I Am Not A Witch R U ?

Started by sixdogsmom, October 10, 2010, 09:16:35 PM

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Oops, I guess the quote was "I am you". I don't think so missy. Who could have spent good money on such a crappy (scuse the expression), ad. Delaware should be very afraid IMHO.  :P :P

jerry wagner

Quote from: sixdogsmom on October 10, 2010, 09:16:35 PM
Oops, I guess the quote was "I am you". I don't think so missy. Who could have spent good money on such a crappy (scuse the expression), ad. Delaware should be very afraid IMHO.  :P :P

Yes they should be very afraid.  That candidate is an interesting case.  She would probably be an interesting study for a psychologist.

Diane Amberg

Don't get me started! At first I thought she might be an interesting prospect, but I've seen too much silliness now and not enough substance, even if you discount the out and out lies she tells at the drop of a hat. I'm very disappointed. If she wins she'll just be a pawn for an established group and be cast aside when they have used her for whatever they are after. She has done very little real campaigning, showing up at only known Republican meetings and no public events. Several that were scheduled she ducked out on due to "scheduling conflicts" but she wasn't anywhere else either! We'll see over the next couple of days if she really does show up for Wolf Blitzer and CNN and a real debate with Chris Coons. So far we've been given conflicting information about when and where. We keep trying to get at some real issues about how she would make these changes and improvements she says she wants ,but we get no answers, nor anything about what she will do for us, her adopted state. So far, and I hate to say this, she seems to just be after the money that she is making hand over fist, with some very questionable ethical practices in regards to how she can spend campaign contributions.


Aint one "Coon" in DC enough for y'all ?
(Oh lighten up---it's a joke) :)

Diane Amberg

Yes, I know! I'm not a prude and you'd have to stand in line! Poor Chris has had problems with his name for years.  People seriously suggested he should change it! Downstate there are still those who use darkies, coons and yes, spades, in a derogatory way.


Poor Delaware.  Here you have Coons, a hard-nose Obuma marxist and O'Donnell, a political opportunist with a quirky past and little regard for principles or consequences.   Seems apropos, doesn't it.  I mean, what better choices for our goofball VP's seat then those two.  I heard Kaufman is going to shoot himself than rather move back to Delaware.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

It's not CO's quirky past that bothers me, it's her quirky right now. She can't seem to tell the truth and has no regard for the law. She told some terrible lies about Mike Castle's voting record that totally amazed me, and it hasn't stopped. I'm going to be forced to vote for Chris Coons because I've about decided she's not sane.  Chris is many things but he is not a Marxist. I know all kinds of things about him that are better left unsaid. It's not so much what he's done, but rather what he has left undone and unrepaired since our last County Exec. who almost went to prison. He's done an OK job, but only about average.

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