Cops at it again

Started by Varmit, August 20, 2010, 05:40:40 AM

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Well that's pretty good, Shadow. I always figured she was a know it all blabbermouth from way back.



Diane Amberg

That's Mrs. Blabbermouth to you. Be mad all you want. I never promised to be perfect, just part of the gang for better or worse. I feel like I must be very special if you read all my posts! I guess you'd like my autograph next. Hey Varmit,  "Cops at it again" Reply #46 on Aug.26, 2010. "Without having all the facts, how can you make such an accusation." If you still think my sassy sense of humor is out of place I will once again try to tone it down. Other people take friendly swipes at each other and at me, often, and you are going to have to do a lot of reading to reprimand them all. As I have said many times, if I make mistakes I promise to laugh loudest of all, but you didn't quote that that part did you? Because it doesn't suit your purpose.  I have on occasion had someone mention one of my errors and I didn't get mad or take it personally. I was glad he mentioned it because it was indeed an error. Some of you give me such great material it is indeed hard to resist, especially when they are funny, but apparently you don't have any sense of humor at all. Even WARPH who can be pretty caustic, has a comment about lack of humor at the bottom of his page.  Have you read any of the other posts about grammar and spelling? One person who no longer posts did a whole piece about the difference between your, you're and there, their and they're. Several people, and I can't quite quote it have made comments on the frustration the teachers must have felt when they had students who simply wouldn't or couldn't or refused to take enough pride in their work to use those correctly. Another that sticks out are the misuses of apostrophes. If people don't know the rules, then leave them out! There are many, many, MANY typos on these threads that no one, including me mentions because they are just meaningless typos. I zapped Steve on the that one because he had been ragging on me and I thought it was funny that he didn't correctly spell the word that was so important to what he was saying . It was you remember funny? Telling me my husband should beat me isn't funny.  Well actually it is, because it shows how low people will stoop do be exactly what they don't want to be treated like. I'm on other forums also, exact same me, same goofy quirks ,funny comments about funny mistakes, (they all do it to each other) and I've never had a problem . They also understand true debate and don't let it get so touchy when someone adds additional information or corrects an information error. They just aren't that hostile to each other. So have your fun. I'll just shake my head in amazement as to how far you are willing to take it. I hadn't planned to be on here at all but I saw Varmit try to call me a liar, so I figured, what the heck. So you few (thank God) go on being you and I'll go on being me. It is difficult when I get PMs telling me to stay exactly who I am that they think I'm fine, and then you few want me roasted. Why you can't laugh at your own mistakes or appreciate a different point of view or additional information on a subject is beyond me. So go right ahead, pick this one apart line by line and have your fun.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2010, 10:10:50 PM
Hey Varmit,  "Cops at it again" Reply #46 on Aug.26, 2010. "Without having all the facts, how can you make such an accusation."

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 29, 2010, 10:26:24 AM
  By the way, I did go back and found where you did indeed tell me I "didn't have all the facts",not that I didn't understand them. I wouldn't have bothered except I knew with that one I was correct.

Okay, fair enough Diane, I apologize.  I didn't "try" to call you a liar though.  I had went back and did a search on my posts trying to find where I stated "you didn't have all the facts" and didn't find it.  In the future if you're going to directly quote somone, then get it straight.  I can understand a mistake being made by you, me, or anyone else when they try to paraphrase or summarize what someone says, but not when they directly quote somone.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Good. Enough said.That's over with.


Quote from Dianne
So you few (thank God) go on being you and I'll go on being me. It difficult when I get PMs telling me to stay exactly who I am that they think I'm fine, and then you few want me roasted.

I aint trying to rattle your cage but did it ever occur to you that some people that "PM" you might just do it because they are "shit stirrers ". They like the name calling and fights. There might be a certain person that is not a real friend to you but does it for laughs and giggles.

Diane Amberg

Of course its possible, I already knew that, but I know this particular group pretty well and I don't think so. That could be said of anybody who PMs anybody and encourages people to continue to lock horns. Was it really necessary to relight this subject? It had run it's course I thought, not to mention way off topic.


Off topic ??? That's funny. We just got a lecture about grammar and spelling---on this thread----and I get scolded for going "off topic " ? :)
I said I was not trying to rattle your cage but just trying to give you food for thought. Oh well !!!!:(

Diane Amberg

That was not meant to be a scolding, (if I were ever really get mad there wound be an atom bomb not a "scolding") just a question. I thought this topic was done...I guess not. Now someone on another thread is stirring the pot trying to starts something with another poster. It just doesn't quit. That wasn't a "lecture" by me by the way .That was history lesson about others who post too, or did, and why and perhaps I should have said "still' off topic. If you need to have the last word, I'm done, so help yourself. I do wish you'd lighten up a little. ;)


Kurt Nimmo
September 2, 2010
In America, now officially a police state, you will be tasered in your own home if you lip off to the police.

Senior citizen Peter McFarland of Marin County, California, discovered this after he fell down the stairs outside his home last year. On June 29, 2009, McFarland tumbled down the stairs and after his wife called paramedics the cops showed up. They entered McFarland's home and tasered him because they claimed he was suicidal.

"We want to take you to the hospital for an evaluation, you said if you had a gun, you'd shoot yourself in the head," a deputy can be heard saying on a video of the incident captured on a taser mounted camera. McFarland said the comment was hyperbole made because he was in pain.

"Stand up, put your hands behind your back or you're going to be tased," the deputy commanded. McFarland refused, told the police in no uncertain terms to get out of his house, so the cop tased him not once, but three times, as his wife looked on in horror and pleaded with the cops to stop because her husband has a heart condition.

