Can Muslims Be Good Americans

Started by Judy Harder, September 13, 2010, 01:46:08 PM

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I have been following O'Donnell, but I can't completely tell what she is all about.  Agree that talking is a lot easier than doing.


I have been listening to some of the Talking Heads about O'Donnell and they give her zilch chance of beating Coons because of her past tax problems. Hmmm !! Does Chas. Rangel ring a bell to them ? And although they are not elected I have lost track of the tax cheats that fill Obama's cabinet but Sibelius and Geithner come to mind. Then some of the Rhino's say she has never really had a "real ' job and no experience in politics . Chris Dodd , Joe Biden, John (I have 3 Purple Hearts ) Kerry and-----o Lordy, that list goes on any on--I can't remember what they did that was a "real job " before entering politics.   I would think that as Liberal a state as Delaware is that voting for Coons, an admitted Marxist, would go against their grain. You say she has a good chance and I totally agree with you but like you said--time will tell.
I do think the "good ol boys and gals"in DC are grossly underestimating the influence of the Tea Party and they are wearing blinders to not know just how pissed off people are at them. Hell, this might be the right time for me to run for office----NOT !!


Jarhead: from reading damn near every post that Musama Hamad Kareem Mohammed Anmar has posted, I'm pretty sure that his basic training was done with al Quaeda. Now if we could just get him to drink some Jim Beam, eat some pulled BBQ pork, strap on that suicide vest and walk into the new mosque at ground zero in NY when it's fully loaded, I say we could take care of a couple of problems. And for those of you who do not like my post, you can kiss my red blooded Pentecostal American ass!--Mr. Kshillbilly Robert L. Walker




Quote from: kshillbillys on September 17, 2010, 09:17:07 PM
Jarhead: from reading damn near every post that Musama Hamad Kareem Mohammed Anmar has posted, I'm pretty sure that his basic training was done with al Quaeda. Now if we could just get him to drink some Jim Beam, eat some pulled BBQ pork, strap on that suicide vest and walk into the new mosque at ground zero in NY when it's fully loaded, I say we could take care of a couple of problems. And for those of you who do not like my post, you can kiss my red blooded Pentecostal American ass!--Mr. Kshillbilly Robert L. Walker

Pentacostal huh?  I guess you won't make it to varmit's heaven. 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

  Jar, just to set the record straight, Joe Biden did have a real job. He had his own successful law office in Wilmington for several years after law school. Then he got interested in politics and ran for New Castle County Council, got noticed there for his hard work and the rest is history, very old history now. As far as Chris Coons goes, he went to seminary, ended up as a lawyer and so on. I wouldn't count  too much on the Marxist business having much effect. That's like saying that any kid who ever played a pirate grew up to be one. Lots of college kids try on different personalities and political "suits" trying to discover who they really are. Rarely does it stick for long. Very few hippies of the 60's still are.
As far as Christine is concerned, she does have quite a bit of baggage that could be used against her. (It's a lot more than tax problems.)  If she hadn't taken Sussex county, the lower of the three counties and very rural, as heavily as she did, she wouldn't have won.  Frankly, the Democrats here had a very poor voter turnout.   Delaware isn't nearly as liberal as you might think. It splits much along county lines with the most liberal being in New Castle County and the rest of the state much less so. I never expected little Delaware to be in such a spotlight once again.


Jarhead, and in your world, what is a real job?


In my opinion~~ People don't understand how evil this religion really is! It is totalitarian and it doesn't belong in civilized societies. It is not about the god they pray too.. It is what they stand for.. and what they WANT to do and what they WILL do.. That's to destroy America and all Americans in any way that  they can do it.

Over the past several years, Western Europe and the United Kingdom have experienced a frightening increase in the number of verbal and physical assaults by Muslims on non-Muslims. In France there have been numerous reports of women who venture near Muslim "enclaves" and are raped by Muslims because they are not perceived as being properly attired (such as wearing the hijab).
In early 2009, a violent Muslim crowd literally chased dozens of British police officers for blocks, chanting "Allahu Akbar" and calling for the death of the officers. This astonishing incident was captured on video . That was a year ago.. and it is only getting worse all through out the world.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, more BS more lies,  I'm kinda shocked to see it coming from you.  Raped for going to the wrong part of town?  You must be confusing Oakland and NY for france.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

That was a demonstration of angry people doing a protest march about what was and wasn't going on in Gaza.They are shouting "free, free Palestine" with a few "Alla Akbar" thrown in for good measure. There are those who would say the police weren't running, they were just keeping ahead of the protesters so they wouldn't start looting or taking off down side streets or harming the public along the way. The police may well have been told not to confront, but just stay ahead and control.
  It is much different in Britain and France. They do have some very serous problems with violent Muslims and discrimination in general of one group to another. They do not have the same kinds of Gov't that we do, for better or worse.


Whoee - Lot of passion on this subject.  
I have a recommendation that you make take and or discard.  Like some people here I was curious about what was out there that would give this non-religious Geezer some view past the noise to the real historical facts. I had attended a luncheon where Ambassador Ryan Crocker was the speaker.  You may remember he was the US Ambassador to Iraq when Gen. Petraeous was the military commander there.  They testified together before the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees back in April 2008.  

Ambassador Crocker made an assertion that any westerner who deals with Muslims at the diplomatic level should be required to read; The Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf. It is available on Amazon but if you want to get a feeling of what it is about, just Google for it. It is not a pleasant read for most westerners.  

In the Q/A another book was suggested, and that is my recommendation to anybody who interested in obtaining a little familiarity with Islam in a less heated atmosphere.  That book is Destiny Disrupted - A history of the world through Islamic eyes by Tamim Ansary. I listened the audio version and can say it is well worth the read.  The big take away is that there is more than one Islamic sect/tradition/faith and they cannot agree among themselves.  They may be even worse than us westerners in that regard. ::)
San Antonio Tx.

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