basalt High School in the Glenwood Springs School District.  Her duties there will be high school librarian and Foxfire Project Director.

The Foxfire Project is research done by high school students with old timers in the area, to learn about the habits, crafts, culture and background of the community so that some record can be passed on to generations who have not experienced their pioneer methods or been exposed first hand to their way of life.

Mr. and Mrs. Adron Hebb and his mother, Mrs. Louis Hebb, returned Monday from Houston, Texas, after a week's visit with the Hebb's daughter and granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Toni Draewiacki (?) and children.   On the return trip they stopped in Bartlesville, Oklahoma and visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hebb, Michelle and Matt Draewiacki (?) accompanied their grandparents to Howard for a week's visit.  Mrs. Adron Hebb is on a two week vacation from her bank duties.


Points From the Past

From the Citizen, July 21, 1909

Ottawa is experiencing the greatest flood in its history.

J.T. Yantis and Dell Force have gone to New Mexico to be present at a land drawing.  Twenty-two Howard citizens are interested in the drawing.

Holly Miller, the newly appointed rural route carrier will take his regular run the 16th.  He will take Route 6.

Oscar Halle is out in the wheat country working.  He gets $1.50 a day and board.

Jeff Jackson and wife are here visiting the Dr. Costello family.

From the Citizen, July 23, 1924

Consolidated District No. 1, Union Valley, north of Cave Springs, has let a contract for the building of the new school hourse to Frank Barger.

Miss Shirley Rutherford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Rutherford of west of town, brought to this office a limb from a peach tree about 18 inches long that had 16 peaches on it.  They are of a late variety, but give promise of making fine fruit.

We understand that the funds to build the new opera houose have practically been subscribed.  Enough at least to insure the building of the play house.

Mrs. Roma Signer announces the marriage of her daughter, Beatrice, to Clifton Wemmer, July 21, 1924, at Winfield.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marrs, Monday, July 21, 1924.

Mrs. H. E. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MeGrew and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole returned home last Friday morning from Palmer Lake, Colorado, where they visited with Mrs. Turner's sister and family.

The heat wave continues strong in this section. For the past week the temperatures have hovered above 110 during the day, with not much relief at night.

Otto Webster of east of Howard had the misfortune to break the large bone in his right leg, above the ankle, while haying.

From the Citizen, July 22, 1954

George Ellis, local building contractor, this week started work on a new barn for the Howard Fair Association.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Roberts, Howard, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Barbara June, to Harold H. Taliaferro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taliaferro, Severy.

Sarah Ann Deyo, daughter of Vincent and Hilda Chidester Deyo, was born March 27, 1869, at Albia, Iowa, ans passed away at the Barker nursing home in Fredonia, July 19, 1954.  She was married to Albert W. Overton and came to Kansas in 1893.

Charles C. Diffey, who was in the restaurant business in Howard for a number of years, died suddenly Sunday morning, July 18, at Independence, from a heart attack.

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