Something I Would Like To Do -------- Again

Started by Wilma, October 23, 2010, 05:32:33 PM

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Well ELK, I should have been more specific. Ol Betsey was a Daisy Air RIFLE---I do thank you for sticking up for me though :)
Ol Sarge has always been jealous of my shooting ability. That's why he joined the Air Force. Instead of being a'one shot--one kill " like me he thought he would be a pilot and drop a load of bombs and maybe--I reapeat MAYBE--hit a target. He got his wish cause he was a pilot alright."Hey Airman, scoop up the dog poo and "pilot" over here" !!


Well me and all of  my neighbor lady friends think Sarge has such a gentle friendly sweet little smile. Don't you agree Jarhead


Well now, thank you Elk!!!   See there tarhead, Elk knows a good man when she sees one.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Sweet smile ?? I think not. Ever since he got his false teeth he likes to think he looks like Rock Hudson. Always flashing them pearls. To me he looks more like a buck tooth beaver I trapped once!! He dang near put my eyeball out trying to whistle. Blew them falsies across the room and if it hadn't been for my lightning fast reflexes I would be wearing a patch over my left eye. You should have seen it---them falsies headed my way but my muscular body was coiled to spring into action--not unlike a cougar getting ready to attack a deer. Fleet of foot I was but-----just a minute---my wife wants me to load the dishwasher but rest assured I will tell you all the story, later !!! 


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Jarhead--I was trying to stay out of this "my gun's bigger than your gun" testosterone filled jigger but the lightning fast comment has my side hurting. I don't think you're lightning fast anymore. I do recall seeing a few days back a pear whopping you in the head as if it had fell out of the sky, or maybe some Flyboy bombed you with a damn pear. And you stood there rubbing your head, looking to the sky, wondering what the hell was that? You reminded me a lot of Forest Gump when something jumped up and bit him right in the buttocks. LOL, you guys are nuts!!! MR. KSHillbillys




Forrest Gump is a genius next to tarhead. The reason he mentions my store bought teeth is because he doesn't have any teeth and always spits when he talks, kinda like John Osborne. In fact, come to think of it, tarhead reminds me a lot of ol John Osborne, a lot louder when he talks and spits more when he talks, but nonetheless a lot like ol John. I'm sure most of you don't know who I am talking about, but those who do will surely agree with me.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Sarge, you might be on to something there! lmao ;D ;D ;D ;D

Roma Jean Turner

Thanks for making me laugh at 2:00 am..a beer with you guys would be fun.  Diane..I climbed the pyramid on all fors and cam back dow the same way only feet first.  Evertime I tried to stand up I felt like I was going to just fall over.  Really weired feeling...but since then I have done much better with heights.


That's it Sarge---you making fun of me for my lack of fangs---that is the straw that broke the camels back----have you forgotten who has the little book you wrote--"The Adventures of Jungle Jim and His Courageous, Loyal Hunting /Fishing Partner, Ronnie " ?? I have it that's who---and in the next few days the first chapter will be posted on this forum for the whole world to see what a moron you were ,growing up. If it wasn't for "Fearless Ronnie" you would have never reached puberty. I f it wasn't for the mighty Jungle Jim ,Ronnie would have been rich with all the gold he could have found-------------------never mind---Stand by for chapter one !!!!

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