Can Muslims Be Good Americans

Started by Judy Harder, September 13, 2010, 01:46:08 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 16, 2010, 01:18:16 PM
Are you accepting that those 10 points are true and must be true for all Muslims? Does Muhammad Ali have four wives? How about Louis Farrakhan and Cats Steven? ;D
I'll tell ya what diane, using farrakhan is not a good choice.  He is NOT a good individual much less a good American.

But to answer your question. The koran forbids it.  IF they are good muslims they must obey the koran. IF not they are according to the koran as bad as the infidels. There is no Gray area in the koran for them. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Steve, Louis Farrahkan is a disgusting human but he has many followers. The question was about Sharia and the Koran. I don't think he pays much attention to either. Based on "Infidels" pure definition, most American Muslims are either not really
pure Muslims or are infidels.  Not that this a big case for argument, but the Constitution is "set aside" in a manner of speaking for Amish Law and also UCMJ that was established back in the 50s. The Constitution can be set aside during war also.There is also Reservation Law which isn't necessarily the same either. It's very easy to look the other way and let these groups that set themselves aside handle things themselves internally unless something of a very flagrant nature comes to light. There are many cults and sects and groups that would love to assume they are not bound by the Constitution either and want to be just left alone. How does one decide? Who does one crack down on and who does one leave be? Based on what? The Bible? If so which one? The Book of Mormon? The Koran? American/English law? What about child labor laws? Public health laws? It's not simple. Can we follow the Constitution and yet tell people they can't read and follow the Koran? The early writings or the later ones? Who decides when to say "OK, up to page "x" is fine but "y" and beyond isn't?"No, I'm not protecting anyone but it's not as easy as collecting all the Muslims and shipping them to those FEMA camps or deporting them based on what someone thinks they "might" think or do.
Perhaps we should spend some time deciding when Cyber bullying is freedom of speech and when its harassment and stalking. Is it the same for minors and adults? It happens every day, much more often than we think. Why are we as a country so selective? We talk a lot about Muslim atrocities yet rarely does anyone talk about the genocide in Somalia and other African countries. People are being starved to death every day by their own Governments yet we remain silent. How do we decide?


Farrakhan is a member of the Nation of Islam,  they are different than the muslims that are being discussed.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

Sure, as are lot of others, but how many people really know the difference. Muslims are Muslims aren't they? ;)


As much as we hear about Islam and muslims in our society today, you would think that people would take the time to go out and learn something about them.  The Koran is pretty much required reading for any general serving in the middle east or asia.  Varmit is going to sit here and demand that I go out and do the research to refute all of the claims posted here.  I don't need to do it.  I know they aren't true, I know the original post is all a bunch of Nazi BS.  People need to stop being lazy mindless sheep and hit the internet search button and start reading about these things.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Anmar, you said you could refute them, so quit being a coward and do it.  I happen to believe those ten points to be true.  I don't need to research a damn thing, I've heard those same points being verified by Islamic leaders.  You go off on a rant about how the post is B.S. yet won't back up what you about lazy.

Diane, maybe those folks you mentioned are looked upon as "infidels", who knows.  That is beside the point, which is this, if one is to follow the koran then one cannot be a "good" American.  Citing Amish law, UCMJ, and Reservation law is not a very good comparisson in that the people who follow those do not want their ways forced upon the rest of the country.  An Amish wife is free to leave her husband WITHOUT fear of death,  a soldier is able to leave the military without having to worry about having his head cutoff, a native american can assimilate into mainstream cultrue without being stoned to death.  A person cannot follow shria law and the constitution, period. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Diane, amish do not have their own law.  In fact if they are found to have comitted a crime, the millan come and arrest them and turn them over to the local authorities for trial.  They do not have their own judges.  They follow the local laws.

They do have a councel  or committee that governs the people.  I think its the OOMCC  that governs the Amish and Mennonites.  The Amish have bishops that oversee their people, and the mennonites if i remember right have Pates. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Varmit on September 16, 2010, 09:59:18 PM
Anmar, you said you could refute them, so quit being a coward and do it.  I happen to believe those ten points to be true.  I don't need to research a damn thing, I've heard those same points being verified by Islamic leaders.  You go off on a rant about how the post is B.S. yet won't back up what you about lazy.

Diane, maybe those folks you mentioned are looked upon as "infidels", who knows.  That is beside the point, which is this, if one is to follow the koran then one cannot be a "good" American.  Citing Amish law, UCMJ, and Reservation law is not a very good comparisson in that the people who follow those do not want their ways forced upon the rest of the country.  An Amish wife is free to leave her husband WITHOUT fear of death,  a soldier is able to leave the military without having to worry about having his head cutoff, a native american can assimilate into mainstream cultrue without being stoned to death.  A person cannot follow shria law and the constitution, period. 

lol coward?  lazy?  what islamic leaders do you sit around listening to?  I call bullshit.  I don't need to back up anything.  You have the tools to do the work if you want.  I'm tired of posting facts when you and people like you can't see the the most plain simple basic facts.  If a group of people came out and said the earth orbits the sun, you'd argue with them.  You don't care about facts, you think intelligence is a negative trait.  You'd rather go with your "gut" even though its based on fear, anger, and ignorance.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Roma Jean Turner

So, on top of everything else we have to do everyday we are now expected to do an indepth study of Islam so we can figure out which ones of you might wish to destroy us or not.  I don't choose to invest my time doing that.  I'll just be watching my back and quietly listening. 


Anmar, you said you could refute them, so quit being a coward and do it.  I happen to believe those ten points to be true.  I don't need to research a damn thing, I've heard those same points being verified by Islamic leaders.  You go off on a rant about how the post is B.S. yet won't back up what you about lazy.
quote by Varmit

I think you will get an answer to this one at the same time that Anmar tells you when and where he went through basic training that he was spouting off about.

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