Can Muslims Be Good Americans

Started by Judy Harder, September 13, 2010, 01:46:08 PM

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Americans are more and more concerned because violent acts including mass murder are being committed by "good Muslims".  An example is the psychiatrist who suddenly shot and killed military men and women as a result of his beliefs.  One does not have to be a Nazi to condemn this behavior. It is not unreasonable to say that their belief system and sharia laws conflict with  democratic principles and existing law as legitimately made by our system of government.

Diane Amberg

Lets hope that kind of thing doesn't happen more often!  A few years back there was the person (co-pilot?) who took over for the pilot who was taking a break, and then crashed the plane. It was quite awhile before anyone realized it was a terrorist act. Personally I worry about terrorism in general. It's easy to pick Muslims and they can be watched, but I'm more concerned about the every day nut case who decides he's been put here to right the wrongs of man and picks a target. They are everywhere.
   Another question. If Sharia law rules all Muslims, how can they become American citizens? Why would they want to and why would they be allowed to even apply if this is so well known and understood?


Quote from: Anmar on September 17, 2010, 12:07:51 AM
lol coward?  lazy?  what islamic leaders do you sit around listening to?  I call bullshit.  I don't need to back up anything.  You have the tools to do the work if you want.  I'm tired of posting facts when you and people like you can't see the the most plain simple basic facts.  If a group of people came out and said the earth orbits the sun, you'd argue with them.  You don't care about facts, you think intelligence is a negative trait.  You'd rather go with your "gut" even though its based on fear, anger, and ignorance.

Yeah, thats what I thought.  Run your mouth but can't back it up.  Talk about chickenshit.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane, I agree that there always have been and are now nut cases and dangerous  people. But let the system of American justice deal with them as best it can.  In the mean time we still have freedom of speech and although others may not like our speech we still have a right to it. I think the original post was putting a very complex issue into simple terms.  And perhaps it went too far, but the poster still has a right to say it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 17, 2010, 12:53:01 PM

   Another question. If Sharia law rules all Muslims, how can they become American citizens? Why would they want to and why would they be allowed to even apply if this is so well known and understood?
because sharia is the goal of islam.  They cannot defeat us in battle so they have to defeat us within.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I first saw this posting as a virulent email that I received. Like all the negative emails, I deleted it immediately. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and cannot recall a single time when he villified another person because of their religion. I also refuse to do it.


Quote from: Varmit on September 17, 2010, 12:59:48 PM
Yeah, thats what I thought.  Run your mouth but can't back it up.  Talk about chickenshit.

Varmit, Every time i start to gain a little respect for you, you go and blow it.  You want to talk about coward?  You have a pedophile teaching in your schools and what have you done about it?  Right, nothing.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on September 17, 2010, 04:40:33 PM
Varmit, Every time i start to gain a little respect for you, you go and blow it.  You want to talk about coward?  You have a pedophile teaching in your schools and what have you done about it?  Right, nothing.

What he heck has that got to do with islam.  And what do you suggest Varmit do?  Are you suggesting for  them to get the rope and find a tall tree?  
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Actually there isn't anything Vamit can do about it.  He isn't in that school district.  The situation in the Longton school district is for the Longton district to take care of and it will be easier to deal with if outsiders stay out of it.  Opinion, yes, but what does your opinion count for when the outcome doesn't affect you.  Also, it could be seen as busybody meddling.  Now, if you have something constructive to offer, the best way to offer it is with calm affirmation, not inflammatory rhetoric.

Diane Amberg

Twirl, I don't disagree. I just worry about violence before the fact and repercussions or vigilantism when people keep each other all stirred up. It has happened before. I'm not so sure about the chopping off of heads, but there are a few on here who would love to take a swing at mine because I don't back down and want people to think and not lineup behind the first person who they think agrees with them, regardless of what they might have to gain personally.
  Off the subject a bit, but we just had an example of that right here when Christine O'Donnell upset Mike Castle. She has had more than a million dollars in campaign contributions come in in three days from people all over who have no idea what she is all about. But she's cute, looks like Sarah Palin, is a pretty good speaker and makes most conservatives look like raving liberals, she's so far right. She has a good chance, but time will tell. Chris Coons is a formidable challenger. Talking and doing are two different things.

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