Might Be Interesting

Started by Wilma, August 29, 2010, 06:36:02 PM

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The forum has 627 members.
One member has posted over 18,000 times.
Two members have posted over 15,000 times.
Three have posted over 5,000 times.
19 have posted between 1,000 and 5,000 times.
18 have posted between 500 and 999 times.
22 have posted between 100 and 499 times.
182 have posted between 2 and 99 times.
84 have posted only once.
316 have never posted.

Wouldn't it be interesting why so many don't post?

Don't bother checking my figures and pointing out the inaccuracies.  Accuracy isn't the point.  Why so many of our members don't post is the point.

Roma Jean Turner

How interesting.  I can't imagine all those posts.  I'll see how many I have posted.


Oops, I guess I've posted a LOT of times, but I really do not sit on the computer constantly as it appears.  All those obit postings and checking on them add up, I guess, and then our little group who play the word/mind games get on sometimes at the same time and try to outwit and outguess each other.  I tried to limit those postings to once a day, but sometimes it is just too much fun to play.  Supposedly builds brain cells, too.  I enjoy this forum.........

Ms Bear

That is interesting, I don't think anyone can think they have posted to many times.  It is all the postings that keep the Forum interesting.

Wilma, how are your eyes today?


The more postings, the merrier.  Just think how much merrier it would be if the non-posters would start posting.

My eye is getting along fine.  I will admit that I am not keeping my face down as much as I should.  I haven't had any pain to complain about except the pain in my shoulders from lying on my back without moving.  The doctor just couldn't understand that I would rather he be on his back and me looking down at him.


Wilma, in regards to you being on your back or the doctor being on his back and who looking down on who, i'm not touching that with a ten foot pole!




Janet Harrington

Mother, you are not supposed to be lying on your back.  You are supposed to be sitting in your recliner with your head down.  Gosh.  What am I going to do with you?????

Ms Bear

I think she meant from laying on her back while the Dr was doing the surgery.  It isn't the most comfortable "bed".  I was okay with the first cataract surgery but didn't want to take the valium and then I couldn't relax during the second surgery and my blood pressure went up and the Dr was not happy with me.  I did alright afterwards but not in any hurry to do it again.  I had the implant for one eye for close vision and the other one is for distance and that took getting used to.

How long are you going to have to keep your head down?

Are those good eating apples?


How long I am to keep my head down depends on who is telling me.  It was as much as two weeks, but the last doctor shortened it quite a bit.  Now it is to look down as much as possible until I see him again.  I don't do as good as I should.

The apples were delicious 10 years ago when the lady that planted the trees was still alive.  It was a bumper year and she was giving away as many as she could.  Since then they don't seem to taste as good.  I don't do anything about spraying but the apples that ripen as they should are very good.  This year they aren't staying on the tree as long as they should.  Results of the hot dry weather we have had.  Mostly we just rake up the fallen apples and dispose of them.  Daughter will rescue some and make some delicious cake, etc, but she is diabetic and I can't eat fresh fruit and there is just no way that we can use all the apples.  Anyone is welcome to come by and pick what they want

Ms Bear

My grandparents lived in Montana and the place they bought had a lot of old apple trees on it and my grandmother always had a bowl of applesauce on the table at every meal.  My cousin told her many times that he wanted that bowl so after my grandfather passed away she took the bowl to my cousin.  He was in high school but was so disappointed because it didn't have applesauce in it.

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