McFarland's lawyer, John Scott, said the cops did not have a search warrant or any reason to enter the McFarland residence. Scott told KGO-TV in San Francisco his client was arrested, jailed and charged with resisting arrest. A judge later dismissed the charge. McFarland has filed suit against the Marin County Sheriff's Department.

Cops no longer need a search warrant in order to enter your home and torture you with a device akin to field telephone magnetos used on prisoners during the Vietnam War.

In fact, far too many cops have no idea what the Fourth Amendment stands for or do they understand that in large part the American Revolution was fought because agents of the crown used general warrants to enter homes, interrogate colonists, and seize "prohibited and uncustomed" goods.

John Adams, founding father and the second president of the United States, viewed these events "as the spark in which originated the American Revolution." Adams and the founders understood a man's home is his castle, as Edward Coke declared a century before, and a fortress "for his defense against injury and violence," a concept that seems to be largely lost on many Americans.

Is it possible the actions of new agents of the crown, in the paid service of bankers and transnational corporations, will contribute to a new revolution? Or will we continue to tolerate ever increasing brutality from sadistic cops who enter our homes illegally and torture us for refusing to obey commands and for the impertinence of telling them to mind their own business?

Tell me again about how cops are here to help?  Tell me again about why we should trust these a**holes.  Tell me again about why the average citizens shouldn't be armed better than these badge touting nazis.

These "cops" should be put in a maxium security prison in general population with "I'm a Cop" tattooed across their foreheads.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Feds Convict Texan for Selling a Gun to Illegal Alien With Texas Driver's License          

Peaceable Texans For Firearms Rights

September 2, 2010

(PRESS RELEASE – Download .doc) In Federal District Court on July 20, 2010, the ATF won a conviction from an Austin jury that defies logic and reason.

In a trial before Federal Judge Sam Sparks, government lawyers conceded Texas resident Paul Copeland did not know his buyer was an illegal alien, but the jury they should convict him anyway because he "had reasonable cause to believe" he was selling to an illegal alien because the two men and a boy who were present at his table at the time of the sale: 1) were Hispanic, 2) spoke Spanish, and 3) wore cowboy clothing. And the jury did as asked. Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Freel acted as lead prosecutor in the case.

The firearm transaction at issue occurred on January 16, 2010, at a gunshow at the North Austin Events Center, at 10601 N. Lamar Blvd., in Austin, Texas. Undercover ATF agents followed Mr. Huerta, his son, and another Hispanic male, Hipolito Aviles, around the "Texas Gunshow" that day, and claimed to observe Huerta's transaction. Austin P.D. used Copeland's case as the reason to close down the gunshow, leading to a protest by Austin residents in front of APD headquarters on January 25.
"Austin Police Department Firearm Review Unit detectives assisted in the Austin portion of the operation. They observed and participated in multiple arrests of prohibited persons (primarily convicted felons and illegal immigrants) that obtained firearms illegally at a local gun show. Federal convictions were obtained in a majority of the cases," the press release states.
Mr. Copeland is a 56 year old Cedar Creek resident and Vietnam veteran who liked to buy, sell, and trade firearms as a hobby. On January 16, however, he had the misfortune to sell a handgun to Leonel Huerta Sr., who spoke both English and Spanish. Huerta Sr. negotiated his purchase from Copeland in English, showing Copeland his Texas Driver's License. At Copeland's trial Huerta admitted on the witness stand, that he is in the country illegally, (Huerta Sr. had previously admitted this fact to Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent Leo Buentello). ATF Agent Shawn Kang claimed he saw Huerta later hand off the gun to Aviles. Despite these admissions, Huerta Sr. was never arrested, charged, or deported. Instead, his presence at the gunshow was used to entrap an American citizen into an unwitting violation of a federal gun control law. Huerta Sr., who is a resident of the City of Austin, appeared as a witness at the trial, admitted he was in the country illegally before federal prosecutors and a federal judge, yet he was allowed to leave the courtroom under his own power. To date Huerta Sr. has not been prosecuted for his purchase, possession, or disposition of the handgun he bought from Copeland, while Copeland is now a convicted felon.

"Instead of busting the illegal alien for buying, they bust the citizen for selling," commented Paul Velte, attorney and founder of Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights, a gun-owners rights advocacy group from Austin. Velte asked, "who was in a better position to know the buyer's immigration status, the buyer or the seller?" He also said, "What happened to Paul Copeland should enrage all Americans. The Federal Government is using illegal aliens to entrap citizens lawfully exercising their right to sell firearms. The illegal alien walks free, but the citizen gets convicted. The same government charged with controlling immigration is the one using illegal immigrants to attack its own citizens. Does this make any sense? It makes no sense unless the purpose is to discourage attendance at gunshows and frighten citizens from selling their firearms to other citizens."

Velte pointed out that "There is no way for a citizen to know who is here legally or not. In fact, under Austin's 'sanctuary city' policy, not even the police officer at the door of the gunshow was allowed to ask a person's immigration status, yet the average Texan inside the show is expected to assume that a person standing before them with a Texas driver's license is in the country illegally just because they look Mexican and speak Spanish."

Velte noted that the federal government's lawsuit against Arizona was based on that very type of conduct: Concluding someone could be here illegally based on their looks or their language. Velte said gun owners in his group are outraged, and they want to know:

• Why is the illegal alien who purchased the gun, Leonel Huerta Sr., still living in Austin?

• Why does he still have a Texas Driver's license?

• Why is ATF using illegal aliens to set up and convict American citizens?

• What has he been promised for his cooperation?

• Why has he not been prosecuted? He committed three distinct crimes: he purchased a firearm knowing he was an illegal alien, he possessed the firearm, and he transferred the handgun to another illegal alien (Hippolito Aviles, who was convicted and given time served on June 30, 2010).

• Why has Huerta Sr. not been deported?

Sometimes theres just not enough words...
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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