Traitors Obuma, Clinton giving $900 Million to the PLO

Started by Warph, October 13, 2010, 04:38:51 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 20, 2010, 10:10:41 PM
Jar, I don't need to be sly. I'm not running for anything. He is a seasoned politician and she wants to take him on, but doesn't know squat about the state she wants to represent. She doesn't even know the size of Delaware.

The current President thought we had 57 states too...and look where he is today..  :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I guess the reason I'm interested in "YOUR" little Delaware is because the last time I checked IT was still a part of the USA.
Why is it that you seem to have an opinion on everything pertaining to our LITTLE Elk county but if anyone from here has an opinion on something that is happening in Delaware ---or like the New Black Panthers doing their dastardly deed of voter intimidation (even though it was not in your "little' Delaware),it seems to be off limits to us ?
Oh yea, I think CO took her "lumps" just fine with the 'big boy". I thought he looked like a typical Liberal politician bumbling through the debate relying on his snide remarks. For a fleeting moment I thought it was Biden on stage instead of Coons !!!
So you don't care what Coons did or said back in his youth ? I'm sure Willie Ayers will be glad to hear that. Maybe he will move to Delaware and run for the Senate in the future.

Diane Amberg

 I suppose I should be flattered. You are certainly entitled to your opinion.  Are you as interested in Kansas politics as you are in  Delaware's? Nothing is off limits to you, but it would be nice if you (plural) didn't allow yourselves to be manipulated by people who have negative agendas, and especially those for whom facts and truth mean nothing, but somehow have something to gain. I don't recall ever having any opinions about Elk County politics aside from perhaps suggesting that people show up to listen and talk to their reps and getting out to vote. Willie Ayres? You jest surely.  And CO slept her way all over campus before she suddenly decided to take an anti sex stance.  So what! If Chris Coons runs for president, I'll research it then. If CO decides to run for president I'll check out the anti sex, anti masturbation police then. It's trivial, silly and is meant to be a distraction from the real issues at hand. Actually Chris Coons didn't say a lot of what he could have to make her look bad. Her business of running her campaign out of her town house, cheating on her taxes, defaulting on her mortgage and poo pooing the whole thing is a big deal here. A campaign office is not an allowed home occupation here because of the traffic it generates at all times of the day and night and takes up local parking too. Usually people rent store fronts in commercial areas and then there is no problem.  She is another one who has never had a real job in the same sense that Pres .Obama was criticized. The more information that comes out the more I am disappointed in her.
Teresa, I have no clue as to what the pres. was thinking when he thought we had 57 states or whatever he said. Politicians in general confound me sometimes with what comes out of their mouths. George Jr. was a classic example. He had a brain/mouth disconnect quite often. It meant nothing in terms of what was on his mind. Some people "slip tongue" a lot and really can't help it. That hasn't got anything to do with anything. I would never vote for or against anyone just because they stumbled over their words sometimes any more than you would vote against someone who can't spell.. Tell me about issues!  Define the problems.  HOW does the person plan to fix them in a realistic manner. I'm beginning to find that I have to disregard the sound bites on TV to really get any real information to make decisions from, and get back to information from the Internet and news magazines and newspapers, for as long as they last. Even those are hard to sort through because of all the junk.
I'm still trying to decide who I'm going to vote for here.  So far it's two Repubs, two Demos and an Independent. At least in local lower political contests there aren't professional handlers evaluating every word and calculating the effect of every Senior Center visit. You never say a word  about your local politics but you are quick to criticize mine.  I'll vanish once again. It's a waste of time.


Die--Di, sorry can't spell. I am a red blooded American born and raised in Kansas. The last I knew Delaware was not Las Vegas, so what happens there does not stay there. For us Kansans who have an opinion and have a right to speak, you sure as hell jump on our ass and tell us we don't know what the hell we're talking about. And it doesn't make a damn if it's in Delaware or right here in our own damn town. So maybe you should shut your old flappity lips and take a breather off of here, which you once told me to do. And if you find yourself having trouble staying off of here, not that I have any authority to keep you off of here, maybe Al could slam your fingers in the car door.---Red Blooded Republican, Mr. Robert L. Walker, KSHillbillys




Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

    Well, well, look who climbed out of the shallow end of the gene pool. I was all done and gone on this subject, but you had to open your mouth and let people know you are 'way behind again. I have as much right to speak as you, so get used to it. But we do agree on one thing, you don't know what you you are talking about when it comes to my state. I really don't know why you care, you can't vote here. Now go read up (if you can read, we know you can't spell) on Delaware's politics since you are so interested and I'll give you a written test tomorrow.
You are wasting your time barking at me. I'm immune to it. But do keep it up, it reminds people what you are really like. All puff and bravado and yak and no substance. I think I'll go look up Kansas politicians and see what scandal I can find this week, besides your school board I mean. I suggest you stop getting so personal or I'll blab some of the interesting gossip I've learned about you. I don't know why you are so fascinated with me, but if you are determined to play, bring it on. Maybe I can get someone to beat up your wife for you. 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 20, 2010, 10:10:41 PM
I'm also not sure why you watched. What do you care? I find it very interesting how interested you are in little Delaware's politics. How about your own? I've never made any comments everr about the politicians of Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas, do you know anything about them or is the game to just stick it to me no matter what?
We never have been nor ever will be "fascinated" with you. YOU started all of this. YOU call us stupid. YOU act like we are all just poor little country bumpkins out here in the sticks. I could give a good g*d damn what you've learned about me gossipwise because very FEW people know us, i mean truly know us, so big frickin deal. Gossip and hearsay is all it would be. NO one will beat me up either; I'm plenty sure I can take care of myself. Just like Jarhead said, last time he checked Delaware IS part of the 50 states of America; the outcome of an election there DOES interest us. Just like the outcomes in many other states is very interesting to us. We don't just live in our little corner of the world. As for all puff and bravado and yak and no substance, that's something we like to do pretty much just for you. We have proven that we can take part in some pretty intelligent conversation and get answers and get things accomplished, so we aren't as dumb as your gene pool joke would suggest. ---Jennifer Walker




Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 21, 2010, 10:26:36 PM
   Maybe I can get someone to beat up your wife for you. 

You know, for someone who supposedly works around law enforcement as you say you do, I would think that you would have enough sense NOT to threaten a person like that.  But do keep it up, it reminds people just what an ignorant, blabber mouth, know-it-all, full of shit cow you really are. 

oh, and before you go making comments on the gene pool, you might want to check that picture you posted of yourself...

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


cool, so you guys aren't going to cry when people not living in kansas come in here to talk politics as many of you are prone to do.  Bunch of hypocrites, lol
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

...So it's OK to say that Al  should  slam my hand in a door, but I'm not allowed to answer back? By the way it was just a sarcastic  comment, no truth to it. I wouldn't wish anyone to be beat up.That's what totally uncivilized jerks do. I had finished my comments on that thread, after having said nothing for quite awhile, and didn't expect to be attacked by your beloved for no reason.  I have never called any of you stupid and I wish you would stop attributing that to me because I didn't and you aren't. There have been  local people on here who have called several of you stupid, but not me. Other people on other threads call each other silly names and call each other stupid and dummies, but I stay away from that because of you. You have set up a double standard that leaves me out. There is a big difference between acting like an idiot and being one. The difference is up to you.  I don't know why you feel so insecure but it has nothing to do with me. I've told you several times I'd be glad to be friends if you'd let me, but it's more important to you to slam me and make nasty comments. I also told you before I will not take personal insults any longer and I will make my retorts personal if I have to. I will fight back... You make it personal, plan to eat t!    
  As far as Delaware politics I am pleasantly surprised and pleased that you are interested, but you'll have to forgive me for being suspicious. After all, I've been bombed by anti Biden comments for a couple of years now. Eventually history will decide how this all plays out. As far as CO is concerned I had high hopes for her but she just isn't living up to it. Her local newspaper articles and talks to local people never touch on local issues and local economy and how she plans to help keep Delaware afloat. Dover Air Force Base is a big employer in Kent county, yet not a word on what she would do to keep it from closing. Nothing about the beaches either that need maintenance and repair. Jobs are a problem here just like everywhere else but she says not a word. The whole new unfinished bridge over Indian River inlet is sinking yet not a word from her about what should be done about it. All that and more is very important here but from her we get to hear about how masturbation is infidelity. Please! I expected and hoped for more. I'm afraid she pulled out the rug from under her own feet politically but she sure is hauling in the money. Maybe she finally paid her staff that she had stiffed during her other two runs for office. She has also pulled some  campaign fast ones by telling people she has a schedule conflict and can't show at a scheduled appearance but she told the other group the same thing and actually went to neither. I don't want someone that slippery representing me. I'd like to have some one who is smarter about Gov't and politics than I am. In a way I hope Chris Coons gets it because he will have to leave his office in New Castle County . Paul Clark would take over and is a good man.
I do admire how hard you all are fighting for your kids with that school board issue but I don't dare say anything because I'd be smartly told it is none of my business, which is true, but as an old teacher I do care. Now go ahead and take a few more cheap shots at me. I also have a feeling that those who suggest that I be beat up and injured when I have a different point of view beat up on their own families at home. Why else would they ever suggest such a thing as an appropriate response?

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